Kissing a girl for the first time

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Touch & Kiss A Girl On A First Date
Video: How To Touch & Kiss A Girl On A First Date


Kissing someone can be one of those romantic experiences that you will never forget. But if you're a boy and you've never kissed a girl, the moments leading up to the kiss can be quite exciting. Read on below for some advice that has helped many a guy, so you know what you can do to have a wonderful experience with the first girl you kiss. Have fun kissing!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Practice

  1. Use the back of your hand. Practice using the back of your hand in a place where you can be alone, such as your room, so that you don't look weird because you are actually kissing yourself.
    • Doing this will open your mouth just as wide as if you were to hold your index finger across your mouth.
    • Keep your lips gently on the back of your hand. You can move your lips in circles or pretend to gently suck the juice from a piece of fruit such as a plum.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror and pretend she is in front of you. Practice opening your lips and making circles with your lips.
    • You can also use your tongue with this, such as when you gently push the pulp of a soft piece of fruit.

Method 2 of 4: Show her you're ready

  1. Make use of your eyes. Give her a hint by looking at her, looking at her lips, then back to her eyes so she sees that you are ready.
  2. Sit very close to her, showing your affection and creating intimacy. If she's nervous and you feel like it's the right time to kiss her, you can surprise her with something nice by kissing her unexpectedly so she doesn't have time to feel uncomfortable - and so you also not!
  3. Work towards kissing by flirting beforehand. Touch her hand gently when talking to her; compliment her on her eyes or hair; or look longingly in her eyes. Never underestimate how to create the right atmosphere for the perfect first kiss; a simple touch is all you need. When you touch your girlfriend, you break the distance that exists between you, paving the way for even more intimate contact, and that is kissing each other.
  4. Make eye contact and maintain eye contact until you kiss her. Catch the other person's gaze with your eyes, and don't close your eyes until you are actually kissing her. Catching her gaze is the best way to then attract her to you and start kissing.

Method 3 of 4: Noticing signals that she wants to kiss you too

  1. Read clear, nonverbal cues from your girl. There are a few signs that she wants to kiss you too, and can keep you from making the wrong move:
    • She looks at your lips a lot.
    • She talks about kissing, or topics related to it. Is she talking about never making a nice kiss to anyone? Has she confided in you that she likes it when someone is really good at kissing? Then it is time for you to take courage and spoil her with your pillow.
    • When she's waiting, like she's waiting for you to kiss her, especially at the end of a date. Don't wait for something else and make it clear that she wants you to kiss her.
    • If she doesn't seem uncomfortable and seems to enjoy being intimate with you, then you can bet that you can kiss her.

Method 4 of 4: Ask her if you can kiss her

  1. Just ask. Since you've never kissed someone before, it may be difficult for you to read the non-verbal signals your girlfriend is sending.
  2. Be creative and ask her in a casual way that makes her feel relaxed. Here are a few options:
    • I want to kiss you so badly now ...
    • I want to show you how much you mean to me ...
    • Can I kiss you goodbye?


  • Use the correct body language. Don't keep your arms crossed in front of your chest, and don't keep your hands in your pockets when you want to be kissed, as this will make you appear too distant. Place your hand on her neck or cheek and make eye contact.
  • Make sure your oral hygiene is in order: brush your teeth, gargle, and eat chewing gum. Before kissing, do not eat any food that will make you smell from your mouth. If you do, keep refreshing pastilles on hand so you can mask the odor. Take a breath into your hand to smell your breath - you won't regret it!
  • Take the time to find a rhythm. There is no reason why you should eat your girlfriend right away!
  • Relax and follow your intuition. The last thing you want is a few awkward and unsuccessful attempts when you're trying to kiss her.
  • Take care of your lips by keeping them soft with lip balm. Make sure your lips are not dry or flaky.
  • Try to be alone with her. If you're at a party or somewhere that's busy, see if there's a place where you can be alone with her. The last thing you want is the added thrill of other people around you watching what you are doing.
  • Make sure that the run-up to the kissing and ending is not too fast. Take your time and enjoy the moment - most girls don't like it going too fast.
  • If you both want it then it will, so just have a refreshing lozenge and you'll be fine.


  • Be realistic about your expectations of your "first" kiss. It may not be the most romantic kiss, but over time, kissing your girlfriend will feel more natural. The more you kiss your girlfriend, the better you get at it.
  • You don't have to say you've never kissed a girl unless it's really relevant or the girl asks for it. It is something that can possibly be shared after the kissing - not before.
  • Make sure the girl really likes you. It's super embarrassing to want to kiss someone and then watch her pull out. There is a big difference between a girl who is shy and a girl who just wants to be friends with you.