Celebrate your birthday alone

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
How to spend your birthday alone.
Video: How to spend your birthday alone.


Many people probably remember: not being able to sleep from the excitement the night before your birthday, lying awake expectantly about the presents, parties, people and fun that await you. As an adult, some of the magic of birthdays has often been lost, especially when faced with having to celebrate your birthday on your own. However, the prospect of being alone on your birthday - by choice or by necessity - doesn't have to make you feel down. Read our advice on how to turn a solitaire birthday into something fun, whether you decide to celebrate at home or escape it.

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Part 1 of 2: Planning your celebration

  1. Consider how much time you can spend actually celebrating your birthday. Hardly anyone likes to work on their birthday (even if you have a great job and great colleagues), but as adults, most of us will still have to respond to the alarm clock to drag ourselves to work, even though it's your birthday. When preparing for your birthday, keep the calendar in mind to see how much time you can set aside for yourself.
    • You may be spending most of your special day at work, but check your schedule to see if you can get home a little earlier so you can visit your favorite bakery or have some extra time at home spend on your breakfast.
    • Of course, if you prefer to sleep in as long as possible - especially on the morning of your birthday - see if you can have a more extensive lunch or possibly go home a little earlier.
    • If you have vacation days available, consider taking them on this special day.
  2. Consider leaving on your birthday. If you can, a trip out of town for a solo birthday celebration is a fantastic way to treat yourself, go exactly where you want to go, and realize precious time for yourself. Traveling alone means you don't have to worry about coordinating your schedule with others, nor compromise. If you've always wanted to laze on a sunny beach, but your usual travel companions prefer a brisk walk in the woods, this is your chance to go where you want and do exactly what you want.
    • If possible, try to realize your travel plans a few weeks in advance to get the best deals. This includes decisions about transport, arranging overnight stays and packing items for the road.
    • It's always nice to return to a favorite place, but don't rule out going to a completely new place.
  3. Look for special birthday offers. You may not think it's cool anymore when a bunch of weird waiters sing you a happy birthday (or maybe - nothing wrong with that!), But that doesn't mean there aren't tons of other special offers available for you to take advantage of on your birthday. It was not uncommon to just mention your birthday to get a free dessert or coffee (and maybe show your ID); Nowadays, however, most companies with special birthday offers or discounts ask you to sign up for them in advance.
    • In the weeks and days leading up to your birthday, visit the websites of your favorite restaurants and businesses to see if they offer something special on client birthdays. You may need to sign up for a mailing list or more likely an email list.
    • Also, don't be afraid to ask at the counter of the companies that you regularly visit in person if they have special birthday programs.
    • Many coffee houses and restaurants have birthday discounts, but don't forget to check this out with other companies, such as your stylist or masseuse.
  4. Decide what you want for your birthday. Just because you plan to celebrate your birthday alone doesn't mean you should forgo presents! Think of your birthday as a day to relax, reward yourself, pamper and celebrate - such a day is hardly complete without a present. Sure, it is (usually!) Nice to be surprised with a gift, but who among us has not even responded warmly but with false enthusiasm to a not so ideal birthday present? (Really, grandma, a unicorn wool sweater?) The benefit of giving yourself a gift is that you can figure out exactly what you want.
    • You may decide to save the actual shopping for the day of your birthday, especially if you love searching and shopping and want to include it as part of the day's festivities.
    • However, if you don't have time to buy something for yourself on the day, or if shopping is the last thing you want to do with your precious free time, make sure you pick out something great for yourself in advance so you can have it at home. on your birthday.
    • If you buy something in the store, see if it is possible to have it packed for you. Yes, that sounds a bit crazy (after all, it's not like you don't know what's in the package), but chances are you'll enjoy the ritual of unwrapping a hand-picked gift.
    • Or choose something special for yourself online and make sure you've arranged shipping so it arrives before or on your birthday.
    • What you can buy will depend on your budget, of course, but keep in mind that you are worth spoiling. Try to choose something that you really want, and that you think can make you happy, even if it seems a little frivolous. Is there something you always secretly wished someone would buy for you, even though you swore you'd never buy it for yourself? Be that person for yourself on this very special day!
  5. Make the final preparations the day before. Pretend you're having an important interview or preparing to throw a party; get all the details like cleaning, shopping, selection, clothing, etc. ready before the big day. Your birthday is also a big day, and your goal is to make it as special and relaxing as possible.
    • Clean your house one or two days before your birthday. For most people, it's hard to relax in a mess and you want your home, especially on your solo birthday, to be an oasis.
    • Make your home look festive: you can have fun with streamers and balloons, or just brighten up your place with a small bunch of fresh flowers (another treat that you wouldn't otherwise indulge in so quickly) or candles.
    • Choose your birthday outfit the night before: Choose something that is comfortable and makes you feel great about yourself.
    • If you have breakfast at home and / or bring your lunch to work, prepare it the night before so you don't have to rush the next morning.

Part 2 of 2: Celebrating the big day

  1. Have a special breakfast. Treat yourself to something special and maybe even something a bit decadent for your birthday breakfast. Even if you have to work, you can spend a little extra time making yourself something special, such as French toast. If you made preparations the night before, breakfast should be ready in no time.
    • Even if you prefer toast and coffee for breakfast, just treat yourself to a better brew than you normally drink in the morning.
  2. Take the time to enjoy the outdoors on your birthday. As much of your special day as possible should be an escape from the normal routine of your life. In your quest to make the most of your birthday, look for ways you can get outside to enjoy the escape nature can provide. Exercise and fresh air help to rejuvenate you and give you the chance to reflect on the new year of life.
    • Go for a jog or take a nature walk, or even a more extensive hike. You can be sure that you will have a great time on your favorite trail or route, but also consider exploring new terrain whenever possible.
    • You can also take a bike ride or just take a walk through the city. If you don't have a bike and you live in a city, who knows it might be possible to rent a bike, which is a fairly inexpensive way to get around the area.
  3. Be your own date. What is your dream date? Spent a pleasant evening on the couch watching old movies while eating your favorite take-out menu? A relaxing afternoon at the museum? Shopping all day? Dine at the best restaurant in town?
    • Your solo birthday is all about doing exactly what you want to do, so whether you decide to stay at home or go out, choose a fun or relaxing activity. Since the day is all yours, don't worry about giving in to other people's tastes or preferences!
  4. Eat whatever you want for dinner. One of the best things about your birthday is that you can decide what meals to eat. Of course this is how it should be, but when you're celebrating your birthday with others, you can feel the pressure to adjust your choices to the preferences of the others at the table. However, if you celebrate this day alone, then you are in full control! If you want to eat cake and nothing else for dinner, there's no one to rip you off!
    • If you enjoy spending time in the kitchen, try classics like sweet potatoes and pot roast.
    • You can also record one of your favorite cooking shows in advance and try out a new recipe; Cook with the host and it will feel like a party (especially if you cook with a glass of wine!).
    • If you don't feel like cooking or don't have the time, you can order food or go to your favorite restaurant. Just make sure you order something you feel like and enjoy - today is your day!
  5. Select a special treat for dessert. No birthday is complete without a treat. If you don't want to be tempted by having a birthday cake in the kitchen all week, stop by the bakery for some decadent cakes. You can even have them spray "Congratulations" on it with whipped cream.
    • If you love baking, treat yourself to a homemade dessert, such as a cheesecake or French apricot pie.
    • If you'd rather buy dessert, do! If you're going out for your birthday, pick a place where they serve great desserts (don't be too shy to let the waitress know it's your birthday - they might have dessert on their behalf), but it can also be fun to go elsewhere for dessert and coffee or wine.
    • If you're not into sweets, pick a nice cheese platter with a great wine, or something you consider a treat and won't eat every day.
    • If you only have to celebrate your birthday because you are far away from friends and family, this would be an excellent time for FaceTime or Skype. Put a candle on your dessert and have someone else sing "Happy Birthday" to you.
  6. Rest and relax before bedtime. When your solo birthday is coming to an end, find a way to unwind and just indulge yourself a little more. Take a hot shower or soak in the bath for a long time. Think about buying super soft, relaxing new pajamas as one of your presents for yourself. Hopefully today was one of your best birthdays ever!