Relieve menstrual pain

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Yoga For Period Relief | How To Reduce Menstrual Pain | Glamrs Period Hacks
Video: Yoga For Period Relief | How To Reduce Menstrual Pain | Glamrs Period Hacks


Period pain can be terrible. You may feel so bloated and sick or have cramps so much that you may not even want to get out of bed. You may think the best thing you can do is lie down, feel bad, and wait for your period to pass, but in fact, you have plenty of control over your period pain. There are plenty of things you can do to relieve your period pain, from light exercise to adding calcium and iron to your diet.

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Part 1 of 3: Adjusting your diet

  1. Hydrate. Drinking water can keep your body from retaining water, which will help prevent bloating during your period. Drinking hot or warm water can be even better for your period than cold water, because hot drinks can improve blood flow to your skin and help relax your cramped muscles. Make sure to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, but preferably more. You can also add more water to your diet by eating water-rich dishes. Here are some foods you can definitely eat during your period to improve hydration:
    • Lettuce
    • Celery
    • Strawberries
    • Cucumbers
    • Watermelon
  2. Get enough calcium. It is important to include enough calcium in your diet, whether or not it is that time of the month. That said, it's especially important to pay attention to your calcium intake during your period, as having enough calcium can reduce the cramps you feel during your period. Try these foods rich in calcium to soothe your pain:
    • Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk
    • Sesame seed
    • Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, turnips or cabbage
    • Almonds
    • Soymilk
  3. Eat foods that are full of nutrients. If you don't get enough nutrients, you will have deficiencies that worsen during your time of the month. It is therefore important to have enough food that is full of important vitamins so that your body stays strong during your time of the month. Here are some foods you can try:
    • Brown rice (full of vitamin B6, which helps reduce bloating).
    • Almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds (contain manganese, which helps with cramps)
    • Olive oil and broccoli (rich in vitamin E)
    • Leafy greens, fish and chicken (these have iron to replace the iron you lose during your period).
    • Cinnamon is also rich in iron, just like papayas.
    • Add some ginger to your diet. It has the ability to relieve menstrual pain.
    • Avoid foods with sugar substitutes and instead eat foods with natural sugars, such as strawberries.
  4. Avoid foods that cause bloating. You will likely feel extra bloated when you have your period, so now is a good time to avoid foods that keep you hydrated and make you feel extra bloated. These include fatty foods, grains and carbonated drinks, so you should take it easy on the following foods and drinks:
    • Soft drink
    • Fries
    • Citizens
    • Beans
    • Whole grains
    • Lentils
    • Apricots
    • Cabbage
  5. Reduce your caffeine intake. Reducing your caffeine intake can help reduce the tension you feel and minimize your cramps. Instead of your daily coffee, you can have a small cup of tea, or even replace your black tea with decaffeinated tea such as ginger tea or chamomile. Caffeine can also dehydrate you, which can cause your body to retain more water and make you feel even more bloated.
    • If you are really addicted to caffeine, then you shouldn't cut it out completely during your time of the month as you may experience headaches or other pains from abstinence.
  6. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D. A study has found that enough vitamin D soothes the pain associated with menstrual cramps. It is important to take a supplement or make sure you get enough vitamin D from your daily diet if you regularly experience period pain. The foods associated with vitamin D include the following:
    • Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel
    • Orange juice
    • Soymilk
    • Muesli
    • Cheese
    • Egg yolk
  7. Drink chamomile tea. There is increasing research showing that herbal remedies have real medical benefits. One of these studies, conducted by the American Chemical Society, found that women who drink chamomile tea during their periods have higher levels of hippurate, a natural anti-inflammatory that has the power to ease the pain associated with menstrual cramps. If you're looking for ways to ease your period pain without taking over-the-counter pain relievers, chamomile tea may be the answer.
    • This tea can also be soothing at night and can help you sleep more peacefully.

Part 2 of 3: Treating pain at home

  1. Provide warmth. Applying heat to your abdomen or lower back can relax the contracting muscles in your uterus that cause much of the pain during your period. You can use a regular water bottle or a thermos filled with hot water, or you can invest in a heating pad or cloth that can help soothe your period pain. They can cost over $ 20, but the investment can be worth it if you're in a lot of pain.
    • Holding heat against your body for 5-10 minutes can have a significant impact.
  2. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath can also provide some of the same relief as a hot water bottle against your lower abdomen and back to soothe menstrual cramps. You can try taking a warm bath and treating your body with heat to soothe your period pain. At the very least, it will help you relax, which can help reduce cramps in your body.
  3. Get some light exercise. When you have your period, exercise can seem as appealing as putting your hand in a beehive. However, making an effort to exercise during your period, even if it is only a short walk, can actually reduce the cramps and pain you feel. This is because aerobic movements make your body pump more blood, releasing endorphins to fight the prostaglandins, thereby reducing your cramps and pain.
    • In fact, having a regular exercise routine throughout the month can make your period less painful.
  4. Try specific exercises for cramping relief. While any moderate movement can help reduce your period pain, you can do certain specific exercises that can relieve your pain. This is what you can do:
    • Sit on the floor with your legs as wide as they can. Touch your toes and ankles while keeping your back straight and holding your diaphragm. Take a few deep breaths and bend to the floor as you exhale for the last time.
    • Sit with your knees open and bent to the sides, with the soles of your feet together. Put your hands under your toes or place your hands around your ankles. Press the soles of your feet together as you inhale with your back straight, lifting your head slightly as you inhale and exhale 4-5 times. You could recognize this position as the butterfly.
    • Lie on your back with your legs extended, now bend one knee and pull it up towards your chin. Hold your knee with both hands and hold this position for 1-2 minutes; then repeat it on the other side.
  5. Empty your bladder as soon as you have to. Not emptying your bladder when you feel the urge to urinate can cause bladder pain and make your cramps feel worse. Even if you are in a lot of pain and don't want to leave your bed in the afternoon, emptying your bladder regularly can help relieve your period pain. Since hydration is an important part of staying healthy during your period, you may need to urinate even more often than usual.

Part 3 of 3: Getting outside help

  1. Take over-the-counter medications. Medication can also relieve the pain associated with your period. If you don't want to get into the habit of taking them regularly unless you really need them, it can be a powerful antidote to your period pain. Be sure to check with your doctor if you plan on taking these medications regularly so you can make sure they are good for your body. You may want to consider the following over-the-counter medications to relieve your pain:
    • A paracetamol
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen such as Advil, or Naproxens such as Aleve.
    • Aspirin
  2. Try acupuncture. A study of 944 participants showed that acupuncture could potentially relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea, commonly known as menstrual pain, including vomiting, nausea, and cramps. While further research needs to be done with a larger number of participants, the study shows that acupuncture can reduce the pain of menstrual cramps and has no side effects. If you are looking for an original and innovative solution for your pain, this treatment can give the desired effect.
    • Even if there is no guarantee that it will work, it is still worth a try, especially if you feel like you've tried everything else.
  3. Consider taking birth control. Birth control has proven to reduce cramps in many women. If you are not on the contraceptive pill, you may want to consider talking to your doctor. You might think they are only for sexually active women, but in fact the birth control pill can also be taken to reduce cramps and other menstrual pain. If your period pain is very severe, you can consider this as an option.
    • There are also some risks associated with the contraceptive pill, such as a slightly increased risk of cancer and increased cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  4. Note that there is no medical evidence that tampons cause more cramps than pads. While you may have heard a rumor that tampons cause more cramps than pads, there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case. If tampons hurt you, there may be another reason, and you should talk to your doctor about this, but the fact that pads cause less pain than tampons is just a myth.
    • You can test it yourself. Try wearing a sanitary napkin instead of a tampon for a day and you will find that there really is no difference.


  • A few teas to consider include: mountain herbs, rose hips, chamomile, peppermint, and green tea. Avoid hibiscus, wild cherry, forest fruits and the apple cinnamon tea as these have strong scents that can make your nausea worse.
  • In keeping with the removal of sound and intense light, you should not watch TV, work on your computer, listen to loud music or anything similar to it. Keep it calm and close your curtains or blinds to make your room semi-dark.
  • When taking a bath: some very relaxing scents are lavender, rose, violin, wild flowers, peach or sage. Find your own favorite scent.
  • Drink apple cider vinegar. It's a bit strong but it's so good and soothing, and often it takes away bad cramps. Drink 2-3 tablespoons in 250-300 ml of water three times a day. Organic apple cider vinegar is best to use.
  • Massage your gut: make it fun and persuade your friend to do it!
  • Have a nice cup of tea with milk and a hot water bottle between your knees. Eat whatever you feel like. It's okay, you'll forgive yourself under these circumstances. It's only for five days.


  • In addition to your nausea, you may also feel dizzy, unstable and feel like you are going to pass out. If so, sit or lie down, press your forehead against something cold (a blanket, a cold pillow, or a wet cloth will work), and try not to move your head too much. Wait for it to go away.
  • If only one If these problems are too intense for you to deal with, and none of these advice works, seek professional help.
  • If the pain is too strong and persistent, and you bleed more than you usually do, then you should talk to your gynecologist. You may have an inflammation of your ovaries.
  • You shouldn't feel uncomfortable or cause more bleeding. Be careful when you dance and go for a walk. When you do the latter, don't bring your pet - you may be forced to walk faster to keep up.
  • Some people react badly to certain herbs, either because of an allergy or simply because they cause digestive problems. So make sure to check the ingredients of the tea you are making, as they often consist of a mixture of several different herbs.