Cleaning your intestines

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Do You Need To Clean Your Colon?
Video: Do You Need To Clean Your Colon?


The function of your colon is to ensure that all food left in your body is removed after your body has absorbed the necessary nutrients from it. You depend on your colon for proper digestion and healthy bowel movements. If you are healthy and have no digestive problems, you don't need to clean your colon, but if you have constipation it is a good idea to solve that problem by removing all waste from your system. Cleaning your colon can also be helpful in preparing for a colonoscopy. You can cleanse your colon by making changes in your diet and lifestyle. In addition, you can ask your doctor for professional advice on how to clean your colon safely.

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Method 1 of 3: Adjust your diet

  1. Include more fiber in your diet. Fiber stimulates the contraction of your intestines. With more fiber in your body, your colon can remove waste from your body faster and more efficiently. Try to get in 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Make sure you eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day and also include a large amount of whole grain products in your diet.
    • Include 100% whole grains in your menu, such as brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, millet and corn.
    • Flaxseed, wheat bran and oatmeal are excellent sources of fiber. You can prepare flaxseed yourself at home and you can add it to smoothies or other dishes or drinks.
    • Fruits such as strawberries, apples and blueberries are rich in fiber. Beans, seeds, and nuts are also good sources of fiber.
  2. Eat more green, leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll or leaf green not only gives plants their green color, but also cleans the tissue in your colon and keeps it supple. Leafy green vegetables not only provide fiber, but also contain nutrients that help repair your intestines. Try to include at least one type of leafy green vegetable in every meal or eat leafy green vegetables as a snack.
    • Alfalfa, wheatgrass, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, kale, spinach, peas and barley grass are all healthy leafy green vegetables.
    • You can experiment with leafy green vegetables as a snack by dipping them in hummus, tzatziki or baba ganousj (eggplant puree from the Arab kitchen).
  3. Drink lots of water. Your colon needs water to do its job and to clear all bacteria and waste from your intestines. As an adult male, try to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day; adult women are advised to drink two liters of water per day. If you exercise intensively or if you are in a very warm, dry environment, it may be wise to drink a larger amount of water.
    • Try to make it a habit. Maybe you make it a habit to always have a bottle of water with you so that you can always replenish your water reserves wherever you are during the day.It can also be a good idea to set a notification on your cell phone so that your phone reminds you to drink at least nine glasses of water a day.
    • Try adding slices of lemon, lime or cucumber to your water for a slightly more interesting taste. You can also add herbs such as mint to your water.
  4. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and dairy products. Try not to drink alcohol and beverages that contain caffeine, such as soft drinks and coffee. Such drinks can dehydrate you and cause constipation. Such drinks can also clog your colon and make it more difficult for your colon to function properly.
    • Milk and other dairy products can make constipation symptoms worse. Try to limit your intake of dairy products or avoid dairy at all for a while.
  5. Take foods that have been fermented. Fermented foods contain probiotics, or bacteria that have a beneficial effect on your colon. Such products allow beneficial bacteria to live in your intestines, allowing your colon to do its job better. Yogurt, miso, kimchi (Korean pickled vegetables), and sauerkraut are four examples of fermented foods. Kefir, apple cider and apple cider vinegar, like kombucha tea, provide probiotics in drinkable form.
    • You can also take a dietary supplement with probiotics. Buy such a food supplement with probiotics from a reliable supplier or health food store.

Method 2 of 3: Make changes in your way of life

  1. Exercise regularly. By living a healthy life, you can ensure that your colon stays healthy and can do its job. Try to exercise regularly, for example every day or at least three times a week. Take a half-hour walk every day or plan a visit to the gym three times a week to make sure you are burning enough energy and staying healthy.
    • You can also try exercising at home with resistance bands to stretch your muscles and build strength. Or you can take classes to aid in regular exercise, such as yoga or aerobics classes.
  2. Take laxatives that you can get from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Often times, a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water and regular exercise can help keep your colon functioning normally. However, if you have constipation or other problems related to your colon, you may want to try laxatives. Always follow the dose prescribed on the laxative package and never take more than the recommended amount. Do not take laxatives for extended periods of time, as taking laxatives for long periods of time can lead to serious health problems.
    • If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), irregular bowel movements or digestive problems, you could try bulk-forming laxatives such as Metamucil, Citrucel or Psyllium. Always take bulk-forming laxatives with plenty of water. Side effects that can occur when taking these types of laxatives are bloating, gas, cramps and an increased risk of constipation.
    • If you have constipation, you can try stool softeners. Bowel emollients are often recommended for older people and pregnant women because they are safe to use and less likely to cause bloating than bulk laxatives.
    • Dulcolax, Senokot (senna), Bisacodyl, and Aloe Ferox cause the muscles in your large and small intestine to contract. Remember, using these types of laxatives for a long time or daily can make you dependent on them for good bowel movements.
    • Never use laxatives as a weight loss supplement. Such use of laxatives is harmful to your health and can cause other health problems.
  3. Before you start using remedies to cleanse your colon, do the necessary preliminary research. If you are thinking about using a bowel cleansing agent on a daily basis, remember to get the necessary information about the product before using it. Carefully read the ingredient list on the product packaging and ensure that the specific herbal ingredients are clearly identified. If you are concerned that you may be allergic to any of the ingredients or if you cannot bring one or more of the ingredients in the cleaning product home, consult your doctor before using it.
    • Always drink plenty of water when using a bowel cleanser. That way you help ensure that you do not dry out and that the product can do its job properly.
    • Do not use bowel cleansing agents as a way to lose weight or as part of a diet. This is an unhealthy way to lose weight and can lead to other health problems.

Method 3 of 3: Ask your doctor for advice

  1. If you have chronic irritable bowel, talk to your doctor. Bowel irrigation, also known as colon hydrotherapy, can help flush waste material from your intestines with the help of water. Your doctor may be able to perform this procedure for you or recommend a colon hydrotherapist who can do it for you. Before proceeding to perform colon hydrotherapy, you should discuss your medical background with your doctor to ensure that you can undergo such treatment without risk.
    • During the procedure, a pump is placed in your anus and spread over a period of time, about 19 liters of warm water is introduced into your digestive system. Once the water is in your colon, the therapist may massage your abdomen to ensure that the water circulates through your intestines and that the waste is carried out of your body. The procedure takes about 30 to 45 minutes in total.
  2. Ask your doctor to inform you about an enema. Your doctor may be able to perform an enema in his or her practice if you have persistent constipation or other bowel problems. A colonic irrigation with the help of an enema is often recommended for constipation and slow bowel movements.
    • Depending on what you need, your doctor can prescribe a certain type of enema. Insertion of the enema should be done by a specially trained professional in a sterile area and with clean equipment.
  3. Talk to your doctor about taking colon medications. If you have been suffering from constipation for more than six months, ask your doctor about options for using medicines that can help stimulate the functioning of your intestines. You can resort to this option if adjusting your diet and lifestyle or applying other bowel treatments is ineffective. The use of medicines can also be a good idea if you are diagnosed with a bowel problem such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
    • However, if you take medicines, make sure that you are aware of the side effects that such medicines can have. If the side effects become severe you should see a doctor immediately. Possible side effects of medicines for intestinal problems include short-term nausea, dizziness and cramps.


  • Do a bowel detox treatment. This is 100% natural. Only use bowel treatments based on natural ingredients. Some bowel treatments do nothing more than laxative and are chemically constructed. Research which bowel treatment works best for your body. It is important that the aforementioned treatment focuses on undigested food and does not simultaneously remove all good bacteria from the intestine.