Treat miliaria rubra

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Dermatologist’s tips for heat rash: Dr Dray 🔥🔥
Video: Dermatologist’s tips for heat rash: Dr Dray 🔥🔥


Miliaria rubra, or heat rash, is a type of skin rash that often occurs in hot and humid weather. This rash develops when the clogged pores trap sweat under your skin. In its worst form, the rash will disrupt the body's heat-regulating mechanism and cause discomfort, fever, and exhaustion.

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Method 1 of 2: Treat Miliaria rubra

  1. Know the symptoms of miliaria rubra. This condition usually occurs under clothing, where moisture and heat are trapped close to the skin. It feels itchy and looks like a lot of pimples. Other symptoms include:
    • Pain, swelling, or warm skin.
    • Red stripes.
    • Pus or fluid coming from itchy parts of the body.
    • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin.
    • Sudden fever (over 38 ° C).
  2. Move the affected person to a cool, shady area. If possible, get out of the sun and to a cool, dry place with a temperature of about 21 ° C. If you can't go in, move to the shade.
    • Most of the rashes will go away after you cool down.
  3. Loosen or take off tight, damp clothing. Expose the affected part of the body and let it air dry. Since it is usually blocked sweat glands that cause miliaria rubra, make sure the skin can breathe freely to avoid further blockages.
    • Don't use a towel to dry your skin - air on its own should be enough.
  4. Drink plenty of cold liquids. Miliaria rubra is a symptom of your body overheating. Avoid hot drinks and drink plenty of cold water to lower your body temperature.
  5. Take cold showers or baths to bring your temperature down quickly. The water should not be cold but cool enough to be relaxing. Use a mild antibacterial soap to gently clean the affected area and then let it air dry.
  6. Avoid bursting blisters. Blisters are full of fluids that will heal your skin and if they burst early they can cause scarring. While some blisters will burst, try to let your skin heal naturally and stay off.
  7. Use over-the-counter medication to relieve the discomfort. Treat miliaria rubra with 1% strength hydrocortisone cream or with calamine / aloe vera lotion to relieve itching. In extreme cases, antihistamines such as Claritin can relieve swelling and itching.
  8. If symptoms continue to worsen for more than two days, consult a doctor. However, although miliaria rubra usually clears quickly after the skin has cooled, severe miliaria rubra can lead to infections that require medical treatment. Call a doctor if the pain gets worse or spreads, if yellow or white pus starts to leak from the rash, or if the rash doesn't go away on its own. Call emergency services immediately if you experience the following:
    • Nausea and dizziness
    • Headache
    • Throwing up
    • Pass out

Method 2 of 2: Prevent Miliaria rubra

  1. Wear loose, breathable clothing when the weather is warm. It is better not to wear fabrics that rub against your skin uncomfortably or that trap sweat on your body. Synthetics and loose clothing are best.
  2. Avoid strenuous physical activities in warm, humid environments. Miliaria rubra is often caused by exercise, especially when you have a higher body temperature and sweat a lot. If you feel a rash developing, take a break and let your body cool down.
  3. Try to get out of the heat for 20 minutes regularly. Cooling down, changing sweaty and wet clothes, or jumping into a pool from time to time can help maintain your body temperature and thus prevent miliaria rubra.
  4. Dress children as you would dress an adult. Miliaria rubra usually occurs in children who are worn too much clothes by their well-meaning parents in warm weather. Babies should also wear loose, breathable clothing in warm weather.
    • Cold hands and feet in a baby do not necessarily indicate that the child is cold.
  5. Sleep in a cool, well-ventilated area. Miliaria rubra can occur at night when trapped in damp, warm sheets for long periods of time. Use fans, open windows, or turn on the air conditioning when you wake up sweaty and uncomfortable.


  • Always bring water and possibly ice packs with you when you go hiking or plan activities in the sun.
  • Stay in the shade as much as possible.


  • Do not apply oil-based antiperspirants (such as deodorants), lotions, or insecticides to affected parts of the body as this may cause more sweat to be trapped and the condition worsened.