Puree meat

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Puree Meat
Video: How to Puree Meat


Whether you're mashing meat for your little one, or as part of a diet of soft foods, the goal is to achieve a smooth, silky-smooth consistency. Lumpy or sticky meat is not very appetizing, even for babies. The trick is to keep the meat cold, and only puree it when it is cold. Adding some moisture to the meat will make the texture a bit more appealing.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing the meat

  1. Choose tender cuts of meat. The more tender the meat, the smoother and tastier the puree will be. Whether you're mashing beef, chicken, pork, or lamb, you want to choose a tender piece of meat that won't harden when you prepare it.
    • Often the cheapest cuts of beef are the toughest. So choose a steak instead.
    • You can buy meat without bone, or meat that still has the bone in it. If you choose the latter option, make sure that no pieces of bone end up in the mash.
  2. Cook the meat slowly. Slow cooking the meat will ensure that the meat retains its flavor and moisture, making it easier to puree. No matter what kind of meat you choose, try to cook it as slowly as possible - this will give you the best texture possible. Here are some methods that work well:
    • Stew
    • Using a slow cooker
    • Cook
  3. Make sure the meat is the right temperature. The meat must be fully cooked before you start mashing it. Check the temperature of the meat to make sure it is the right temperature inside. Here are the correct temperatures for the different meats:
    • Chicken: 74º Celsius
    • Pig: 71º Celsius
    • Beef 63º Celsius
    • Lamb: 63º Celsius
  4. Cool the meat thoroughly. After cooking, put the meat in the fridge for at least two hours. Before you start processing the meat, it must be completely cooled. The cooled meat can be ground a lot finer than when it is still warm.
  5. Cut the meat into 2.5cm pieces. Take the meat out of the fridge and cut it into pieces that fit easily in your food processor.

Part 2 of 3: Mashing the meat

  1. Place a cup of meat in the food processor. If you don't have a food processor, you can also use a blender. The puree will not be as fine as the puree that you can make with a food processor.
  2. Puree the meat until powdery. "Powdery" may seem like a strange word to describe the meat, but it will take on that texture when you process it cold. Continue to process the meat until the pieces are very fine, almost like sand.
  3. Add moisture and keep on pureeing. In order to process the meat into a smooth puree, you will need to add some moisture to loosen it up. You need about a quarter cup of moisture per cup of meat, regardless of the type of meat you are mashing. Choose one of the following liquids:
    • The cooking liquid you saved
    • Sodium-free meat stock / stock
    • Water
  4. Keep the pureed meat in the refrigerator. When the puree has reached the desired texture, spoon it into an airtight container. Keep the puree in the fridge until ready to use. It will last for at least three or four days.
    • If you wish, you can also freeze the puree for later use. Make sure you put the puree in a freezer-proof container.
    • Let the puree come to room temperature before serving, or heat it gently in the microwave for a while.

Part 3 of 3: Trying out variations

  1. Add pureed vegetables for the baby. You can make a complete mashed meal for the baby if you add some mashed vegetables to it. This adds flavor and substance to the puree. Try the following combinations:
    • Mashed chicken with mashed carrots
    • Mashed beef with mashed peas
    • Mashed pork with mashed apple
  2. Season the meat if it is for an adult. Although babies don't need salt or other spices, adults often prefer it when you add some salt or other herbs and spices. To a cup of meat, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite spices.
  3. Leave pieces in the puree. When the baby is older and able to chew larger pieces of meat, you can make a puree with more than one texture. Instead of pureeing the meat completely smooth, you can also stop if there are still some pieces in it. Alternatively, you can also add pieces of pureed vegetables to a smooth meat puree.


  • To improve the texture of the puree, you can put a slice of bread in the food processor with the meat. You can also add 1 tablespoon of mashed potatoes at a time.
  • Canned meat, such as tuna or salmon, can be mashed with a tablespoon of mayonnaise.
  • You can always sear the meat before putting it in the slow cooker; this gives it some extra flavor.
  • You don't have to cook canned meat before you puree it.
  • Do not use the slow cooker to cook fish. Prefer to bake fish in the oven or microwave before mashing it.


  • Make sure the meat is cooked well before you mash it.
  • If you're preparing pureed meat for the baby, consider using organic meat. Also make sure your cooking area, cookware and appliances are all clean to avoid cross-contamination.


  • Meat
  • A cutting board
  • A chef's knife
  • A slotted spoon
  • A slow cooker
  • A food processor or blender