Find out if a close friend has a crush on you

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You
Video: 7 Signs Your Best Friend Has A Crush On You


You've been good friends with someone for a long time now, but you only recently learned that they behave differently around you. You start to suspect that there is only one logical explanation for this: your friend is in love with you. Whether you're excited about that because you want to take things to the next level with your friend, or you're worried about not wanting to, there are a number of ways to find out if your close friend ( in) may or may not be in love with you. However, if you want to know how your good friend feels about you, follow the steps below.

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Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to what your friend says

  1. See if your friend suddenly shows interest in your love life. If your good friend is in love with you, he / she may suddenly be curious about your love life, who you are dating. If he / she never cared about it before but you suddenly ask a lot of questions about it and show interest in it, he / she may want you to date him / her.
    • If your friend keeps asking you how your date went when he / she didn't care at first, he / she might be in love with you.
    • If your friend keeps asking you "Is it serious?" or "Do you really like him / her?" if you've been on a date, he / she may get a little nervous because he / she is afraid that you will bond with someone else.
    • If your friend gently gives the person you are dating a sneer, for example by saying that he / she is not good enough for you, he / she may think he / she is the one for you.
    • Another sign of his / her crush on you is if your friend used to like to listen to the details of your dates, but now grinds to a halt when they come up. It can upset him / her to hear about his / her crush's love life.
  2. See if your friend has hinted that he / she would like to date you. Maybe your friend has already said he / she would like to date you, but you haven't noticed. Here are some ways he / she could have done that:
    • If your friend suddenly says things like “I really like talking to you,” and he / she never did before, he / she may be falling in love with you.
    • If your friend has made a lot of comments about how badly he / she wants to be a friend, he / she may be pointing that hope your way.
    • If your friend hypothetically asks you how you'd like the two of you going on a date, then-duh-he / she gives you a huge hint. He / she wants to date you.
  3. Check if your friend compliments you much more than ever. If your friend is the type who always gives elaborate compliments, fine. But if your friend rarely praised you, but suddenly says that you look good, that he likes your new dress, or that she likes your hairstyle so much, chances are he / she wants something more .
    • Pay attention. If your friend has never complimented you before, but now all the more, it may indicate that he / she wants to take the next step. But if he / she suddenly compliments every boy / girl, then there is probably nothing wrong.

Method 2 of 4: Pay attention to what your friend is doing

  1. See if your friend increasingly wants to do things with you alone. If your friend suddenly takes every opportunity to hang out with you, it indicates that he / she wants to take the next step. If you used to always meet in groups and he / she now keeps asking if you want to drink coffee, go to the movies, or even go out for dinner, that's just one step away from his / her ultimate goal. Asking you on a date.
  2. See if your friend pays special attention to you in a group setting. If you always laughed loudly and talked to the rest of the group beforehand, but now you notice that your friend is always sitting next to you, making eye contact with you, or touching you playfully, it could be that he / she wants to be more than just friends with you.
    • Take a look at your friend the next time you meet in a group. See if you can tell if he / she is staring at you. If he / she blushes when you catch him / her, he / she is even more likely to want a little more from you.
  3. See if your friend is more shy around you. If your friend at first spoke very candidly and uninhibitedly about everything and everyone, but suddenly behaves more modestly around you, it could mean that he / she has become a little more timid in your presence. Because he / she is deeply in love with you. If your boyfriend is a boy and he's ignoring his loud burps and dirty jokes these days, he may have a crush on you.
    • If your boyfriend is a girl and she suddenly stares at the floor more often than before, or is less likely to tell you about her dates, it could be because she has a crush on you. She can do this because she only wants to allow you into her personal life.

Method 3 of 4: Pay attention to what has changed

  1. See if your friend has cared more about how he / she looks when you are around. If your friend used to dress quite casually, and now it seems like he / she is always ready to go on a date, something could be wrong. If your friend has changed the way he / she looks around you, it may just be that he / she has started to care more. Or he / she wants you to see him / her.
    • Check what your friend looks like if you accidentally bump into him / her. If he / she is always well dressed, then he / she may have given himself / herself a makeover. But if he / she is always well dressed when you are around, but is dressed very casually when you accidentally bump into him / her, then he / she can dress up especially for you.
    • If your friend is a girl, see if she has started wearing more makeup. Whether she's paying more attention to her hair, or has even started wearing tighter or distinctly new clothes when you're around.
    • See if your friend is looking more at his / her reflection when you are around. A girl can look in her mirror, while a boy can check himself when he walks past a shop window.
  2. See if your friend has become jealous. This is guaranteed to indicate that your good friend wants to take it to the next level. If your boyfriend didn't care about you dating someone at first but suddenly seems a little jealous or possessive, he / she may have fallen in love with you - very much in love.
    • If your boyfriend is being unkind to people you're dating, he / she likes you.
    • If your friend asks, "What do you see in him?" or “Why are you wasting your time on her?”, he / she would like you to date him / her.
    • If your friend appears to be possessive in a group setting by blatantly keeping you away from friends of the opposite sex, then he / she is jealous.
    • If your friend keeps looking at you when you talk to people of the opposite sex at a bar or at a party, then he / she is trying to gauge whether you like someone else.
  3. See if your friend just seems to be there more often than before. If you normally saw your good friend once a week, and he / she seems to be there every day now, that's a sign that he / she wants to take the next step. If your friend takes every opportunity to hang out with you, even to go somewhere he / she never wanted to go before, it may be because he / she has fallen in love with you.
    • If your close friend suddenly offers to help you with your chores, homework, or groceries, he / she is clearly looking for excuses to spend more time with you.
    • If your friend lives on the other side of town but seems to be randomly around you, he / she wants to get closer to you.
  4. See if his / her body language has changed. You can tell a lot about his / her feelings by paying attention to his / her body language. If he / she has always shown a lot of affection, it will not help you. But if your friend used to be quite closed off and is now very open towards you, then that says something. Here are some ways to tell if your friend's new body language indicates that he / she is in love with you:
    • If your friend leans towards you when you talk, or gets closer than before, he / she may have fallen in love with you.
    • If your friend used to look a little distracted at first but now makes intense eye contact, then he / she may want a little more from you.
    • If your friend first crossed his / her arms or turned away from you, but now turns his / her body towards you and keeps her arms at their sides, she may have fallen in love with you.
    • If your girlfriend is playing with her hair when she's talking to you, it could be because she's nervous. Because she's only just realized she's in love with you.
    • See if your good friend is touching you more than before. Even if he / she playfully moves you or touches your forearm, it may mean that he / she wants to build a more intimate relationship with you.

Method 4 of 4: Find out if your friend likes you

  1. Give your friend the perfect chance to tell you. If you want to know whether or not your friend likes you - assuming you like your friend too - then you should give him / her the opportunity to share his / her feelings with you. This is easier than asking him / her to share his / her feelings, or to share them yourself if you cherish them at all. Here's how to give your friend the chance to tell you:
    • Separate the person. Make sure you talk to each other without anyone else around. If you are good friends, this will not be such a problem.
    • If you like him / her, try to arrange a pseudo date. Invite the person to a slightly nicer dinner than usual, or a semi-romantic movie. See if he / she wants to tell you something afterwards.
    • Have a drink. Alcohol causes someone to let go of some of his / her inhibitions. Thus, it makes him / her more likely to reveal his / her feelings.
  2. Ask your mutual friends. If you have mutual friends who have seen the two of you together, ask them if they think that person likes you. Ask mutual friends of your own sex so they don't pass it on to him / her. See if they can offer any insight into your friend's actions (in, or if they heard anything.
    • Ask them to be honest. If you really want to know the truth, they should tell you what they really think. If they don't think your friend likes you that way, they should be.
    • If you're shy about asking them directly, bring up your friend and make an everyday comment about it. State how he / she seems to be behaving differently recently. Maybe your friends will bring it up on their own.
  3. Ask the friend of your friend. This takes a little more guts. Asking your friend's friend basically comes down to asking your friend directly. If he / she is in love with you, then his / her friend will know. However, the chances are slim that they will tell you too. You can try it with a friend you really trust, but be careful. This plan can backfire.
  4. Ask your friend. If you take the plunge and want the answer to your question, you can ask your friend if he / she is in love with you. If you have the feeling that he / she likes you, and you have been thinking so for some time, it may be better to throw everything on the table. That said, if you're not romantically interested in your boyfriend, you might want to wait for all of this to blow over. But if you really want to know if he / she is in love with you, don't make it a problem. Just ask.
    • You don't have to be nervous to ask. If you're good friends, you should feel comfortable. Whatever it is you want to ask him / her.
    • Tell your friend that you have noticed that he / she is behaving differently recently. First ask him / her if there is anything he / she would like to say to you. If he / she doesn't take the bait, ask him / her if he / she likes you.
    • Stay relaxed. You don't have to organize an elaborate tête-à-tête to ask for it. Just pick a secluded spot and ask your friend about his / her feelings for you. Make eye contact and keep your voice calm and steady.


  • If you've found out that your friend likes you, don't use his / her heart as a toy. Explain your feelings, whatever they are, and see where the ship runs aground.
  • If you look at your friend and he / she quickly looks away, it means that he / she was looking at you.
  • If he / she acts like he / she likes you, but has confessed to someone else, he / she may be confused. He / she is likely to harbor feelings for you as well as for that other person. Chances are, he / she will only confess that other “official crush” because he / she is afraid that confessing his / her feelings for you could ruin the friendship. Don't approach them directly if you're not 100% sure they like you. You don't want to end up in an awkward situation.
  • Warning: Sometimes he / she is not in love with you, but you just become better friends. You may just start to trust each other more.
  • Notice if he / she hugs you a lot, or puts his / her head on your shoulder.
  • Do not involve other people. The feelings that may or may not be there are confusing enough without all that interference from others. It's just not good to grease your feelings. It's good to talk to a family member about it, or even keep a diary. This helps, as you feel like you told a friend instead of a book. Act like a normal friend. Overdoing it could turn your friend off. If he / she realizes what's going on, the friendship could end there.
  • If you just want to stay friends, don't put them on a leash. Just tell him / her you only want to be friends. If it hurts your friend too much, let him / her know that it might be possible in the future. At the moment, however, it is not an option yet.
  • Ask your friend's best friend (after you). He / she usually knows everything about the other.