Play the card game war

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to play War
Video: How to play War


Has Lady Luck always smiled at you? Rather than take a chance at one of the Las Vegas casinos, you can also try the card game war. War is a game of chance that is played all over the world. Save your money for something better and play war with some friends.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the card game

  1. The objective of the game. The goal is to eventually have all the cards in your possession. War is usually played with two people, but the maximum is 4 players. The value of the cards in play is from highest to lowest: A K Q J T (10) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. Nothing can beat an Ace and a 2 beats nothing.
  2. Place the cards face down on the table. Players are not allowed to look at their cards. Your opponent may not look at your cards either.
  3. Add the two jokers to the game. Use these as the top two cards of the deck. They can beat anything and anyone and give the player who gets their hands on them a big advantage.
  4. Play with half a deck of cards to speed up the game. Take two of each card (so 2x Ace, 2 Kings, 2x a 3, etc.) and place them separately. Shuffle the cards and use only these 36 for play. The card game is now finished much faster.
  5. Establish special rules for the cards. For example, choose a joker at the start of the game.
    • Example: Determine that a Hearts 2 or a Diamonds 3 is an unbeatable card. Not even an Ace can compete with a Joker.
  6. Play war with 52 cards. Place all of your 36 cards face down on the table directly opposite your opponent's 36 cards. Go through the sequence of cards and each turn one card over, going through all the cards. Collect the cards you win and repeat the game. Continue playing until one of the players has won all the cards.