Ignore someone you live with

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lil Peep - Avoid (feat. Wicca Phase Springs Eternal & Døves) [Audio]
Video: Lil Peep - Avoid (feat. Wicca Phase Springs Eternal & Døves) [Audio]


Whether you're not getting along well with a sibling or arguing with a roommate, there are times when you just need a little distance from the person you're living with. Spending some time apart can help both of you think clearly about your behavior towards each other. To ignore someone, you have to create physical and emotional distance. Find ways to ignore his or her bad habits and manage your own emotions. When you are ready, start a conversation with the other so that you can come to peaceful agreements.

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Method 1 of 4: Limit intercourse

  1. Reply politely, but briefly. If you want to limit your conversation, don't cut back in good manners. Be polite, but don't feel obligated to have long conversations. Stay respectful in your dealings, but indicate that you are not willing to talk extensively.
    • For example, if the person asks you a question, answer with a "yes" or "no" and do not elaborate on the question.
  2. Be neutral in your responses. If something the person does or says annoys you, don't respond to it. If the person gets on your nerves, ignore their behavior. Particularly if the person enjoys chasing you, don't react at all or let it influence you.
    • It's annoying living with someone who provokes you. For example, if your roommate wants to talk and you are not in the mood for conversation, apologize in a neutral way. Say, "I know you want to talk about the situation at work, but it doesn't suit me right now."
    • Don't react emotionally. Instead, take a deep breath and respond with a calm and steady tone.
  3. Control your non-verbal behavior. If you are going to ignore the other person, pay attention to your non-verbal language towards them. For example, don't roll your eyes, mumble, or look at him or her with disapproval. Even if you don't speak verbally, you can still speak through your behavior.
    • Keep your face and body neutral. Don't get excited or show your expressions on your face, no matter how much the other person tries to stir you up.
  4. Don't respond to harsh words. It's hard to ignore someone when they're cruel or rude. If the person tends to belittle you or treat you disrespectfully, it's worth ignoring these statements if you don't want to argue or get angry. If he or she says something unkind and you don't want to go into it, don't say anything at all.
    • You can pretend you don't hear or say something as simple as, "I don't feel like participating in this discussion, especially if you're going to yell at me," and say nothing else.
    • Don't let his or her negative behavior affect you. Imagine that you have a bubble around you that fends off his or her insults and criticism.

Method 2 of 4: Managing the shared space

  1. Put on headphones if he or she is noisy. If you want to ignore the noise the person is making, put on headphones and listen to music. Consider listening to calming and soothing music to de-stress. If you want to feel cheerful or positive, listen to lively and uplifting music.
    • If the person is really noisy, look for noise-canceling headphones.
  2. Make physical separations. Think about how you are going to physically ignore the person. For example, use separate bathrooms and do not go into those rooms where he or she has the habit of being. If the person in the living room is watching television, you spend time in your room and vice versa.
    • For example, if your roommate takes over the space on a shelf, designate shelves for each person and make it clear that they can only use their own shelf.
  3. Stick to a different schedule than his or her. If the person normally sleeps in, get up early and go to work early. If he or she stays indoors on the weekend, go out. You can even make minor adjustments to your timetable. For example, while the person in the bathroom is brushing their teeth, you can sleep through or have breakfast. Get to know the person's schedule and try to avoid too much overlap, especially if you share a bedroom.
    • Go to bed at different times or wake up at different times. If you have the same schedules, adjust your schedule, for example by going for a run in the morning so that you're awake and out of the house before hanging out with him or her.
  4. Spend more time outdoors. One of the best ways to create distance between you and the person is to move out more. Instead of coming home straight away from work or school, visit a friend, go for a walk in the park, run errands, or hit the gym. Spending less time at home can help clear your head and prevent you from meeting the other person.
    • Schedule activities for after school or work most nights of the week, especially if you know he or she will be home. This can help you maintain a vibrant social life as a bonus!
    • If you are still studying, look for clubs or activities before or after school. Join a study group, play a sport, or find an extracurricular activity that you enjoy.
  5. Avoid joint activities. Find other activities to do instead of what you do together. For example, if you generally watch television together, watch your show at a friend's house instead. If you do laundry together, do your laundry at a different time. Stop doing joint activities for a while.
    • If this person is counting on you to be there (for example, to give him or her a ride), let him or her know that you will not be available and that he or she needs to think of something else.
    • If you and the person have mutual friends, you may need to distance yourself from that group of friends for a while.

Method 3 of 4: Support yourself

  1. Take a deep breath. If you find yourself constantly annoyed by the person and their bad habits, find some ways to calm down so that you don't always feel upset when you get home. Start by taking some deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Inhale slowly and then exhale slowly.
    • Do a few rounds of deep breathing and be aware of how you feel. If you don't feel calm, keep taking the breaths until you do feel calm.
  2. De-stress regularly. Especially if you avoid the person you're living with because you don't get along, it's likely you'll want to find ways to de-stress. Practice activities known to reduce stress, such as yoga and meditation. Making time for fun is a great way to relieve stress and have a good time.
    • Exercise is another way to de-stress and keep your body functioning properly. If you don't like going to the gym, go for a walk, ride a bike, or take a dance class.
  3. Spend time with your friends. Try not to get too involved in the drama with the person you're living with and let it go a bit so you can have some fun. Spending time with friends can get you out of the house and help you connect with people who care about you. Whether you need to vent about the situation or want to get away from it all, your friends are there to help.
    • It can be helpful to talk to a trusted friend about what's going on at home. Getting support from friends can be a relief, even if they can't help improve your living situation.
  4. Just spend some time. Think of this time as an opportunity to spend more time with yourself. Try new things on your own and spend some time getting to know yourself. Some alone time may even be good for you: solo time can help you get to know yourself better and increase your productivity.
    • Do individual activities such as writing in a journal or creating art.
    • If you don't have a room of your own, you can spend time on your own taking walks or being outside.
  5. Talk to a therapist. If your living situation is only making your stress worse and you have trouble coping, consider talking to a therapist. A therapist can help you deal with stress and better manage your emotions. He or she can also help you learn skills for interacting differently or more productively.
    • Find a therapist by contacting your insurance company or local mental health clinic. You can also get a recommendation from a doctor or a friend.

Method 4 of 4: Make changes where you live

  1. Explore your options. You may feel trapped by the person you live with because it is your family, you are a minor, or because you signed a lease with him or her. Consider alternatives, even if they are temporary. While you may feel stuck, there may be some options that can help you. Brainstorm some alternatives and see if they are doable.
    • For example, if you still live at home, see if you can spend one evening a week with your cousins ​​or a summer with your aunt.
    • If you have a lease with someone, you may be able to find another roommate, or you may have to break the lease and pay a fine.
  2. Live somewhere else temporarily. If you can temporarily go to a friend, do so. While this isn't ideal, it can help create space and give you some time to disconnect from the person you're living with. Getting yourself out of the situation can help you think clearly about ways to resolve the situation or improve your living conditions.
    • For example, if you live with one parent, ask if you can live with the other or spend more time at their home. Or see if you can attend more sleepovers with a best friend.
    • This is a temporary fix. Only use it to gain clarity and help you solve problems.
  3. Move if you have the opportunity. If the situation has become unbearable and you can no longer imagine living with the person any longer, consider your options for moving. You may not be able to move immediately, but you can make plans for when you can.If you care about the person, consider whether living together will be better or worse for your relationship in the long run. If moving will save your relationship, then it might be a good option.
    • Relocation may not be feasible if you are under 18, have no financial resources, and / or are dependent on your family.
    • You may need to find a temporary situation while looking for or saving a new place.


  • If you are living with a family member or friend you truly care about, consider seeking therapy to repair your relationship. It can be helpful to deal with difficult situations when you care about each other.
  • Plan to end the ignore period. It shouldn't go on indefinitely if you plan on living with this person. Pick a time to talk and work things out.
  • Ignoring this person is a temporary fix if you're in a fight or don't get along well. If you have a serious conflict and you are unable to reach a peaceful agreement after being apart for some time, it may be better to talk to a mediator or consider alternative housing options.