Make money with Google AdSense

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Make Money With Google Adsense For Beginners 2022 ($100 a Day)
Video: How To Make Money With Google Adsense For Beginners 2022 ($100 a Day)


Earning money without working? Not quite, but almost! With Google AdSense you can place advertisements on your website that match your content and thus appeal to your target group. In exchange, you will receive a small amount if the relevant ad is on your page or as soon as someone clicks on it. We show you some suggestions for optimizing your AdSense revenue.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Post an ad unit

  1. Log in to your AdSense account. Go to AdSense, and click on the top left My ads.
    • Create a new ad unit. In the main screen, click below Content> Ad units, on the button New ad unit.
  2. Name your ad unit. You can come up with any name you want, but coming up with a standard format can help manage all of your information over time.
    • For example, do it like this: [website for the ad] _ [size ad] _ [date]. That will eventually look like this: mijnwebsite.nl_336x280_080112. Whatever format you use, make sure you have a system for the names.
  3. Choose a size. Look below under "How can you design your campaign?" For more information. Google also has a tips page.
  4. Set the type of ad. Here you determine which types of ads will appear on your page: text only, text and images / media or only images / media.
  5. Create a custom channel. With a custom channel, you can group your ads based on, for example, size or location.
    • You can measure the result per custom channel. In this way you can make your channel more effective over time and create an attractive place for advertisers.
  6. Choose a style for the ad. You can choose the colors for the different parts of the ad: the border, title, background, text and the links. You can also choose the types of corners (from rounded to square) and the font and font size.
    • It is customary to match the style of the ad with the look of your website.
    • You can adopt the fixed settings from Google, or choose your own settings. In either case, a preview of the final ad will appear on the right side of the screen.
  7. Copy the code of the ad. When you're done with the ad's settings, you can save it or click Get code click. You will then receive an HTML code that you can place on your website.
    • If you find it difficult to place the code on your website, you can click on this link. There you will find instructions from Google.

Method 2 of 3: How can you design your campaign?

  1. Analyze your content. When choosing your ads, it is crucial that you know who your target audience is. If you have a cooking blog targeting single men with little money, you've already pretty much framed your audience. You then have a very clear target group for your advertisements. What do single men without money find interesting? You can think of dating, cars, movies, politics and live music.
    • Consider which audience your website attracts. Write down the most important characteristics of your visitors.
  2. Customize your ads. AdSense automatically finds ads that match your page. You can fine-tune the criteria for this yourself.
    • Set up channels. Channels are like labels that allow you to categorize your ad units in your own way - by color, category or page. Once you have set up channels, you can request detailed reports on the effectiveness of your ad units. You can make smart use of that information. For example, consider the following:
      • Use one style of ads on some pages and a different style on other pages. Keep track of which style of ads yields the most and pick the best one.
      • Compare the results of different pages with different topics. For example, if your gardening pages yield more than your cooking pages, consider putting more ads on your gardening pages.
      • If you have multiple domains, you can set up a separate channel for each domain. This way you can see exactly how many clicks each domain generates.
  3. Optimize the placement of the ads on your website. Google has figured out how best to place the ads to achieve the best results.
    • Ads that appear immediately upon opening your page are usually more effective than ads that appear after scrolling.
    • Ads in the top left are more effective than ads in the bottom right of your page.
    • Ads directly above the body of the page, as well as ads at the bottom of the page, just above the footer, are very effective.
    • Broad ads are successful because they are easy to read.
    • Ads with photos and video are doing very well.
    • Make sure to use colors that match the colors of your website. This makes the advertisements clearly readable and more effective.
  4. Understand how AdSense works. AdSense places ads on your page depending on a number of different criteria:
    • Placement based on content. The AdSense software scans your website, analyzes the content and places advertisements that match the content of your website. AdSense uses keyword analysis, the frequency of certain words, font size and link structure for this.
    • Placement based on advertiser criteria. Advertisers can indicate on which type of websites they want their advertisements to be placed. If your website meets the criteria of an advertiser, the relevant ad will appear on your page.
    • Placement based on interests. This allows advertisers to select individuals based on their interests. The surfing behavior of the persons is looked at; for example, whether the person concerned has already visited the advertiser's website. In addition, Google has a tool that allows users to indicate which advertisements they are interested in, allowing advertisers to make campaigns more targeted again. This method is good for making your website more profitable, because it increases the value for advertisers and your visitors see customized advertisements.

Method 3 of 3: What's in it?

  1. Know what to expect. If you sign up with AdSense you naturally want to know how much yield you can expect. There are a lot of factors that affect your returns. By managing those factors in the right way, you can achieve maximum returns.
  2. Visitors. First, you need to have people clicking your ads. This is the most important prerequisite for making money with AdSense. For this you must have enough visitors on your website who read your texts. Whether you have a website for your company or a blog, the motto is: make yourself known!
    • Highly-visited websites can sometimes have more than a million visitors per day, while a blog is already happy with 100 daily visitors.
    • For every 1000 visits your website receives, you can earn between 4 cents and 4 euros. Yes, that's a big difference; per month you can therefore earn between 1 and 100 euros. Where your earnings fall within that scale depends entirely on you, your site and your promotion.
  3. Cost per click. You will receive this payment when someone clicks on an ad on your page. No, you cannot click on your own ads. Google notices this and immediately expels you from the program. The advertisers determine the cost per click and the amount can vary greatly.
    • An advertiser may be spending a lot on their cost-per-click, but you don't have to be getting a lot of that money.
    • An ad that yields 3 cents per click can perhaps be clicked 100 times, but then it still yields little in total.
  4. Click rate. This is the percentage of visitors who ultimately click on an ad. If there have been 100 people on your site and one of them clicked on an ad, you have a click rate of 1%. That is a reasonable percentage. You will see that it matters a lot if you have more visitors to your website.
  5. Revenue per 1000 page views. This is an estimate of the amount you will earn per 1000 page views.
    • For example, if you earned $ 1 from 100 page views, your revenue would be $ 10 per 1000 page views. You are not sure whether you actually earn that amount, but you can make a good estimate of the revenues of your website.
  6. Everything revolves around the content. The quality of your texts largely determines how much income your website will generate. If your website has versatile and interesting content and is attractive to the visitors, you will have many repeat visitors. It is therefore easier for Google to determine which ads are best for your site. Interested visitors + targeted ads = €€€
  7. Build in keywords. Make sure that your texts contain well-considered and effective keywords and put valuable links on your website.
    • If you have a website that deals with, for example, web hosting, asbestos-related cancer or debt restructuring, you will be able to place more targeted advertisements than on a website about, for example, free puppies.
    • If you only focus on the most searched keywords, you will face a lot of competition. Look for keywords that are frequently searched for, but are relatively uncommon. So do good research for the right keywords before starting your website.


  • Google does not reveal exactly how it is determined which advertisements are placed on which website. They do say it's about the lyrics on the site, not the meta tags.
  • The success of a website is determined by its quality. If your website has interesting and good quality content, your visitors will keep coming back.
  • There are people who build special websites to place AdSense ads. This is against AdSense rules. So make sure you insert some links or also sell your own product.
  • A good website for making money is Flixya. You can sign up with Google Adsense and Flixya. Then you don't have to spend time and money generating traffic for your own website.
  • Avoid strange characters and signs on your Dutch website. These can ensure that French-language advertisements are placed on your website.


  • In the past, you sometimes saw websites that were explicitly asked to click on the advertisements. Those times are over. If Google suspects that you are cheating, you can no longer pretend you're innocent. They immediately assume that you are guilty, without mercy.
  • If your website doesn't have any content yet, Google has to guess what your website is about. It may be that Google gets it wrong and that you get irrelevant advertisements on your website.
  • Do not click on your own ads. If Google notices that, they will close your account and keep whatever credit you have left. If you accidentally click on your own ads once or twice, they will keep that revenue but not punish you otherwise. As long as it doesn't happen regularly.
  • Google has a lot of rules about how the ads should be displayed. One of the most common reasons for suspension is getting rid of the Google logo. Some webmasters do this to make the ads look like content. Never remove the Google logo, unless you have explicit permission to do so.