Get rid of love handles

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
The Absolutely BEST Way to Get Rid Love Handles
Video: The Absolutely BEST Way to Get Rid Love Handles


Do you have a little extra padding around your waist? Love handles are one of the trickiest areas to get into shape, but luckily there are plenty of actions you can take to tone your waist and abs. Read on to learn what lifestyle, diet, and exercises you can use to get rid of love handles.

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Method 1 of 3: Start with healthy habits to get rid of love handles

  1. Reduce stress. When you are stressed from working too hard, family problems, or from trauma, the body responds by releasing a hormone called cortisol. In addition to causing a whole host of health problems, cortisol causes fat to build up around your waist, creating the offending love handles. You can probably list dozens of things that are currently stressing you out. To get rid of those love handles, you will have to get rid of the stress! Find out what is putting pressure on your system and take steps to improve your situation.
    • See if your schedule can be emptier so that you are not so busy. A constant stream of obligations from early morning to late evening causes a lot of stress.
    • If your stress is caused by a situation beyond your control, work on processing the stress in a healthy way, such as through meditation, yoga, running, keeping a diary, or any other activity you want to do. mind calms.
  2. Get enough sleep. Staying up late is hard on the mind and body, resulting in overproduction of cortisol and weight gain. Getting more sleep is often overlooked as a key to weight loss, but it can make a big difference. Start sleeping 7-8 hours every night.
    • Going to bed and getting up at the same time gets your body used to a consistent schedule and helps eliminate stress.
    • If you have sleeping problems, make sure your sleeping environment is sufficiently dark and quiet. When you go to bed, leave all phones and media devices in a separate room so you aren't tempted to check your email at night.
  3. Drink more water. Dehydration is another stressor to the body. Many of us are dehydrated without realizing it. Start drinking several gallons of water a day, and even more so on hot days or when you exercise, to make sure your body is getting enough fluids.
    • Drink a large glass of water immediately after getting up, before consuming the first cup of coffee.
    • Buy a liter bottle of water and try to drink two bottles of water a day.
  4. Eat regularly. This will help prevent a spike in blood sugar, which can lead to fat accumulation around the waist, if this occurs too often. If you want to get rid of your love handles, eat small meals regularly, and don't eat after 8pm. Give your digestion a break until the next morning. Eat a good breakfast, followed by a healthy lunch and dinner. This is the best way to get rid of those love handles.
  5. Don't drink too much alcohol. Alcohol leads to fluctuations in blood sugar, which weigh heavily on the system, and lead to the storage of belly fat. Do not drink sugary alcoholic drinks. When you drink, choose a low-sugar drink, such as wine, and don't drink more than two glasses a week.

Method 2 of 3: Eat the right way to get rid of belly fat

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eating well is the most important thing you can do to get rid of love handles. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal is a great way to reduce stored belly fat. Fruits and vegetables contain a number of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. They are rich in fiber and water, and low in calories.
    • Start the day with an omelet and smoothie. Make sure that every meal has a significant portion of fresh vegetables.
    • In-season vegetables are fresher and more nutritious than those not in season. In addition, these vegetables have to come from far away. Try to choose local products.
  2. Eat healthy proteins and fats. A diet high in lean protein and healthy omega-3s, and other good fats, is essential when trying to get rid of love handles. Each meal should contain a large serving of protein, such as lean beef, chicken, and fish.
    • Meats such as bacon, sausage and luncheon meats have preservatives and trans fats that contribute to fat storage, so avoid these and stick to lean, fresh meats.
    • There are plenty of good vegetarian protein sources. Eggs, tofu, legumes and certain green leafy vegetables contain high amounts of protein.
  3. Eat whole grains and fiber. eating fiber-rich foods makes you feel fuller, so that you are less likely to consume an excess of calories. Choose whole grains such as oatmeal or quinoa, as well as fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, beans and nuts.
  4. Skip the processed foods. Most appetizers, fast foods, and other ready-to-eat foods like white bread, canned soups, and microwave dinners are stuffed with extra sugar, white flour, corn syrup, and hardened fat, not to mention preservatives and coloring. When trying to lose belly fat, it is better to avoid this type of non-food as much as possible.
    • Cook yourself as much as possible. Try to prepare meals fresh every day, even if a meal is as simple as a grilled chicken or tofu salad.
    • Eat healthy snacks such as nuts, carrots, or pieces of fruit instead of packaged foods.
    • Try making old-fashioned muesli with fruit, or a beaten egg for breakfast. Don't eat sugary breakfast bars; even the "diet bars" are full of sugars and therefore empty calories.
    • Soft drinks and other sugary drinks should also be avoided. Prefer to drink unsweetened herbal tea. If you like it sweet, use some honey.

Method 3 of 3: Exercise to tone the abs

  1. Try the cycling movement. The cycling movement is designed to get rid of love handles and can be incorporated quite easily as part of most training sessions. This exercise forces your body to shift quickly from side to side, putting the oblique abs to work.
    • Lie on your back on a hard floor surface and lift your legs up from your waist. Find support with your hands by placing your elbows under the lower back so that your legs are completely off the ground, and make cycling movements with your legs in the air.
    • When performing this exercise, make sure to do a nice slow movement as this will keep maximum tension on the oblique muscles.
  2. Exercise with an exercise ball. The following move is done with an exercise ball, and is especially effective against love handles, due to the prone body position. Your muscles have to work hard to keep your body in balance and this is what makes your muscles stronger.

    • Lie on your stomach on the ball. Roll over the ball from side to side, moving your body to keep your balance so you don't fall off.
    • Each time you push the ball against the side of your body, you should feel it in the oblique muscles.
  3. Training with a hula hoop. A fun exercise that is really effective against those tricky love handles is spinning a hula hoop. Turn on some suitable music and rotate your hips, moving the hoop higher and lower along the upper body and hips. After a while you will really notice that your oblique abs are engaged, which means that the muscles underneath your love handles are getting stronger.

  4. Try decline twisting sit-ups. Decline twisting sit-ups are more intense than regular sit-ups because you work against gravity as you lower the upper body and come back up. Do a set of normal sit-ups, but rotate the upper body from side to side and back again as you rise up. Turn this around while lowering your torso, back to the starting position.
    • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet firmly on the floor.
    • Raise the upper body, concentrating on turning to the side as far as you can.
    • Slowly lower back to the floor, as this ensures the full deployment of all the muscles involved in this movement.


  • Do the exercises 3 times a week, 15-20 reps per side, for the best effect.
  • The most effective way to get rid of love handles is to diet and make lifestyle changes. The exercises will strengthen your muscles, but it will not cause the stored fat to disappear.
  • Exercising the oblique muscles by doing bicycle movements can, in the first instance, cause fat to be pushed out. This only seems to get worse while you haven't gained weight. Keep holding on and you will eventually see positive results.