Work with the Archangel Michael

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Work With Archangel Michael and His corespondence Info
Video: How To Work With Archangel Michael and His corespondence Info


The Archangel Michael is one of the foremost archangels and it is said that of all archangels, Michael is the closest to God our Creator, and that he is the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts. He is the archangel most commonly written about in religious scriptures and texts. Archangel Michael is the archangel of protection, peace, security, clarity and progress. Anyone can work with Michael, and you can read how to do that below.

To step

  1. Look for a pleasant space to work in. Sit in a comfortable chair or, if you prefer, you can lie down. In that case, make sure that your head is supported.
  2. Imagine small roots growing from the soles of your feet. They grow down into the soil, keeping your feet safe and protected.
  3. Now visualize a golden circle of light emanating from heaven and enveloping you. Feel yourself sitting or lying in the golden circle of loving light.
  4. Invoke the Archangel Michael. For example, you can say, "Archangel Michael please work with me today," or "Archangel Michael please join me."
  5. Visualize the Archangel Michael. Imagine passing quickly on a golden beam of light with his sword and blue light. Imagine Archangel Michael radiating his "strong blue light" around you so that you are protected.
  6. Ask the Archangel Michael for any help you need. You can envision him in a simple way, with his sword of light, cutting away or dissolving any negative energy in your life. Then ask Archangel Michael for strength and courage to keep following your heavenly path.
  7. Visualize or imagine the Archangel Michael sending his heavenly angels to help you. See the golden light descend on you from heaven. Know that everything is being taken care of now.
  8. Say "Thank you."Believe that you are now being helped with your problem or wish. You can also say" I am always safe and I am always protected. "
  9. Continue to envelop yourself in the strong blue light of Archangel Michael. Do this for the rest of the day.
  10. Now trust that Archangel Michael and his group of angels are now taking care of you.


  • It is especially helpful to call Archangel Michael when you are feeling lonely or desperate, or when you are afraid and need courage and protection.
  • It is important to thank the Archangel Michael after your affirmations, prayers, or written wishes. Gratitude helps us show that we believe - then we trust it and let it go.