Tell a girl you love her (for teens)

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 14 May 2024
You Love Her Coz She’s Dead - Boys X Girls
Video: You Love Her Coz She’s Dead - Boys X Girls


Telling a girl you love her can throw your relationship off balance for a brief, nerve-wracking moment. Before you get to this point of immense vulnerability, make sure you know how you feel about her, because love can be incredibly confusing, especially if you are a teenager. If you're ready to tell a girl you love her, no big gestures are needed: tell her sincerely and directly what you're feeling when you're alone and give her a chance to come to terms with it and respond in the way her own feeling dictates.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparing to say "I love you"

  1. Practice what you want to say. It can be very scary the first time to say "I love you". If you are nervous, you may gain confidence as you prepare what to say. Think about what you want to let her know - do you just want to say that you love her, or do you want to include why? Do you tell her when you fell in love with her? Would you like to let her know how special she is to you? Are you going to tell it with a big, romantic gesture? Once you know exactly what you want to say, practice your declaration of love. When it comes time to tell her, you will be well prepared and confident.
  2. Find the right time and place. Telling someone you love her is a personal, special occasion. The moment must be perfect. Choose a location where you are alone, or that may have meaning to your relationship, and choose the appropriate time.
    • Don't make love to her in the middle of class.
    • If you're in a group somewhere, take her aside for a while.
    • You can also organize a special outing for the occasion. Take her for a walk or a picnic. Or tell her if you cooked for her nicely.
  3. Don't just assume she loves you too. In addition to what you want to say, you also need to prepare for how she can respond to those four words. Ideally, she says, "I love you too" But she may not feel the same way about you.
    • She might ignore your comment or change the topic of the conversation. When that happens, don't ask her, "Well, do you love me too?" If she had wanted to say that, she would have done it right away. Rather, give her time to digest what you just said. Just try to get on with your date as normal.
    • Also prepare for the chance that she will say, "I don't love you" or "I don't feel that for you yet". While that's obviously not the response you hoped for, it's important to respond calmly and mature. Have a positive, kind answer ready - you might still impress her with your maturity.

Part 2 of 3: Tell her you love her

  1. Say: "I love you". When the two of you are together and the time is right, get the courage to say you love her. Look her in the eye, smile and say "I love you". The timing doesn't have to be perfect, and it doesn't have to be accompanied by a grand gesture, it just has to be genuine.
    • Tell her when you fell in love with her or why you love her.
  2. Show her your love. Instead of saying, "I love you," you can also show her how much you care. Always treat her with respect and kindness - don't treat her wrong or break her trust. Do everything to make her happy - if she's had an off day, bring her flowers to cheer her up. Stand up for her - if someone is teasing her, make them stop. Support her - attend all of her sports club games, write notes to encourage her and help her achieve her goals.
  3. Write her a love letter. While some people prefer to just say it, others find it easier to express themselves in writing - everyone loves to receive a beautiful love letter! Write a letter or poem straight from the heart. When the time comes, give her the letter with a small gift, or just put it in her hands when you say goodbye after a night out.
    • Do not send a text message or an app with "I love you" in it.
  4. Take her reaction into account. After hearing or reading these four words, give her some time to process and respond to them. Don't force her to answer right away. Don't tell her how you thought she was going to react. When she's ready to answer, listen to her carefully. Listen to what she has to say and respond appropriately. Hopefully the feeling is mutual and she says "I love you too"

Part 3 of 3: Determining if you love her

  1. Think about whether you're trying to impress her. When you love someone, you do anything to make them like you and notice you. You may be trying to impress by taking risks or by helping others a great deal. Or do you do your very best to be able to play an instrument, or to become extra good at a sport. If your actions are driven by the desire to get her attention, you may really love her.
  2. Determine if you are always thinking about her. When you love a girl, it is very normal to think about her all the time. Do you find that your mind often wanders to thoughts of her? Do you ever wonder if she's thinking about you too? If she's on your mind all the time, you might love her.
  3. Assess whether you want to become a better person for her. If you are in love with a girl, you may want to become the man you think she deserves. You may want to get better grades at school. Or are you suddenly going to do volunteer work. If you make an effort to improve yourself for her, you probably love her.
  4. Find out if you want her to be happy. When you love a girl, you want to make her happy in the first place. You may offer to help her study, check her thesis, or run her errands so that she has less stress during the test week. When she's sick, you want to take care of her and get her whatever she wants. When she's had an off day, you want to make her laugh so she can forget her worries. If you spend all your time and energy making her happy, you're bound to love her.
  5. Make sure you are sure of your case. Those four words, "I love you", are very loaded. Once you have expressed your love, the nature of your relationship will change positively or negatively. So before you tell her, ask yourself the following things:
    • Do you really love her?
    • Does she understand "loving" the same as you do?
    • Do you tell her you love her in the hope that you will get something in return?


  • Don't get too nervous, just be yourself when you tell her.
  • Make sure you mean it when you tell her you love her.
  • First, practice in front of the mirror at home.
  • Be yourself.
  • Give her your full attention and don't get distracted.
  • If she doesn't say she loves you too, don't worry. She may not be ready to express her feelings yet.
  • Tell her how you feel and wait for her answer.


  • Be prepared for any answers she can give you.
  • Do not abuse the words "I love you". Then they become empty and meaningless.
  • Never lie.
  • Know the difference between love and lust.