Talking to a girl in the classroom

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Girl In The Back Of The Class Draws On Your Face - ASMR Personal Attention
Video: The Girl In The Back Of The Class Draws On Your Face - ASMR Personal Attention


Talking to girls can be scary if you have little experience with it. If there's a girl in school that you like, or who you just think might be an interesting person and you'd like to get to know better, don't be so nervous that you're not with her. dares to talk. This article will tell you how to break the ice with a girl by talking about the courses you both take, then getting to know her better and possibly developing a good relationship with her - whether you just want to be friends. or something more.

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Part 1 of 3: Breaking the ice

  1. Ask for a little favor. The easiest way to start a conversation with someone is to ask them a favor. You don't know this person yet, so you don't know what you have in common.Asking a favor is a neutral way to start the conversation without boring the other person with something that doesn't interest them.
    • Make sure it's a little favor that she doesn't have to put in a lot of effort.
    • For example, ask if you can borrow a pen or read her notes to see if you missed something.
    • If you don't have a textbook, ask if you can take a look with her. That way you can sit even closer to her too!
  2. Ask a question about something the teacher said. Since you don't know her very well yet, you might not know what she likes yet. The only thing you know for sure that you have in common is the class you take with her. Even if you have understood very well the handling of the material, ask her to clarify what the teacher said.
    • Unlike asking for a favor, which can result in a very quick interaction, asking someone to explain something can result in a longer conversation.
    • Keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions.
    • If she hasn't understood it herself, show your solidarity! Let her know that you stand together and that you have something in common.
  3. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a sense of humor, so try to make her laugh. Make eye contact with her when someone says something stupid or roll your eyes when the teacher assigns homework. However, make sure you don't become a disruptive element during class or draw negative attention from the teacher. Getting in trouble won't impress her!
  4. Ask for her advice on anything related to the class. You're looking for something to start a conversation with her, so make it clear to her that you want her opinion. Ask her about the lesson, such as what she thinks will be asked for the next test or how many hours she plans to spend preparing for a presentation.
    • Don't talk about her when she gives her opinion. Let her talk for as long as she likes, and take an interest in what she has to say.
  5. Compliment her. Giving compliments is a lot more difficult than it sounds. You may think, "Who doesn't like a compliment?", But you should always be respectful of girls when you compliment them. Just complimenting girls on how beautiful they are sends the message that you only like them for their looks, and most girls don't like to get that feeling. Compliment her on something she actually had to work for, rather than something she was born with. This could be due to her appearance or something else.
    • Compliment her on her hairstyle on any given day instead of her eyes.
    • Compliment her on an outfit she's put together.
    • Tell her that you liked her answer to a question in class.
    • Compliment her on a good grade for a test.
  6. Choose the right time to break the ice. Don't ask her for a favor or something else if you see her concentrating on something or running late and running to get to the next class. If you both take the same class, you will see her every day, so you can wait for an appropriate time, when she seems relaxed and in a good mood, to break the ice.

Part 2 of 3: Getting to know each other

  1. Move the conversation to topics other than class. Knowing that you have at least the lesson in common is a great way to get to know each other - talking about the study, the teacher, classmates, etc. But over time, you will want to get to know each other better, so talk about things that have nothing to do with class, or even school.
  2. Have a friendly, easy-going attitude. Don't try too hard to be "cool." What you think looks "cool" can appear distant or condescending. It's much easier for a girl to talk to a guy who is just himself - open and honest.
    • Smile and laugh a lot - girls like guys who have fun.
    • Turn your body towards her when addressing her.
    • Don't be afraid to make eye contact with her when you talk.
  3. Find out what she's interested in. Once you break the ice, you'll want to get to know each other. Try to find out what she's interested in. Ask what her favorite subjects, what she does after school, and what she likes to do in her spare time.
    • Try to direct conversations towards topics that are of interest to her.
    • This will make her look forward to conversations with you because she knows that you enjoy listening to her talking about something she loves.
  4. Share your interests with her. You want her to get to know you better too, so talk about things that are important to you. If you just let her talk about herself all the time, you end up not really liking her anymore because it feels like the friendship is all about her. It is important to maintain balance so that you both share some of your life in an equal way.
    • Be open and honest. Don't just talk about things you think she wants to hear - talk about things that are really important to you.
    • Use your discretion. There are things you don't talk about with someone you don't know very well, so start with topics that are harmless and light.
    • Try to balance how much you talk and how much she talks.
  5. Get to know her friends. The best way to spend time with someone is to have mutual friends. Hanging out with a group of mutual friends will make it less nerve-wracking to talk to her, and you will feel more relaxed and comfortable, which will help her to like you more. Friends are very important, so she will start to like you more when she sees that you get along well with her friends.
    • Talk to her friends even when she's not around. You don't want people to think you're using them to have a girl.
    • Try to befriend them actually and not just superficially. If you like this girl, you will probably like the people she gathers around her too.

Part 3 of 3: Developing a good relationship

  1. Make plans for future conversations. The best way to make sure you can talk to her again is to make a plan on how to do this! If you talk to each other during a certain period of time - lunch hour, for example - you can say that you want to tell her something next time.
    • For example, you could say, "Just remind me to tell you what Mr. Smith said in class last week! That was hilarious! "
    • Tell her you'll see her at another time - for example, "I'll see you in English," or "Are you having lunch in the courtyard today?"
    • Ask her if she will be at certain social events: "Are you going to Becky's party this weekend? I can then give you back your notes. "
  2. Talk to her outside the classroom. Sit with her during lunch, or talk to her between classes if you see her standing by her locker. The more she sees you and talks to you outside of the classroom, the more she will see you as a friend rather than just a classmate.
  3. Does not come across as overly enthusiastic. You want to show her that you are interested in her, but not come across as a stalker! Be cool - don't show up at every corner wherever she is. Try to create a routine where you can talk to her at around the same times every day - for example, between classes or at lunch, or before or after school. That way, you can be sure to see her every day without feeling like you have to chase her.
    • From time to time, skip talking to her for a day or two. Give her time to miss contact with you, and she will look forward to your company even more.
  4. Ask her for her phone number. When you talk to her outside of school, you're well on your way to being more than just classmates. However, a good, neutral way to ask for someone's number is to say you want to ask a question about the class.
    • Only use her number to ask questions about class at first so she doesn't feel like you tricked her into getting her phone number.
    • Send her text messages instead of calling her. You will probably be less nervous, and she will not feel as much pressure.
    • After sending a few text messages about homework or due dates, you can start sending occasional messages about annoying things your parents said or funny things you experienced at the mall.
  5. Ask her to meet outside of school. Depending on how old you are, your parents may not approve of you being alone with a girl, but invite her to meet up with a group of mutual friends. If she doesn't know your group of friends well, invite some of her friends over too. Make sure she doesn't mind accepting your invitation and meeting up.
    • Choose a public place, such as the supermarket or the cinema.
    • Have something to eat, such as pizza or burgers.
    • Make sure to pay attention and talk to her, even if there are other people around.


  • always smile.
  • If she says "no," you can ask her if she still wants to be friends.
  • If she brushes you off or pays only partial attention to you, don't automatically assume she's not interested. She may be wary that you guys don't get caught chatting or chatting in class. Try to talk while the teacher is handing out something, or before or after class while you are busy with your pre-class supplies.
  • If she doesn't want to talk, leave her alone.
  • Don't try to be cool.


  • Be yourself and be nice.