Behave with a guy you like

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Act Around a Guy You Like (3 Things to Do!)
Video: How to Act Around a Guy You Like (3 Things to Do!)


You may find it hard to be yourself with the guy you like, or hard to stay cool with him around. When you see him you start to sweat, your knees go limp, start rattling like a five-year-old, or start talking about Winnie the Pooh or your favorite teddy bear because you can't handle the awkward silence. Don't worry ... It's natural to be a bit of a layman with your crush around. Once you have settled down, it is important that you organize your thoughts. Remind you that he is probably just as nervous as you. That way, you'll be able to act normally and impress him in no time.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Getting his attention

  1. Make eye contact. Stick to casual looks, you don't want to deter him. If he catches your eye, smile sweetly, and get back to what you were doing. If you gawk at him all day, he'll start to think you're obsessed with him. When you talk to him, be confident enough to look him in the eye. If you don't start staring at the floor, he will be impressed with how you position yourself.
  2. Ask if he can change money. Ask if he can exchange five euros. Or ask him what time it is, as you would if you're afraid of being late. Ask him if he knows who has applied for the student council. Something simple and airy.
    • If you're talking to him, it's okay to take your eyes off him every now and then. Looking him in the eye throughout the conversation can be quite intense.
  3. Make sure his friends see you. This doesn't mean you should be blatantly flirting with them. It involves acting cool, being fun, and trying to get to know them a little bit. Flirting with other guys a little bit is possible, and keep him on his toes. But if you overdo it, he will get the wrong impression of you. Instead, try to be friendly and show interest. Ask his friends about their favorite football team, or plans for the weekend. Just act cool, without being too transparent. Don't immediately admit that you have it for their friend.
    • If his friends see and like you, his friends may bring you up when the boy is around. This will make you stand out even better.
    • If you befriend their friends, they might invite you to parties. This increases the chance that you can hang out with the boy.
    • Resist the temptation to ask his friends if he likes you. He will start to think that you are trying to force a relationship. He won't think that is cool. Even asking them how he is, or what is on his mind, will betray that you are in love with him.
  4. Show him you're having a good time. If the guy is around you a lot but isn't talking to you, don't waste your time looking sad or bored. Don't show you're waiting for him. Rather, enjoy the people you hang out with, laugh, tell funny stories, and engage with others. Be the one other people want to hang out with. Make him want to approach you and start a conversation. Apparently other people enjoy your presence.
    • If you seem like you're hot and surrounded by people, it won't put him off. In fact, he'll want to get to know you all the more.
    • Guys like girls who are fun to be around. Show him that's you. Guys don't like girls who have their phones in hand all the time.
  5. Don't pretend to be different than you are. When you talk to the boy, the best thing you can do, corny or not, is be yourself. Ultimately, you want him to like you, right? Not a copy of someone you think is the perfect person. You don't have to tell him everything about yourself right away, just act like you would with your friends. About. You may be a little shy at first, but the more you talk to him, the more comfortable you will be. The better you can be yourself.
    • You may think guys like dumb, giggling girly girls who flutter their hair. Or girls who adore them. That is not the case. Guys find independent women much more attractive. Women who feel good about themselves and are satisfied with who they are. Women who don't have to pretend.
  6. Don't go run down. You may think that gossiping or saying nasty things about someone you both know will make the boy find you interesting. While he may be temporarily interested in your gossip, he will label you as petty and unreliable. No guy wants to be with a girl who only has ugly things to say. Because it makes her seem the center of all the drama, and no kid wants to be within six miles of it. Certainly not when it comes to girl drama.
    • Better keep it positive. You want the boy to have a fun, enjoyable experience when he talks to you. You don't want him to pick up on your negative energy.
  7. Don't be jealous. This is the worst thing you can do to get noticed. If you see him hanging out with other girls, don't ask him if he likes them, or talk about how stupid, fat, or ugly those girls are. If you do, you will come across as incredibly insecure and extremely jealous. If he thinks you're jealous before you start dating, he'll start imagining how incredibly jealous you will be as a girlfriend.
    • When a girl you both know comes up, surprise the boy by complimenting her. He will see that you are so confident in yourself that you don't think you have to compete with other girls.
  8. Ask him about his interests. Let's face it: guys love to talk about themselves. Who doesn't, by the way? If you want the boy to enjoy your company, show him that you care. Do this without idolizing him, and without squeezing his arm muscles uncomfortably. Rather, ask him about his favorite football team or what sports he does. Talk about his favorite bands, his favorite television show, or even his favorite Chinese dish. You can, of course, also tell us what you like yourself. Don't make him feel like he's being cross-examined; just show him you want to get to know him.
    • Some guys are shy and don't like talking about themselves. If you feel like that, change the subject. Pick something you can both talk about, like your plans for the weekend.

Part 2 of 2: Holding his attention

  1. Be kind to everyone. This is very simple, but also very effective. Be kind to him, and to others too. He will see that you are a really nice person. If you are mean and rude to others, but nice to him, then you will not achieve anything. Alternating between very nice and cold / arrogant will make you appear fake. Playing psychological games gives you an air of arrogance. It will seem like you require quite a bit of attention.
    • If he's thinking about dating you, he'll think it will be easy. That's because you get along well with everyone. No guy wants to date a girl who wants to argue with everyone or be mean to people for no reason.
  2. Flirt. For some, flirting is second nature. If so, show it off. If not, show him that you are interested in him in another way. Make eye contact, smile at him, and talk a bit about the little ones. Turn your body towards him, not away from him. That's how you tell him you like him. You can even touch him lightly if the conversation is going well. You can tease him a bit too. However, don't do this until you've gotten to know him a little better and you know he will respond well.
    • Another way you can flirt is to be playful. You don't always have to take yourself so seriously.
  3. Compliment him. Sincere, simple compliments are great. If you find something to compliment him on, go for it. Choose a fairly harmless aspect of his appearance or one that deserves a compliment. You can say something like."How nice is your hair" or "I think it's so cool that you can play football so well, and still have time to do so well at school." You shouldn't make it much more personal. You don't have to make it uncomfortable by saying something like, "You look so hot in that shirt." Save the juicy compliments for when you're dating.
    • Don't compliment him more than once every two conversations. If you keep piling up the compliments, he may feel overwhelmed. Or he will feel that you adore him.
  4. Make physical contact. If he teases you, give him a little push or tap his knee. Make sure your action is answered. If you're the one who keeps touching him, he either doesn't like it that much or he's a bit shy about it. If you are sitting or standing next to him, pretend it is perfectly natural for your knees to touch, or for your elbows to be together. Watch how he reacts to that little touch. Maybe he wants more.
  5. Please mention his name when you talk to him. People like to hear their name. So name it when you talk to him. You don't have to do it more than once / twice in the conversation. Once / twice is enough to make him feel special.
  6. Be a nice conversation partner. Tell him funny stories about what you did over the weekend. Bring up something ridiculous you heard on the news. Talk about your passion for dancing or playing the piano. Make sure the conversation comes from both sides. Don't be afraid to show your crazy side and make him laugh at your silly jokes. Just be a fun, dynamic person to talk to. He will be happy to talk to you again if you do.
    • It's okay if the conversation pauses for a moment, and you can't think of anything to talk about. Smile, and bring up something else. It doesn't matter how random it is. Also, don't get upset if it becomes quiet for a while. If you feel comfortable with each other, you will soon be able to enjoy the silence too.
  7. Keep your cool. Try to stay as calm as you can, even if you feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You can still be fun and happy without getting nervous or talking too loudly or too much. If you feel yourself getting too excited, take a deep breath. Calm your nerves. Look away from his face if you have to. You don't have to be completely relaxed if that's not in your nature, but try not to appear overly eager or excited. You don't want to overwhelm him.
    • There is a difference between keeping your cool and being indifferent. He must still be able to see that you like him a little more than the rest, without thinking that you have built an altar for him in your closet.
  8. Intrigure him. Once you get his attention, you want him to keep craving for more. You want to pique his interest and show him that you are a unique girl. You want him to want to get to know you better. You can do this by staying a little mysterious, and not putting all your cards on the table right away. Make sure he wants to learn more about you. When you talk to him, tell him to go. Even if you are having a really nice conversation. It's better to leave at your peak than to let the conversation bleed to death. This will make him want to see you even more so you can finish the great conversation.
    • If the boy is intrigued by you, he will want to spend more time. Maybe even one-on-one. Don't get too excited if he asks you out, just show him that you would like to.


  • Act and dress the way you like it. Guys notice if you don't feel comfortable.
  • Be yourself. Chances are, he'll notice, and he'll be more confident when he's with you.
  • Eye contact is the best way to get his attention. If one catches the other staring, try to hold their gaze for a second or two. Look down for a moment, then look up at him again. You can also hold his gaze for a moment, look away quickly, and then slowly look at him again.
  • Remember the big things. Remember his birthday. He will think that you really care about him and will notice that you are interested.
  • When you're with him, flirt and laugh at his jokes. Even if they aren't that funny. Be careful though, laughing too much can turn him off.
  • Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, the relationship won't be successful. Offer advice and try to be there for him.
  • Pay attention to your hygiene, make sure you are always presentable: brush your teeth, wash your hair and prevent stains on your clothes.
  • Make sure your breath always smells good. Maybe you can take a mint or gum when he's not looking.
  • Smile. Act confidently. Maintain eye contact and display positive body language.
  • Don't try to appear desperate. Breathe easy, relax. It would also be good if you could hang out with his friends. That way you have the chance to talk to him.
  • Wear nice clothes so he'll think you care about yourself and your appearance.
  • Don't stalk him or he'll think you're a creep. Have good manners.
  • If you don't talk a lot, start by getting to know each other. Talk about his favorite topics, such as video games, and you're sure to educate him.
  • Let him know who you are starting. Have a chat with him, or approach him and his friends with your friends if you're too shy.
  • If you're already friends, but not the best, ask him to go to the movies with you. If he puts his arm around you, don't be alarmed. This means that he likes you.
  • If you think he likes you, don't hesitate to ask! If he says yes or gives you a compliment, thank him. Compliment him in return. Not right away, but maybe a little later. You don't want him to think you're trying too hard.
  • Be patient. If you haven't talked to him yet, wait to see if he dares to take the first step.
  • Ask your friends for help. This doesn't mean you let them ask him if he likes you. It means they put in a good word for you when they are with him. Or ask them to help you become a little more attractive to the boy, both inside and out.
  • When you walk together, touch his hand with yours.
  • If your crush is mean to you, extinguish him. Deep down, he may be really mean, rude, and a troublemaker. If you are friends with your crush's friends, ask them for as much information as possible. This will give you a great hint.
  • If you're too young to date, ask him to sit next to you during recess.
  • If he's been through a lot of bad relationships, and you're worried that will happen to you too, then it's best to look further.
  • Try to leave a note in his desk or locker. He will see and know that you are interested.
  • Don't be silly. Don't do inappropriate things.
  • Never check your phone on a date. He will start to think that you see the date as a day like everyone else, and that it doesn't affect you. He may even think you don't even realize he's there!
  • If he asks you out, it's a sign that he likes you. If he prefers to go as a group, then he probably wants to take it easy. Or he doesn't like you.
  • Don't just walk away in the middle of the conversation. Let the conversation last as long as possible. If you have to leave and he is not speaking, politely tell him to leave. Also tell him that you hope to speak to him later, via text message or in person.


  • Don't follow him too much! You don't want to give the impression that you are a stalker. Your goal is to get him to approach you. If you don't distance yourself, he will.
  • Never laugh too hysterically. He will turn off that.
  • Don't call him right after a date. Wait a day and a half, unless he tells you when you can call.
  • If he has an (ex) girlfriend, beware. Try to befriend that girl so she doesn't keep watching you. If he's in a relationship, be careful when you flirt with him.
  • Balance the conversation. Don't just talk about you, or just talk about him.
  • Don't act like someone else. You want him to like the real you.
  • Don't make a drama out of everything. Guys like calm, balanced girls. Funny and stuff, though. But not an exaggeration.
  • Don't stalk him! Stalkers are weird! Being with him and being close to him are not the same. If the conversation stops for 30 seconds, excuse yourself. Try to be the first to leave. This prevents him from thinking you are obsessed and makes it clear to him that you have other interests.
  • Don't play "hard to get". This can send the wrong message and cause him to lose interest. Give him space.
  • Never take your girlfriends with you if you want to impress a guy.
  • Don't overdo it with your makeup to impress him. Again, be yourself. Wear the clothes that make you feel comfortable.
  • Make sure your friends think he's a good boy. If not, it can cause problems. Both for you, when you start dating him, and for you and your girlfriends. You don't want to cause drama.
  • Don't talk about him all the time when others are around.


  • Clothes that make you feel good. Be yourself!
  • Deodorant
  • Fresh breath
  • Clean nails
  • Clean hair
  • A friendly attitude