Keep your face straight

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
Memes but i challenge you to keep a straight face
Video: Memes but i challenge you to keep a straight face


Keeping a straight face when trying not to laugh or betray how you feel can be very difficult. Try to keep your face straight by avoiding smiling. You can also distract yourself when you're trying not to laugh or when you don't want anyone to find out how you feel. Really listening to the person you are talking to can also help keep a straight face, as it will make you take the conversation seriously.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Control your face

  1. Take a deep breath. It is impossible to laugh while inhaling. If you're worried that you won't be able to keep your face straight, take a deep breath and then slowly release it. Repeat this as many times as you want until you no longer feel like laughing.
    • Don't take a deep breath with your mouth open - it may be obvious what you're trying to do. Instead, take a deep breath through your nose, resulting in a more relaxed breathing.
    • For good, deep breathing, you need to inhale for 2 to 3 seconds and exhale for 3 to 4 seconds.
  2. Press your lips together. Pressing your lips together can help keep you from smiling. Clench your jaw and press your lips together. You won't be able to laugh out loud with your clenched jaw and compressed lips.
    • If you are concerned that the compression of your lips will be clearly visible, clamp your jaws together more tightly. Doing both can keep your face straight, but clenching your jaw makes what you're doing less obvious.
  3. Bite the inside of your cheek. If pressing your lips together doesn't work, bite the inside of your cheek. It is easier to look unmoved if you suck your cheeks in. And if nothing works, the pain will prevent your feelings from being visible to others.
    • If you're concerned about noticing what you're doing when you bite your cheek, use your hand to pretend you're wiping your mouth. While doing so, bite the inside of your cheek a little.
  4. Cover your mouth. If you're really worried that you can't stop smiling, cover your mouth with your hand. However, don't try to do this blatantly. Cover the corners of your mouth with your fingers or press your lips together.
  5. Pretend to cough or sneeze. If you really can't keep a straight face, pretend you have to cough or sneeze. That gives you the chance to hide your face by covering your mouth, to chuck your face when you really can't stand it anymore.

Method 2 of 3: Distract yourself

  1. Look at something else. If you see something funny and you're worried you won't be able to keep it in, look away. Focus on something just above or to the side of what you find funny. This way, you will seem like you are still listening attentively and you will not come across as rude.
    • If in a situation where looking away might be rude - like in class or at a meeting - you can pretend you're looking at your notes. This is always legitimate and helps to hide your feelings.
  2. Look at your feet. If you really can't look away - maybe you're having a conversation with someone or playing a game - look at your feet. It's a fairly normal thing for people to do that, and may just give you just enough time to get your facial expression back under control.
  3. Think about something else. If you're worried about laughing, think about something sad. This will almost always relax your face. It will keep you from laughing if you are concerned about it, and it will also make your face harder to read.
    • For example, consider a recent news report about poverty.
    • If you're worried about your reaction to thinking about something sad, think about something else - you can count backwards from a large number, or try to remember something complex, like a math formula.

Method 3 of 3: Learn to listen

  1. Ask questions. If you're trying to keep a straight face while talking to someone, get more involved in the conversation. One way to do this is to ask the person questions. It's also a good way to direct the conversation away from what you find funny.
    • For example, if the person you are talking to told you about their job, but then moves on to a topic you find funny, ask questions that will force the other person to return to their job.
    • You can say something like "Tell me about what education you need for this type of work," or "How did you get started in that field."
  2. Practice what you say. If you find it hard to keep a straight face when telling a joke or playing a game, practice beforehand. Practice the joke several times so that you can keep your face straight when telling the joke. You can also practice on things to talk about during a game to distract yourself and maintain a poker face.
    • If you're trying to distract yourself during a game, talk about something that has nothing to do with it.
    • For example, if you play poker, don't talk about other times you've played poker. Instead, you can talk about your work or something that happened while you were shopping.
  3. Think of similar situations you have been in. People you talk to feel validated when you can back up what they have to say with your own experiences. By thinking about your own past, your brain will no longer be concerned with the present and this helps to regain control of your face.
    • For example, if someone tells you a painful story that you can see they are unhappy with, share your own painful story. Not only does it keep you from laughing, but it can help the other person feel better about their own experience.