Going out with a stripper

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
What I Learned Dating A Stripper | Joey Diaz
Video: What I Learned Dating A Stripper | Joey Diaz


So you've met a beautiful woman you want to date. Of course you can, but if she's a stripper things get a little more complicated. There are many stereotypes that you should be aware of (and ignore) before taking the plunge or you will miss the opportunity to get to know her better. The trick is to be sincere, while many people's attention is focused on looks and money.

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  1. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Before entering a club you should try to have an open mind. Don't assume that strippers are always promiscuous and have no other way to make money. Some dancers are very intelligent and may do what they do to pay for college or their nursing training. Other dancers may have been less fortunate than you can imagine and they may work there to support their families or to send their child to a good school. It is very easy to judge a book by its cover, but you will never get very far with this if you meet a stripper you like.
  2. Know what you're getting yourself into. Strippers receive a lot of attention, both inside and outside the club. If you can't deal with the fact that your partner is gaining a lot of admiration, dating a stripper probably isn't for you. Don't get into a relationship with a stripper if you think you can "change" her or if you expect her to find another job. Accept her stripping or find someone who doesn't.
  3. Find a club where you feel comfortable. Usually the type of club will determine which women work there. Some clubs are known for their young inexperienced girls, others for their veterans, money grubbers or a combination of all of that. It's a good idea to avoid women who are usually attracted to gangster male types who can protect them and follow their dissolute lives - you may be lucky with them, but they are usually not suitable for going out in a normal way . Go to men's clubs if you want to see more trained female dancers. Sometimes these are students. These girls are usually much more interesting and willing to be social within the boundaries of their job.
  4. Go early. Go to the club from the moment it is open. During the first half hour after opening, the tent will likely be empty and the strippers will be relaxed, hanging out, practicing tricks on the stilts, or talking to each other. Now is the best time to approach someone without too much pressure, because their attention will not yet be taken by their job to make money.
  5. Start a conversation. Be kind and don't judge. Many of these girls are treated very badly by men who regard them as disposable items. Listen to them, allow them to open up and tell you their (usually very interesting) stories, and show a genuine interest in their activities outside of the strip joint. Don't focus on their body. Everyone likes a compliment from time to time, but strippers get it all the time. Instead of staring at their legs or breasts, use eye contact. Instead of complimenting their body, say that they look nice in their new outfit (compliment the colors) or that they have already made a lot of progress as a pole dancer, something like that. Ask them about books, movies, school, family and their lives and they will find it much more interesting to talk to you than most of their clients.
  6. Tip her on stage, but don't get a lap dance from anyone. If you pay for a lap dance from her, she will consider you a "regular," but pay for her time if you take it for a while (she's at work, after all). She will never date you if she has such a business relationship with you. And if you don't get a lap dance from her, then it's definitely not a good idea to get lap dances from one of the other women. When you tip on stage, tip all the dancers, but give her a little more. Tipping only her can lead to additional jealousy and competition between the dancers, making it more difficult for her to associate with you.
  7. Leave the club when it gets too busy and all the girls start giving lap dances to their customers. Let her know you don't want to disturb her while she's making money, wish her the best, and say you'll be back some day. By going multiple times, hopefully she will smile when you visit, and she may come right up to you when she gets the chance. Failure to do so may indicate that she is not dating the club's clients or that she is already dating someone.
  8. Ask her out. If she doesn't want to meet you outside the club, she'll play a game with you. Yes, she may be reserved and cautious, but if she keeps rejecting you, it's pointless to keep pushing. If she agrees to go out, do something sweet and romantic. She's a stripper and she's used to men showing interest with money and flashy gifts. Try to do something related to a common interest that you discovered in your conversations with her. Whatever you do, never assume that she will dive into bed with you right away because she is a stripper. On the contrary, some of these girls take a long time to get to know you; usually they don't trust men because for several hours a day they are confronted with the bad sides of men, so be patient and show her that you are not like that.
  9. Accept her job. If one thing leads to another and you end up dating a stripper, she'll appreciate that you understand it's her job and that she makes more money than most GPs. In fact, she may even plan on becoming a family doctor herself, as many dancers get used to having a higher income than most employees! Understand that many women choose this job because it gives them the freedom to pursue other interests, so adjust your plans to suit her work schedule and please never call her before 11 am.


  • If you are in a relationship with a stripper, then you should avoid the club where she works. Jealousy is everywhere, even though the stripper is at work and has to "work" for her income. She can get jealous when she sees you flirting with or accepting a lap dance from another stripper. The last thing a stripper needs is relationship issues that follow her to the workplace.
  • Make friends with the dancer first. Most dancers hate their bosses and most have a favorite bouncer. If you make friends with the dancers first, you don't have to worry about them being one of those "terrifying" buddies of the club's manager.
  • Don't immediately ask for their phone number or real name. Give them some time to give it themselves when they are ready. Give them yours instead.
  • Don't get drunk in the club where she dances. Put on nice clothes and make sure you smell good.
  • The best chance to go out with a stripper is if you meet them outside the club - in the gym, at a concert, in a store, etc .. As mentioned, some strippers never date clients; some strippers will be social with an attractive client but not date them and some other strippers will sometimes date a client they like.


  • Even if a stripper asks you for your phone number or business card, don't assume that's why she really wants to date you. She may be interested in making you a regular or keeping you in mind in case she needs your business services in the future (if you are a lawyer, photographer or similar).
  • Some women (not just strippers) are trying to find a rich 'sugar daddy' or 'sugar aunt' - someone who will pay for their expenses and give gifts and trips in exchange for sexual services, to employ someone or simply for the company. Some strippers even have more than one "sugar daddy" if they can get away with it.