Cleaning smelly sneakers

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Remove Odor From Shoes PERMANENTLY
Video: How to Remove Odor From Shoes PERMANENTLY


You change after exercise and everyone in the locker room suddenly walks away from you. You wonder why until you smell the foul odor that seems to be coming from your shoes. You really don't have to be embarrassed every time you take your shoes off. Just start with Step 1 below to find out how to get rid of that bad smell for good.

To step

Method 1 of 10: Water and soap

  1. Wash your sneakers by hand. Scrub your sneakers with a little water and soap. Then dry them with a hair dryer and towel. Make sure to scrub gently so you don't damage your shoes.
    • Consider using bleach. Only use it on colourfast shoes that will not discolor or be damaged by it.

Method 2 of 10: Baking soda

  1. Put a little baking soda in your sneakers. Leave them overnight. When you wake up, the smell will be gone.

Method 3 of 10: Perfume

  1. Spray perfume or shoe spray on your shoes.
    • Just spray a little perfume on your shoes to cover up the bad smell.
    • An even better idea is to buy special shoe spray. This allows you to really get rid of the smell, while perfume will only hide the smell.

Method 4 of 10: Deodorizers

  1. Try scent eaters. You can buy odor absorbers at shoe stores and drug stores. They are very cheap and work well.
  2. Soak your sneakers and insoles in a vinegar solution. Use about 500 ml vinegar and 8 liters of water and let your shoes soak for an hour. Put something heavy on the sneakers so that they stay submerged. Then let your shoes dry.
    • Tucking sheets of kitchen paper or newspapers into the toe area of ​​the shoes will help keep your sneakers in shape while drying.

Method 5 of 10: Tea bags

  1. Use tea bags. Use tea bags when you drink tea and do not throw them away after using them. Wash them under the tap, let them dry and put a few bags in the toe area of ​​the sneakers. Let the tea bags sit in your shoes overnight. The foul odor will certainly disappear. Tea bags absorb moisture very well.

Method 6 of 10: Washing machine

  1. Consider putting your shoes in the washing machine. Put cheap or strong smelling shoes in the washing machine and wash them with some towels. Add Vanish Oxi Action or another non-chlorine agent to the detergent to help disinfect the shoes. Let the shoes air dry or tumble dry on a low setting.
    • This is well worth it if you were planning to throw away the shoes. The first time you put your sneakers back on, they may be tight, but they will quickly stretch and take the correct shape.

Method 7 of 10: Spray with isopropyl alcohol

  1. Use a solution of 1 part isopropyl alcohol and 1 part water. Spray the shoes well with the alcohol.
  2. Let the shoes dry overnight. In the morning, all the smelly bacteria and fungi in the shoes will be dead and your shoes will no longer smell bad.

Method 8 of 10: While wearing them

  1. Wear good, clean socks in your sneakers and never wear them without them.
  2. Wash your feet regularly, as well as before and after exercise.
  3. Try to alternate between two pairs of shoes.
  4. Treat your feet regularly with foot powder or foot spray.

Method 9 of 10: Clothes dryer cloths

  1. Grab a dryer cloth.
  2. Tear the cloth in half.
  3. Put half a cloth in both shoes.
  4. Leave the halves in your shoes until you are ready to wear them again. The dryer cloths will absorb the odors. Discard the wipes after use.

Method 10 of 10: Paper towels

  1. Get a large sheet of kitchen paper.
  2. Pour a little water and soap on it.
  3. Crumple the skin and put it in your shoes.
  4. Leave it in your shoes overnight.


  • Order new insoles from the manufacturer and put them in your shoes according to the instructions.
  • If you can't manage to get them clean, buy new sneakers.
  • Try sprinkling baking soda into your shoes and leaving it in overnight.
  • Put the tea bags as far into your shoes as possible to get the best out of the scent.
  • Try odor eaters that you can buy at sports stores.
  • Sunlight also works very well. After you wash your shoes, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda in and over them. Put your shoes in the sun and wait for them to dry.


  • Don't just throw your shoes away, take them to your parents first.
  • Poor foot hygiene can lead to problems such as swimmers' eczema.


  • Baking soda
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Sneakers
  • Money
  • Perfume / shoe spray
  • Socks
  • Foot spray
  • Paper towels