Earning money easily

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Best Ways To Make Money From Home With ZERO Money In 2022 (Fast Methods)
Video: 7 Best Ways To Make Money From Home With ZERO Money In 2022 (Fast Methods)


Would you like to earn some money as quickly as possible without having to do anything, or at least not much? Don't worry - it doesn't have to be difficult at all! For example, you can sell old stuff or do chores for others or work freelance online. And there are many more ways to earn some extra money quickly!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Find out what options you have

  1. Selling old stuff. You can convert the things you no longer use into money in many different ways, such as:
    • Have a garage sale
    • Sanding, painting / staining and cleaning old furniture to sell it to antique shops or a pawnshop for a profit
    • Sell ​​old stuff via Marktplaats or eBay
    • Selling old clothes to a second-hand store
    • Sell ​​books, CDs, and video games to specialty stores or media wholesalers
  2. Complete online questionnaires for a fee. Although you will rarely earn more than 5 or 10 euros per survey, you can fill in many and earn quite a bit quickly that way. Check out websites like:
    • Opiniepeilers.nl
    • Geldverdienen.nl
    • Enquetesinvullen.be
    • Enqueteplein.nl
  3. Earn money (for scientific purposes) using your body. You can make money from your own flesh and blood in a variety of ways, including:
    • Register as a test subject for clinical research.
    • Selling your blood plasma.
    • Selling your semen.
    • Sell ​​your eggs.
  4. Do chores for others. Thanks to the rapid development of the internet, you can now sign up for a large number of different jobs with which you can earn some extra money in a relatively non-committal way. These jobs are often mainly available in the larger cities. So you can:
    • Working as a taxi driver for Uber or UGo.
    • Doing groceries for people via websites such as Postmates or Overbetuwevoorelkaar.nl.
    • Babysitting for other people's children or pets or even at someone's house via parentmatch.nl, oppassers.nl or dedierenoppas.nl.
    • Give tutoring via Yesbijles.nl, Bijlescoach.nl, Bijlesbuddy.nl or Studentsplus.nl.
  5. Rent out a room in the house. In this case, too, the economy that was created thanks to the Internet, which is based on the efficient sharing of information, has made it even easier to quickly earn extra money online. Try:
    • Kamerverhuur.info
    • Kamertje.nl
    • Kamerverhuur.nl
    • Roomsinnederland.nl
  6. Freelance work over the internet. You can write or correct, or perform simple tasks that cannot be done by a machine. The pay is low, but you have constant work and can log in whenever you want. There are all kinds of things you can do; from writing and editing to participation in test processes. Try the following options:
    • To write: InfoNu, Textbroker and Greatcontent
    • Unusual jobs: Amazon's Mechanical Turk Program
    • Trial processes: If you live in the United States, websites like eJury and OnlineVerdict.com allow you to sit on the jury of so-called trial lawsuits.
    • Virtual Assistant: academievirtueelassistent.nl, vazz.nl
  7. Apply for credit cards or open accounts for which you get bonuses. Normally you'll never just open an account, of course, but this can be a great way to make some quick cash. Just keep in mind that applying for a credit card often requires you to spend a certain minimum amount before you are entitled to the bonus.
    • If your credit card offers you a cash amount per purchase, use it and pay the bills online as soon as you get home to avoid paying interest.

Method 2 of 4: Sell your stuff

  1. Sell ​​your stuff to stores near you. A lot of stores, from convenience stores to chain stores, buy things from people at a discounted price and then resell them in their stores. At home, look for things that you no longer need, want or no longer use and visit such stores in your area.
    • If you read a lot and have collected a nice library together, check to see if there are any old books that you no longer want. Second-hand bookstores sell books in good condition for a few euros each.
    • Clothing is something we all have, and often we have too much of it. If your wardrobe is overflowing with clothes, check out the contents and look for things that don't go with anything or are out of fashion. Obviously you get paid the most for clothes without stains or holes and which are not worn out.
    • If your library is full of music instead of books, consider selling some of your CDs. CDs without scratches or stains and whose covers are still intact can sometimes be sold for a few euros each. Look for a nearby music store or CD store and ask if they might buy used CDs.
    • If you like to play video games, see if you have gotten tired of certain games by now. At many game stores they will be happy to take over your used games if there are no scratches or stains on them and if you deliver them in the original box. Although you may only get a fraction of the price you originally paid for it, earning a few euros on something you no longer use is a bonus.
    • Take a few different things to the pawnshop. In principle, you can resell anything at the pawnshop, from an unused hand blender to an old motorcycle jacket.
  2. Sell ​​your stuff directly. If you'd rather be responsible for what you sell instead of taking your stuff to a store, consider running a garage sale or putting your stuff up for sale over the Internet. While this requires more planning than simply taking your things to your favorite secondhand store, you can earn a lot more if you do the associated work yourself.
    • Organize a porch or garage sale yourself. Don't expect to get more than half the price for something that is still brand new, but on the other hand, you will earn money back on things you don't use anyway. Make sure you plan ahead by posting ads in a local newspaper and posting notices on busy nearby streets with your address and directions to get there.
    • Offer more expensive items for sale on Marktplaats or Speurders, so that you reach a larger audience. If you have something worth a lot more than just some used clothes or used tools, open an online ad for it.
  3. Sell ​​body parts. It may sound strange, but nowadays you can sell parts of your body for a lot of money. We're not talking about organs here, but rather things like blood plasma, genetic material, and long hair.
    • If you have long hair (longer than 10 inches) and your hair is healthy, consider cutting it off and selling it to a wig making company. Untreated hair that has never been dyed or straightened will yield the most, especially if your hair has a special color or texture. The longer your hair is, the more it can yield you!
    • Sell ​​your blood plasma at a blood bank. Plasma is the part of your blood that is given through an IV to patients with certain medical conditions. You can donate your plasma several times a week. In the Netherlands, blood and plasma are usually donated free of charge.
    • Sell ​​your semen. Not every man likes the idea of ​​donating his genetic materials to strangers, but if you're short on cash and want to help an unknown couple have a baby, sell your semen!
    • Sell ​​your eggs. This takes a lot more time than selling your sperm, but a woman who wants to make a lot of money and has no problem selling her eggs can earn up to 10,000 euros per treatment. The procedure involves several weeks of injections and a simple hospital treatment without having to stay in the hospital, but it can be a bit tedious. The advantage is that you can earn a lot of money with it in relatively little time.
  4. Sell ​​metal. From old jewelry to that pile of worthless scrap metal in your backyard, you can try to sell it. Metal is good value and is relatively easy to find if you are looking for cheap stuff.
    • Gold is now more profitable than ever - up to $ 1,300 per ounce of 24 karat gold. While most of the gold used in jewelry is of inferior quality, selling a few old rings or bracelets that you never wear should set you back at least a few hundred dollars.
    • Selling scrap is a really nice way to make money that most people don't think about. If you have an old car, boat, caravan, or structure that produces waste metal, consider setting it aside and selling it at a store near you that sells waste metal. You can earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars on metal parts that were just left to rust.
    • When throwing a party, collect all the metal cans afterwards. You can sell those cans to shops near you where scrap metal is sold, for more than one euro per kilo (about 65 - 70 cans). In this way you contribute to the environment by helping to reuse waste, and at the same time you also earn a few euros with it.
    • Collect metal waste from abandoned storage areas near you or by searching dumpsters. You can also see if you can buy used metal in the form of cars or boats for a price lower than the amount you will be paid when you sell the metal.
  5. Sell ​​something you make yourself. Can you bake well? Are you an artist? Gardener? Or carpenter? Then offer your handmade items for sale! This doesn't mean you have to show it up at the local farmers' market. For a true craftsman or woman, there are plenty of options to sell your stuff.
    • Open an online store via Marktplaats or eBay. With the help of these online outlets, you can list your products for sale, describe them briefly, and advertise your stuff through their websites. Etsy is becoming a hugely successful international retailer for unique handmade products that are sold at high prices.
    • Take the things you make to a local street fair, fancy fair, or flea market. The people who go to such events go especially to see the beautiful things that people make themselves. Sometimes you will have to pay something to rent a stand or table, but sometimes you can also get a sales spot for free.
    • Promote your products at offices or stores in your city. Go to places where you might come across a product similar to yours and ask if you can sell your stuff there. Many local business owners are happy to assist a fellow entrepreneur by displaying his or her products.
  6. Sell ​​space on your websites. Are you the proud owner of a blog or website? Then you can consider renting out space on your pages. You can offer your advertising space to larger companies that sell products or services. Then you get a percentage of the number of sales that your page brings them. The best way to make a lot of money this way is to make sure that your website or blog is visited often by regularly posting interesting things.
  7. Rent out some of the space you have. If you have an extra bedroom, a basement, or a parking space on a busy street, you could rent it out. You are responsible for rental conditions, so if at any time you think it is not such a good idea, you are free to terminate the agreement.
    • If you decide to rent out part of your home, make sure to draw up a lease and make sure all other paperwork and permits are in order. That way you reduce the chance of problems with tenants or with the government.
    • Place an ad offering the extra parking space you have to neighbors with multiple cars who may need more parking space. Check what parking space in your neighborhood costs per month to determine how much you could reasonably ask for.
  8. Sell ​​stock photos. Stock photos are simple, fairly neutral photos that people can use for a fee in articles, brochures, presentations, etc. They do not yield that much per piece, but if you put a nice collection online you can eventually sell a lot of it - especially because you can resell the photos over and over again. Best of all, all you have to do is take some nice pictures, put them on the internet and then wait and see.

Method 3 of 4: Take an unusual job

  1. Ask if you can babysit with your neighbors. Although babysitting is seen as a side job for 13-year-old girls, it is in fact a quick and easy way to make money. Moreover, babysitting does not necessarily mean looking after children only. You can extend it to homes, pets and gardens. Offer your babysitting services on advertising boards near you to increase the chances of someone hiring you.
    • Looking after pets or walking dogs is a really fun way to make money if you are an animal lover. If your friends, family, or neighbors go on vacation, offer to babysit their pets for a small fee. That way they have one less problem and it gives you the chance to make some money while doing something you enjoy.
    • Looking after someone else's house is perhaps the best of all babysitting jobs. You get paid to stay in someone's home and make sure there are no burglaries and accidents while the residents are on vacation or on a business trip. You may even just need to check every day to make sure everything is okay, making this an extremely easy way to make a lot of money.
  2. Do home-garden-and-kitchen chores. Everyone has little chores that need to be done, whether it's cleaning the gutter, checking the car completely, or having a big houseclean up, there are endless tasks and chores that need to be done. Offer your services to friends and family who might be willing to let you do the chores they don't like doing for a small fee.
  3. Become a so-called mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is someone who is paid to secretly visit shops and restaurants and reports on it afterwards via an online survey. On average, you will be paid around 10 euros per store, for a short exploratory visit of 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
    • Companies such as www.mystery-review.nl or www.tns-nipo.com conduct research for clients in various industries, with them you can sign up to become a mystery shopper.
    • If you have to buy something - usually food or clothing - you will be refunded the amount paid for it after completing the online survey.
  4. Work for ChaCha. ChaCha is a telephone service that anyone can call or text with all kinds of questions. As an employee at ChaCha, you need to pick a topic you know a lot about, then research and return answers as soon as you can.
    • Before you are hired, you will have to take a test so that they can see if you can work with their system and are able to perform the required tasks.
    • People who work at ChaCha earn between 3 and 9 euros per hour, and there is no minimum number of hours that they must meet. You just sign up on their website when you want to work and then you do as much work as you want.
  5. Find a job as a referee. Do you love sports? Then read the rules of your favorite sport again and earn money as a referee! For around 15 euros per hour game you can earn some extra money by playing your favorite sport. Make sure you know the rules very well, because if you wrongly whistle someone you will have to deal with angry players.
  6. Take a temporary job. Companies often need temporary workers, so register with an employment agency for temporary work. This may not be the fastest way to make money, but the jobs are easy because you won't have time to get trained in performing complicated tasks.
    • Become a virtual assistant. If you have experience with administration and would like to work from home, try looking for a job as a virtual assistant via websites such as academievirtueelassistent.nl or vazz.nl. It may take several days to a week for your enrollment to complete, but the work is extremely comfortable for parents who need to stay at home or fill in the gaps in a part-time schedule.
    • Do seasonal work. Many businesses and shops have extra pressure during certain times of the year depending on the product or services they offer. Take a job for a few weeks or months at a store or office near you where it will be very busy in the coming period.
  7. Work for special events. Many companies require people for shorter periods of time to work at or advertise conventions or other special events. They may pay you to stand on the street holding a plate, or to hand out samples of a particular product in a mall. You are usually paid on an hourly basis for a relatively short period ranging from a few days to a few weeks.
  8. Find a job as a mechanical Turkish. As a so-called mechanical turk you are assigned simple tasks in the field of data processing, which are difficult for a computer to perform. These jobs are often boring and monotonous, but the work is very simple and you work on the basis of a voluntary employment contract. You usually get paid for these jobs in cents per task, so while the tasks are very simple, you will have to put in a lot of time to earn a lot from them.
    • Amazon has a program for mechanical Turks. The payment is deposited into the account you have with Amazon, but you can withdraw the money in cash from 10 dollars.
    • You can choose what you want to do from a list of tasks to be done, but keep in mind that those tasks are often very boring. Still, with a little persistence you can earn something after a week of work!
  9. Take a paper route. This job is particularly suitable for early risers, but if you can bring it up to get up while most people are still on one ear, you can earn up to $ 10,000 a year with just newspaper delivery! The great thing about a paper route is that because of the working hours you do not run the risk that your delivery route will coincide with your normal working or study times.

Method 4 of 4: Make money in other ways

  1. Complete online questionnaires. Official websites that offer you the opportunity to complete online surveys usually pay between 5 and 10 euros per survey. By simply completing one or two surveys per day you can supplement your income in a nice way.
  2. Register as a test subject for research. Universities, scientists and pharmaceutical companies are constantly looking for people who are willing to participate in studies. Depending on the research, you can sometimes get a few hundred euros for it! Most studies require people who are healthy, but sometimes they also need participants who must meet certain criteria for poor health.
    • Check the websites of universities or the Ministry of Health to find out which studies are currently underway in your area.
    • Participate in NASA's sleep study. To be a test subject for this particular study, you must remain in one of their beds for three consecutive months and move as little as possible. Participation in this survey will earn you no less than $ 10,000! You will only be paid this after having been in bed for months.
    • Participation in medical studies always entails the risk of certain side effects, but usually the chance that these side effects will actually occur is very small.
  3. Give your opinion for a fee. Companies want to hear what people think of the services or products they offer. In order to find out the opinions of the public, many companies publish online surveys that anyone can fill in for a fee afterwards.
    • Take a look at Opiniepeilers.nl. On this website you can find dozens of different questionnaires that you can complete; the surveys will earn you a few euros each.
    • Join a focus group. A focus group asks you to comment on a particular product or idea. This can be done in person or via the internet. Depending on the amount of time and effort required for the group activity you participate in, you can earn amounts ranging from a few to as much as a hundred euros.
  4. Look for bonuses and rewards. If you were already thinking about transferring your money to another bank, getting a new credit card, or recommending a business you like to a friend of yours, just to name a few, Before you make a decision, look around to see if you will be rewarded with a bonus in cash.
  5. Promote businesses. Companies want to reach as many people as possible with their products and services. Therefore, they use the services of ordinary citizens who advertise them word of mouth. They may ask you to advertise them over the Internet or in person.
    • Have your car covered with advertisements. Depending on the product or service, you will have to let the ads sit for a number of months or years. Over time, this can earn you hundreds of euros. Removing the ads at the end of the agreed period will not damage your car.
    • Sell ​​your status updates on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can then choose from a number of ads that will then appear as a status update published by you on your favorite social media page. The more ads you publish and the more followers you have, the more you get paid. You can see a number of sample ads on ad.ly.com.
  6. Volunteer with a food cooperative. In many cities you will find a local food cooperative where only volunteers work. And what does that volunteer work yield? You will regularly receive free food and other groceries in exchange for the work you have done. In fact, you get paid money for groceries that you should buy anyway!
  7. Earn money through your smartphone. Apps like Field Agent, CheckPoints, WeReward, MyLikes and Gigwalk let you do small jobs (from taking a picture of yourself in a cafe to scanning a barcode) for a few dollars. This is a great way to make money while having lunch or running errands.
  8. Look for unclaimed money. Many people leave amounts of money each year. Think carefully about whether forgotten pension funds, funeral policies, dividend money or prize money are still waiting for you. It is also possible that someone has ever wanted to transfer an amount to you or paid you a check, but that the amount or the check was not collected because you could not be found.


  • Never pay for taking a survey. All reliable online surveys are free.
  • Also make sure you know what you are getting into before participating.
  • Stay positive if you want a positive outcome. With a negative attitude you only achieve negative results.
  • It is best to offer your services to close friends and relatives with whom you are reasonably close. Do not collaborate with strangers. Strangers or people you don't know very well can have bad ulterior motives.
  • Earn money quickly and easily by working hard.
  • Join systems that pay commission through a dualistic system. That way you can recommend the program to friends or other people who would also like to earn money via the internet. If they then sell something, you will receive a small percentage because they have registered through you.
  • Collect and recycle small change! Ultimately, you can save a lot together and convert all those loose coins into hard euros.


  • Remember that the internet can be dangerous. Don't just trust any surveys you come across online; whether you see an ad's website added to this article by spammers, or in ad programs on websites. Malicious survey websites can steal your personal information or install viruses on your computer!