Have fun during the long car ride to a holiday destination (teenagers)

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
My Summer Vacation
Video: My Summer Vacation


A family vacation is often the highlight of summer, but getting there is a different story. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to keep yourself busy on the long, boring car ride. First, make sure you have everything you need for your trip, including snacks, pillows, and comfortable clothing. Once you are all set, you can do several things to pass the time until you are at your destination.

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Method 1 of 4: Prepare for a long car ride

  1. Decide who will sit where. Before all of you get into the car, it must be determined who will sit where. A window will give you a better view, but you may prefer the back row to yourself so you can stretch out for a nap. Switch places every now and then so you don't have to look at the same thing all the time.
    • Don't try to complain about where to sit. When traveling with a large group, someone will inevitably be wedged in the middle.
  2. Wear comfortable clothes. On the day you hit the road, it is best to wear clothing that is loose-fitting and lightweight, and that you can wear for hours without a problem. A simple T-shirt and a pair of jeans or sweatpants is always a good combination. It can also help to wear shoes that you can put on and take off quickly for when you stop for a while.
    • When the weather is warm, it is a good idea to wear short sleeves. Likewise, when it is cold and winters, put on a thick coat in case it gets cold in the car.
    • Your main concern should be how you feel, not how you look - no one will judge you by your appearance during a stop.
  3. Make sure there is room for two bags. Stuff most of your luggage (including your clothes, toiletries and electronics) into the first bag and put it in the trunk, then pack whatever you'd like to take in the car into the second bag. That way you always have a few entertainment options at hand.
    • Make sure your bag isn't big enough to become a burden or take up valuable legroom. In most cases, a backpack, shoulder bag or handbag will be the correct size.
    • This extra bag can hold things such as books, magazines, a tablet or portable media device, a magazine, or small games and other items.
  4. Bring some snacks. Packaged snacks are best because they don't go bad and don't need to be reheated. Things like crackers, granola bars, mixed nuts, chocolate, and spring water will give you the energy you need to endure a seemingly endless car ride without getting cranky.
    • If you have room, fill a small cooler bag with healthier things, like fresh fruit and yogurt.
    • Being able to nibble on something now and then will also keep you from getting hungry, meaning you don't have to stop for meals.

Method 2 of 4: Pass the time

  1. Find a comfortable position. Relaxing in a tight car can be difficult. Place a pillow on your lap and lean forward on your knees, or tuck the pillow against the side of your headrest so you can fall asleep with the sun on your face. If there is enough room, you may even be able to sit with your feet up on the console or sideways to stretch your legs.
    • Remember, safety comes first: keep your seat belt on the entire journey, even when trying to get comfortable.
  2. Take a nap. Long car journeys are a perfect opportunity to get some extra sleep, especially if you leave early. Don't forget to grab a pillow before you leave home so you have something to rest your head on. By the time you wake up, you will be hours closer to the destination.
    • A sleep mask and a pair of earplugs can be useful for blocking out unwanted light and noise so you can doze off.
  3. Read a book. Put at least a few books in your bag that you keep with you and open them whenever you want to enjoy a quiet activity. Reading is a great way to fight boredom and not think about the long road ahead.
    • Choose a bestseller or popular fiction that doesn't require too much concentration.
    • Reading in the car makes some people feel sick. If you find yourself getting motion sick, stop reading for a while. Take a look out the window and / or into the distance, that will help against motion sickness.
  4. Grab a notepad. Put some paper, pens and pencils in your bag. That way you can doodle or write down your thoughts during the slower moments. A long car journey is also a good opportunity to catch up on homework assignments.
    • Pass the notepad on to your traveling companions and play a game such as butter, cheese and eggs, hangman or the English Mash.
    • Get creative and write a poem or short story.
  5. Play a word game. Have everyone take turns looking for foreign number plates or solving tricky riddles. Word games are great because you don't need more than your imagination to get involved. Some other popular games are:
    • I see I see…, where one player describes an object in or around the vehicle, and the others have to guess what it is.
    • 20 questions, where the players get to ask 20 yes / no questions each to guess the name of a person, place or object.
    • Would you rather ..., where one player presents two different scenarios and the other has to choose one of the scenarios.
    • Six Degrees of Separation, where one player names a random movie and the other player must match an actor from a series of other movies to it, until he / she returns to the original actor.
  6. Talk to each other. Take advantage of this time to catch up, or just chat about nothing in particular, to while away the time. You will have to share a small space for hours, so consider it a meeting place.
    • Go around the car and let everyone tell their best joke or funny story about something that happened to them.
    • Write down some thought-provoking questions to use as a conversation starter if you don't know what to talk about anymore.

Method 3 of 4: Using technology to keep yourself busy

  1. Listen to music. Sync your favorite music to your iPod or mobile device so you can listen to it whenever you want while on the go. You can also use programs such as iTunes, Spotify and Pandora to stream an almost endless catalog of hits. When the radio is on, make sure it's something everyone in the car likes.
    • Make sure to bring headphones in your bag - without them you may find it difficult to hear your music or run the risk of annoying your fellow passengers.
  2. Watch a movie or TV series. Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to enjoy your favorite shows just about anywhere. Use your smartphone or tablet to stream titles from Netflix, Hulu, or similar apps. You can even organize a movie moment with everyone in the backseat!
    • Make sure everyone has a chance to pick out something to watch on a shared device.
    • If data or internet reception is an issue, invest in a portable DVD player that you can carry in your luggage.
  3. Send text messages to friends. Send messages to the stragglers at home and let them know how your trip is going. This gives you the opportunity to stay in touch while on the go.
    • This is only an option if you are in areas with decent cellular coverage.
    • Don't forget to bring an extra charger (or better yet, a car charger) so you can charge your phone when you stop for a while.
  4. Share your experiences on social media. Keep your followers informed about how your trip is going through posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Take time every day to upload photos, status updates and even reviews of restaurants, museums and famous attractions. It's a good way to document your journey while also keeping up to date with everything that is happening in your social circle while on vacation.
    • Come up with a unique vacation hashtag to organize all your relevant posts under one header.
    • Make sure to turn on your device's location settings. This allows your followers to see which places you have visited.

Method 4 of 4: Enjoy your trip

  1. Create a dream trip. Compile a list of things you want to see and do at your destination. Then you choose one or two of these things and see if you can make them reality. With a little forward thinking, you will be better prepared to make the most of your vacation.
    • Don't limit yourself - your perfect adventure can include everything from swimming with dolphins or attending a music festival to hiking the highest peak of a mountain range.
    • Consider your budget and the length of your trip when making plans - you probably don't have the time or money to go parasailing, snorkeling, rock climbing, and exploring the whole city on a weekend getaway.
  2. Take pictures. Start documenting your experiences along the way. Keep an eye out for interesting sights or scenic views along the way that you think will be a nice background for your photos. If that's not your cup of tea, you can also just take some crazy selfies with friends or your siblings for a laugh later.
    • Aspiring photographers can even invest in a reliable camera to take high-quality photos that can be further edited later.
    • Create a digital scrapbook to remember your vacation and share your favorite moments with friends and family when you get back.
  3. Find out more about where you are going. If you're going to a place you've never been before, take the time to do a little research about the area's history, geography, and culture. You can usually find a lot of interesting information in travel books, road maps or brochures, or simply by searching online.
    • Make a list of facts you've learned and use it to create a quiz for friends and family.
  4. Pay attention to the sights along the way. Find out what types of local nearby attractions there are and add a few extra stops to your travel time to get a closer look. Beautiful geographic formations, awe-inspiring natural phenomena and strange attractions can be found almost everywhere on Earth. Seeing some of these things with your own eyes can make your vacation that much more memorable.
    • Consult travel literature to get an idea of ​​what's around you.
    • Keep in mind that you cannot insert too many stops or you will fall behind the schedule.
  5. Ask if you can do a pit stop if you get screaming crazy. An occasional break from driving gives everyone in the car a chance to go to the toilet and stretch their legs. Afterwards you will feel reborn and ready to continue your journey.
    • Rather stop at petrol stations than parking lots. There you can get something to eat and stock up on supplies. Parking spaces often have no more to offer than a toilet.
    • It's a good idea to use the restroom while you can, even if you don't really need to. You never know when you will get the chance again.
  6. Make the car ride fun. Try to have a positive attitude about the situation. Long car journeys aren't really fun for anyone, but they are especially excruciating when everyone in the car is in a bad mood. After all, you have a chance to have a nice vacation with the people you care about most - what could be better?
    • Don't feel like you have to fill the silence. Sometimes a little rest is just what everyone needs.


  • Get plenty of rest the night before you leave. A short nap in a bumpy car is no substitute for a good night's sleep.
  • Take every opportunity to recharge your electronic devices.
  • You need a valid driver's license if you want to get behind the wheel for part of the ride.
  • If you notice that you suffer from motion sickness, look at the road in front of you as much as possible.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • If you feel like you are about to throw up, try breathing in and out slowly and deeply. If this doesn't help, you are quite likely to actually throw up, so make sure you always have a bag with you for such times.
  • Download films and series that you watch on Netflix before you travel, so that you do not use up data.
  • Bring enough snacks so you don't get hungry.
  • Try not to talk all the time, some people may want to sleep, and the driver and other passengers may need some peace and quiet.


  • Do your best not to annoy the person behind the wheel or anyone else in the car. Excited nerves can really bring the mood down.
  • Pay attention to how much water you drink on the way. If you overdo it, you just have to stop more often to go to the bathroom.