Junglen in League of Legends

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024


In League of Legends, the 'Jungler' is the player who does not compete with an opponent in a 'minion lane' (Top, Middle, or Bottom), but rather gains his gold and experience by killing neutral monsters that can be found in the 'Jungle' of Summoner's Rift. While this role is not "required" to play or win a match, it is currently a standard part of Summoner's Rift team strategy. The total amount of gold and experience collected by the team is maximized through "jungling". The ability to ambush opponents, also known as a "gank", is very important for high-level matches.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing the structure of your items and champion

  1. In League of Legends, choosing the right champion is one of the most important parts of jungling (especially in the season 5 jungle). Choose a champion who has skills to help him survive in the jungle, such as built-in lifesteal, shields and / or life regeneration. Junglers include Warwick, Master Yi, Vi, Lee Sin, Rek’sai, Cho’Gath, Pantheon and many more.
  2. Jungle items. With any jungler, you should start with the hunter's machette, as many life jars as you can buy, and a protection charm (it's probably best if you buy the yellow first and the red later). Pick one that best suits both your playing style and your champion. You must enchant your jungle item as quickly as possible, with the speed depending on your champion and the levels required (see item building section).
    • The "Rangers Trail Blazer" is for improved stamina as it gives you a great deal of life and mana when you destroy a jungle camp.
    • The "Poachers knife" rewards junglers for destroying encampments in the jungle of the enemy team. Be careful though, because once the enemy team sees you have this item in your inventory, they will expect you to be in their jungle.
    • The "Stalkers blade" allows you to pronounce "smite" over a champion of the enemy and applies a brake magic, which is useful for chasing enemies and performing a "gank" on them.
    • The "Skirmisher's Saber" also allows you to use smite against an enemy champion and "marks" them for 4 seconds. The marker provides a view of the champion and allows you to deal extra "true damage" with your basic attacks.
  3. Your item structure. Which items you buy should depend on three things: the champion you are playing with, the build-up of the enemy team and the build-up of your team.
    • Your champion:
      • For junglers that can deal a lot of physical damage (like Master Yi, for example), you need to build items with melee-targeted attack power.
      • Junglers who magically deal more damage (such as Fiddlesticks) should build up their ability power.
      • Some junglers, such as Amumu, are stronger when they build their life, armor, and / or resistance to magic (also called "building tanky").
    • Building the enemy team:
      • If the enemy team is mostly AD champions, you should consider upgrading your armor.
      • The same is true when the enemy team deals mostly magical blows. Then you have to build up resistance to magic.
      • If you are building attack power and the enemy team is greatly improving their armor, you will need to buy at least one armor piercing item. A few examples are Last Whisper, Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Cleaver.
      • For the same reason, crafting magic-piercing items, such as Haunting Guise or Void Staff, is useful when you are building magical damage, and the enemy team is focused on building resistance to magic.
    • Building your team:
      • If this is possible, it is a good idea to find a balance in your team between melee attack power, magical attack power, and "tanky". If you already have powerful melee-focused characters and magic-focused characters ('carries') on your team, you may be able to contribute more to your team through building 'tank' and protecting your powerful fellow teammates (in short 'peeling').
      • If your team is without a mighty melee-focused or magic-focused character, you should consider which of the two is more appropriate as your champion.
  4. Choose Smite. Smite will help you kill strong monsters quickly and achieve the team objectives "Dragon" and "Baron" (see below). Since Smite deals a significant amount of true damage, it can be used to kill tough monsters. Without worrying about an enemy player stealing your kill.As your second "summoner spell" it is normal to choose "flash" or "ghost". With certain champions, you can also choose "teleport", "ignite", or "exhaust" as your other summoner spell. As an example, many Shaco players choose Ignite or Exhaust, which allows them to play very aggressively at the beginning of the game, which also adds to their chance of victory.
  5. Select "masteries" specifically for the Jungling role. Create a new Mastery Page and distribute points based on survivability (Health / Armor / Regen) and the damage done to minions / monsters. "Required" masteries for this role are Butcher, Summoners Resolve, Tough Skin, Bladed Armor, and Hardiness. However, be aware that these masteries will disappear after a while.
  6. Select runes that match your champion. Maybe you want a better chance of survival, you want to deal more damage, or you want to move faster around the map. A specific rune page for the jungling scroll must be created before the competition. Typical runes are Flat Armor Seals, Flat Damage Marks, Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs, and Movement Speed ​​Quintessences. Nevertheless, it is best if you adapt these runes to suit your champion and playing style, as recommended in the item building section.
  7. Buy Wards. If you have any gold left after teleporting and purchasing items, you must purchase Stealth Wards (aka "green wards") and / or Vision Wards (aka "pink wards"). Warding can be very beneficial when used properly. Having a view of enemy champions, in their own jungle, can make the difference between death and a "kill" by giving your team the ability to dodge an upcoming surprise attack. Typical locations for a "ward" border the river, provide a view of the team's objectives (Dragon / Baron), or can even be used for Counter-Jungling.

Part 2 of 3: Routes and tactics

  1. Start with gromps or krugs. If you can persuade the nearby lane to assist with the first camp, it will increase the speed and safety of your first clearance. Use potions to keep your life going when you are injured. After clearing your jungle, you should (especially if you have low HP) upgrade your Hunter's Machete to one of the four jungle items discussed earlier. Good to remember: "Blue" and "Red" targets take 5:00 minutes to reappear. Remember when they will reappear. Continuing to apply these buffs to your Champion will greatly help your jungling and ganking (see below). In the time it takes for monsters to reappear, keep clearing your jungle. Remember to always save your "smite" for the final blow to strong / epic jungle monsters to ensure a kill. At higher levels, the enemy jungler will try to steal your buffs. When you waste your smite, they can steal your buffs from you with their smite.
  2. "Gank" when an enemy champion spreads too far across a lane. "Ganking" is the term for attacking the enemy by surprise, from the side or from behind. Usually a teammate will ask for a gank if a player from the opposing team gets too close to your team's defense tower. However, a good jungler will keep an eye on the mini-map to spot such situations. Be sure to let your teammate know that you are attempting a gank, either with a chat or with "pings" on the card.
  3. Coordinate with your teammate to track down enemy "wards". A ward from the opposing team will see you coming to execute a gank and thwart your attempts to get a "kill". If your allies desperately want a gank to be executed, you must have them place a "pink ward" in the area to get a view of the enemy's wards.
  4. Counter-Gank. If the opposing team performs a gank on one of your lanes, the subsequent battle usually takes a while. Find this out as soon as possible and go to the fight to provide help. Even if you arrive a little late to battle, you may be able to kill an enemy champion with very little life left or save an ally.
  5. Farm "lanes" when your allies are not present. If your teammate is in the process of purchasing items, or is simply on a different part of the map, followers will begin to march out of their way to your team's defense tower. Take steps to avoid this by killing the minions, which will also earn you extra gold and experience. Just make sure to pass this along to the person guarding that lane first, as this can make them angry from time to time. If you are going to hit the enemy back in a lane, you have to do your best to chase the wave of minions all the way back to the enemy defense tower. This way you prevent the enemy from getting experience and gold.
  6. Secure the objectives of the game world - Dragon / Baron. These "Boss-like" "neutral monsters give gold and experience to your entire team, and can be the difference between winning and losing. Dragon appears after 2:30 minutes, and it takes 6:00 minutes, after being defeated, to reappear, while Baron appears after 8:00 minutes and it takes 7:00 minutes, after being defeated, to reappear. appears. Both of these objectives will most likely require help from teammates to kill them (especially Baron). A good tactic is to place a Pink Ward in the area to prevent the enemy from seeing what is happening there before attacking these targets. It's also helpful to try these things only when your team has control over most of the map.

Part 3 of 3: Advanced Tactics

  1. Give the "blue buff" to your middle "lane". Middle lane champions usually have a lot of mana, and therefore benefit enormously from the increased mana regeneration and reduced cool down period provided by the blue buff (actually known as the Crest of Insight). "Ping" the Blue Sentinel, if you choose to do so, to enlist their help. This will give them the message to go there and kill him with you.
  2. Steal the Red or Blue "buff" from the enemy. Once you get it right, it will not only give you extra experience and gold, but it will also prevent the opposing team from using these buff perks. This is most easily done by placing "wards" in and around the enemy's jungle so you can see what is going on in these areas. A good player can fine-tune the reappearance of his own buffs, but also those of the opposing team, for maximum effectiveness. When you proceed to steal a buff, watch out for enemies in the nearby lanes, and back off when you see them coming to stop you.
  3. Check an enemy's items. Once enemies are visible on the map, they will be displayed with their most recent items. Check to find out if there are any enemies with "wards" and see whether or not they have placed the ward. Get an idea of ​​which lane is best for a gank. For example, if you see that a bot lane has not bought wards, it might be a good idea to run a gank on them while they have limited view.
  4. Learn Counter-Jungling. Counter-Jungling is the "farming" of the enemy's jungle. This can put the enemy behind in their amount of experience and gold, making them less of a danger. However, keep in mind that the enemy can do this to you too, if you are too busy in their territory.


  • When teammates ask for "ganks" (which is usually indicated by a "ping" at the enemy champion), it is advised to perform a gank when you see the opportunity to do so. Ganks are always needed. Running a gank in this lane will show where it is on the map, and if you successfully run a gank on the enemy and kill him, it will give the laner a chance to get back on par with his / her opponent.
  • Remember your base. Trying to score a "Last Hit", "kiting", having an overview of the card and placement are all factors that will help you excel at playing regardless of your role.
  • Don't engage in jungling if you're not comfortable with it. Play a few custom games or Co-op vs Al as the jungler, to get used to it. If you plan to play ranked games, it is recommended that you are good.
  • It's common for players to feel that a bad lane score is the fault of the jungler. When this happens, don't get discouraged. Instead, focus on the last game. Many games will start badly, but end with your team being significantly stronger in team fights in the end.
  • Think about previous games, not how bad they went, but how you could have acted better in the situation given at the time, to get a better result. You could download LoLReplay to watch matches you've played in the past, or you can watch video streams from Pro players on Twitch.tv
  • Players can often lose lanes without a chance of recapture. In such cases, they can ask for ganks when it is not best for the team. A player who has died multiple times is not worth as much to the enemy team (because of the "Bounty" gold bonus) as a player who has a "kill streak". It can be beneficial to focus your attention on the winning lanes, rather than one that has already been lost. This is a decision that often has to be made by the jungler.