Sensual kissing with each other

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Dynasty - Fallon & Liam Kissing Scene l Elizabeth Gillies Adam Huber
Video: Dynasty - Fallon & Liam Kissing Scene l Elizabeth Gillies Adam Huber


Whether it is your first kiss or your thousandth, with someone you do not know yet or with your partner: kissing can leave a deep impression on you, especially if it is a kiss that you feel a deep emotion and that you feel in you. whole body feels - the sensual kiss. In fact, experts believe that kissing plays an important role in the development of a relationship. According to them, how well you kiss each other also has to do with the degree to which you match your partner. By kissing your partner, you communicate with each other in a romantic way, and you do so through physical touch, rather than just words. Below are the steps that explain how to kiss sensually with each other.

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Part 1 of 2: Preparing for the kiss

  1. Take care of yourself. If you are going to get intimate with your partner and touch each other, it is a good idea to make your mouth, face, and body look seductive and enticing. While everyone has their own grooming routine (your preference for mints, that one perfume that smells of vanilla, that aftershave that smells of musk), these are the basics of good personal care:
    • Brush your teeth. Nobody likes to smell the onion or garlic from your lunch in your stale breath when you just get out of bed. So when you approach your partner for a kiss, make sure you've brushed your teeth and have a mint on hand so that your breath is fresh and pleasant at all times.
    • Wash your face and keep it clean. This is also a habit that should be part of your daily personal grooming routine and should not be skipped if you are planning a nice kiss with your partner. In fact, 53% of women prefer to kiss a man who is clean, fresh and shaven.Whether you have sideburns or a clean shaven face, keep your face clean and be attractive to your partner.
    • Wear clean and fresh clothes. Of course you want to feel confident if you plan on having a sensual kiss with your partner - so make sure you dress accordingly and make sure your clothes are clean and fresh at the time. Don't wear clothes with metal tips, sharp metals, or other details that can get in the way when you're sensually kissing.
    • Apply some aftershave or perfume. Smelling good is very exciting for both sexes, but especially for women. Studies show that women consider a man's scent to be the most important thing when it comes to a man's sexual attraction, more important than all other physical characteristics. Of course the keyword here is "a little", because it can be a huge turnoff if the partner smells too strongly of perfume or aftershave. So use a scent in moderation and do not use too much of it.
  2. Communicate with each other before kissing. Do not hesitate to let your partner know what you like, or to ask what your partner likes about kissing together. When you communicate about it, you can be sure that both of you will enjoy it, and that is better than being ashamed of talking about the things you do and don't want when you kiss. Make sure to discuss your preferences with your partner before you kiss, not during, so your partner doesn't see your comments as a reproach.
  3. Get in the right mood. Make sure you and your partner are in a romantic environment where you have enough privacy, such as an intimate dinner at home or a beautiful view in a park. Think about whether your partner has ever talked about a particular place he or she likes to go, and if that is an appropriate place to be intimate, ask them if they feel like going there, or surprise your partner by taking him or her there. A comfortable, romantic atmosphere is a wonderful basis for a wonderfully sensual kiss.

Part 2 of 2: Sensual kissing with each other

  1. Provide foreplay. Physical interactions before kissing, such as holding hands or hugging, can break the ice and show your partner that you want to kiss.
  2. Make eye contact and lean forward. As you lean forward to kiss, make sure your partner is leaning forward at that point as well. Make eye contact to make sure you both want to kiss.
    • A good rule is to always keep your eyes closed while kissing because your pupils dilate, and that can look a little scary or weird when your partner has their eyes open.
  3. Tilt your head slightly to the side. About 95% of the time, people tilt their head slightly to the right while kissing. If you're not sure which way your partner is going to hold his or her head, keep your head to the right just to be sure. But whichever side it is, if your partner is holding his or her face to one side, make sure you turn your face to the other so your noses don't collide as you bring your lips together.
    • If you misjudged it and your head is turned the same way as your partner, or if you miss his or her mouth because your eyes were closed as you leaned forward, laugh about it and continue kissing. An uncomfortable situation can sometimes lead to a great kiss that you will not soon forget.
  4. Kiss softly and slowly. Studies show that women believe that the biggest mistake men make when kissing is being too aggressive with their tongues. Men, on the other hand, claim that women don't open their mouth wide enough when kissing. So try to find that perfect balance between an open mouth (not too far, as if you are eating a plate of pasta) and a soft kiss (not a hard kiss or too much with your tongue).
  5. Apply some pressure and go a little faster. Now that your lips are closed, you can put a little pressure on your partner's lips. You can now kiss him or her a little faster and deeper.
    • If your partner is responding very well to kissing by then, you can French kiss each other, which means that you use your tongue while kissing. Relax your tongue and gently move your tongue against your partner's, just like you would lick an ice cream. Avoid making your tongue too soft or stiff, and don't suddenly put your tongue in your partner's mouth or do it aggressively.
  6. Provide some variety. One of the most important aspects of sensual kissing with each other is the variety you make during sensual kissing with your partner. Try kissing different parts of your partner's face and body, paying special attention to her or his ears, neck, and neck. For example, you can nibble gently on his or her lower lip, or on his or her earlobe. And when you're sensually kissing a steady partner, keep kissing different spots so your intimate moments together don't become routine or mechanical.
  7. Kiss with your whole body. Kissing isn't just about your lips, so think about your body position and the position your body takes when kissing. Gently push your body against your partner's body and gently stroke your partner's neck, neck, back, waist and buttocks with your hands, or place your hands on those areas. Once your bodies are moving calmly in a relaxed manner, you could continue to put him or her on your lap, or to lie on top of each other.
    • As kissing becomes more and more sensual, it is important to always listen carefully to your partner and to take her or his needs and wishes into account. If you pay attention to your partner's breathing, body language, and movements of your lips, you can estimate whether your partner likes the kissing and is ready to move on with you.
  8. Try to kiss your partner sensually whenever you have the opportunity. Never stop kissing, especially when the first crush is over, or when the early days of your marriage are over. People in long-term relationships often stop kissing and lose that intimate, sensual bond with each other.
    • In fact, the intensity and emotion of your first kiss can get stronger as you get to know each other and communicate better and more directly. The old saying is true: practice makes perfect.


  • Tugging your partner's hair or being aggressive towards your partner's body should only happen if your partner wants it too, and if he or she knows that you are going beyond just kissing each other. If you both want to go further and know this from each other, kissing will also be deeper and more intense.
  • If you are really nice and sensually kissing with each other, then you can move on with each other, and then you can be very intimate together and still not sleep together. This is a very intense way of making out with each other, and such a session can last a long time. But when you are sensually kissing with each other, it doesn't always lead to more; so make sure you move slowly with your partner, and work towards longer and more intense kissing with each other.
  • There is no perfect way to kiss! However you kiss your partner, you are supposed to feel your partner's emotion and passion. Remember, a great kiss is an adventure in its own right, not a prelude to something else.
  • Try to be relaxed and not nervous.