Looking Younger

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
The 6 Secrets to Looking Younger
Video: The 6 Secrets to Looking Younger


Aging is part of life and applies to both men and women, but that doesn't mean it's easy. If you're worried about losing your youthful looks and appearance, you're not alone. But fear not - there are tools. There are plenty of things you can do to look years younger than your actual age. Plus, you can accomplish this without looting your savings account or going under the knife. For example, you can take extra care of your skin or try a different hairstyle.

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Part 1 of 4: Making your face look younger

  1. Choose a mild facial cleanser. Aging skin doesn't need harsh products like teens often need - often there is no excess oils. If your cleanser is too rough, you will strip the skin of its natural oils and dry it out. You will then start to look old faster. Choose products that are tailored to your age group, or products that are described as mild or moisturizing. Women should moisturize their face before they apply make-up.
    • It's still important to wash your face as you get older. By washing your face, you ensure that chemicals from your environment or any make-up are removed from your face. If you don't, those chemicals can cause the skin to look older.
  2. Moisturize after cleansing. It is important to moisturize your skin so that it can take care of itself. Dry skin ages faster if it is not hydrated. Look for anti-aging creams with a high content of the active ingredient in them. If you're in doubt about which product to buy (there are hundreds), try to find reviews. Or look for scientific research that confirms the effectiveness of the product. Make sure the product you choose is rich and deeply hydrating, unlike the products you may have used in your younger years.
    • And remember, moisturizing isn't just for women. There are plenty of similar products on the market for men.
  3. Use sun protection daily. There are many hydrants on the market that already have a certain protection factor embedded, and this is because it is essential to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays that you are exposed to every day. The sun is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to premature skin aging. Dermatologists therefore recommend applying a product with a factor of 15 every day to prevent wrinkles, brown spots and a dull complexion. In addition, it will protect you from skin cancer.
    • In addition to your face, you can also apply the sunscreen to your chest and the top of your hands. Do this if you will be spending some time in the sun. This will prevent you from getting those spots on your chest and hands. If you are going to spend a long time in the sun, apply the cream all over your body.
  4. Exfoliate your skin. Gently exfoliating promotes skin cell renewal for younger looking skin. Choose a product aimed at older skin, as these products are milder and less likely to dry out or damage the skin. Exfoliating is also a good thing to do because it makes the skin feel softer and more radiant.
  5. Keep track of your facial hair. For men, this will make them look better groomed and less grubby. This will make you look better with age. For women, this hides the side effect of aging. There are things you should keep in mind:
    • Men: Keep your face clean-shaven or neatly trimmed, and keep your nose and ear hair neatly trimmed, too. A nose hair trimmer can be purchased at the drugstore and is simple and painless to use. If you let this hair grow wild, it will make you look older. It will also make you look a lot older. Also, be careful to pluck your nose hairs, you don't want to look like an old man.
    • Women: Women can sometimes develop facial hair after they have passed menopause. This is caused by a change in hormone levels. To get rid of this, and thus better disguise your age, there are a few easy ways to get rid of it. For example, you can opt for a laser treatment, you can wax it, use a chemical depilatory agent, or opt for "threading".
      • Women should also make sure that their eyebrows remain reasonably thick. As you get older, your eyebrows will get thinner. So make them slightly thicker with a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrows. This will keep you looking youthful.
  6. Wear makeup that makes you look younger (for women). There are tons of makeup tricks that can help women highlight their best features and hide the signs of aging. The trick is to cover up those imperfections by accentuating your best features, such as your eyes. Here are some tricks you can try:
    • Use a creamy concealer. A concealer that is slightly waxy or that can become caked will make you look older.
    • Apply some blush to your cheekbones. Do not use the blush on the hollow part of your cheeks. As you get older, you will start to lose fat, which will naturally make your cheeks slightly curvier. This can make you look a bit older. So there is no reason whatsoever to emphasize this with too much blush.
    • Start using brown eyeliner instead of black. As you get older, the black will become too stark contrast to the rest of your face. Brown will frame your eyes more gently.
    • Show off your lashes. As you get older, your lashes will get thinner and steeper. Counteract this by curling your lashes or using a heavier mascara.
    • Limit the drama around your lips. A nice, dull lipstick can be a great addition to your face. But don't draw lines around your lips, or wear bright lipstick. Your lips are getting thinner as you get older, and there is no need to overcompensate for that.

Part 2 of 4: Making your body look younger

  1. Maintain healthy teeth. Beautiful teeth immediately make you look a lot younger and more attractive. Take care of your teeth. This means brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash. If your teeth are not white enough, or if your teeth are bothering you, ask your dentist for advice. You can have them bleached professionally, namely. If you have dental problems, such as loose or discolored teeth or dental erosion, you can get treatment.
    • There are also products available with which you can whiten your teeth yourself. You may also benefit from this, but ask your dentist for advice in advance.
    • Your teeth can reveal more about your actual age than any other body part. So start early with good oral care.
  2. Cover your gray hair. This does not apply to everyone, as some people are very satisfied with their gray or peppery hair. Most, however, would rather shed their gray hair than become rich, and there are a lot of hair products on the market that can help you combat them. It is best to choose a color that is almost the same as your original hair color - this is how it will look as natural as possible. You can choose to have your hair dyed in a hair salon, but you can also save money by dyeing your hair at home. Just keep in mind that any kind of hair dye will damage your hair, so try not to dye it too often. In addition, use products designed to care for damaged or colored hair.
    • To avoid dyeing your hair too often, you can apply the dye mainly at the root. Where your real hair color is visible. Leave it there for a while longer, then work on the rest of your hair for the last few minutes. Another alternative is to buy side products that mimic the color of your hair dye.
    • Women may want to consider getting highlights while dyeing their hair. This will give them a softer appearance.
    • Try to use natural or organic hair dye that does not contain harmful chemicals. Your hair will thank you.
  3. Update your haircut. Have you used "The Rachel" for the last twenty years? If so, it is long time to get a slightly more fashionable hairstyle. Your youthful face with all its features will thrive on a new haircut. Read some in the fashion magazines and gossip magazines to find out which hairstyles are in vogue today. You don't have to pick out something ultra-trendy if you don't like it, but a new hairstyle that suits you can make you look a decade younger. Here are some things to keep in mind when getting a new haircut:
    • Women:
      • Consider getting bangs if you have a larger forehead and if it suits your face shape. This will make you appear more youthful.
      • Layers can also take years off your apparent age. Layering ensures that your hair has more texture, that it has more volume, and that it looks lighter. It will rid you of that flat, threadlike nest that you are now suffering from.
      • Cut your hair so that it frames your face and falls above your shoulders. If you take a few centimeters off your hair length, you will immediately look years younger. Just don't cut it so short so that you really start to look like a granny.
    • Men:
      • Let your hair grow slightly so that your features appear less harsh. But don't let your hair grow too rough. If you do, you will only look older and more natural.
      • If you go bald, consider shaving your head. This will give you younger and sexier eyes. A bald head is better than a bald spot.
  4. Dress according to your age and body. Wearing flattering clothes can make you look slimmer and more fashionable at a glance, without having to put in too much effort. This is also true for men, although their body types are usually not too different from each other when it is for women. You won't look younger by dressing like someone twice your age; Even better, it can make you look older. Rather focus on clothes that match you suits.
    • Women don't need to show off extra cleavage to look younger. Rather, choose to wear flattering tops that show off your best features without drawing too much attention to your chest.
    • If you've been wearing the same garments for years, it's time to update your wardrobe. If you don't know what to buy, ask a family member or friend to take you shopping. Or, if you don't like that, look in the fashion magazines and look for a way to apply these advice yourself.
    • If you are still unsure, go to a store and ask a store assistant for advice. Or just grab a bunch of clothes you like and try it on. You will be pleasantly surprised by certain items of clothing, and you will treat yourself to fun, new, but above all fresh items of clothing.
  5. Wear bright colors. Bright colors make you appear youthful, fun, and vibrant. Wearing bright colors will also make you feel younger and more energetic. Get rid of all those black, gray, and neutral colored items of clothing. Brighten up your wardrobe with some red, orange, green, and other festive colors. While black and dark colored garments can slim down, they can also make you look older.
    • You don't have to get rid of your dark clothing right away. But if you have a black top, for example, you can make it a little more fun by adding a colorful scarf or a brightly colored piece of jewelry.
  6. Using the right accessories (for women). Women should get rid of their matching jewelry. While these can make for a dignified look, they also make you look older. You will look younger when you wear nice, stylish earrings. Choose to put it in instead of that matching pearl necklace and earrings. Women with colorful rings are also said to look younger. Rings can add a bit of spice to an outfit.
    • It also helps to take manicures and pedicures regularly. This extra hand care will make you look even younger.
  7. Wear a perfume that smells like grapefruit (for women). Research has shown that wearing such a perfume - or even lotion - gives women a younger look than any other fragrance. Of course, don't overdo it. A small syringe behind the ears can work wonders.
  8. Drink enough. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This keeps the skin moist and keeps you looking as young and fresh as possible. Drinking enough will keep your insides healthy and will not only make you feel better, but you will also look healthier. Make drinking water part of your daily routine. Don't just drink with meals, but try to drink a glass of water every (two) hours, even if you're not even thirsty.
    • You don't need to over-hydrate yourself, but do try your best to drink enough water. This way you stay healthy and you keep looking young.
  9. Sports. This can be tricky because some people are too busy for it. You may also have no idea what to do, or you may not think you are fit enough to exercise. However, even a little bit of exercise ensures that you stay energized and lively. This will not only make you look young, but it will also make you feel young. Combine this with a healthy and balanced diet and you will stay healthy for longer. You'll also be energized for longer, plus you'll avoid illnesses that can add years to your appearance.
    • Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
    • If it is really difficult to add exercise to your daily schedule, try to walk as much as possible. Take your foot to the supermarket, instead of the car. Pace a little while on the phone with friends, or just try to walk for two hours a week.
    • While it is important to keep in shape, it is not good to lose weight drastically. This can even make you look older. Losing weight quickly can cause the skin to hang on your face and neck. So do it in moderation.
    • Examples of good sports exercises for the elderly include: yoga, pilates, cycling, walking, and tennis.
  10. Eat foods that will make you look younger. Of course, there are no magical miracle foods that will make your face ten years younger, but there are foods that, if you eat them regularly, can make you look and feel younger. Here are some foods you could add to your diet if you haven't already:
    • Oranges. The vitamin C in this delicious fruit is guaranteed to make you feel younger.
    • Broccoli. This vegetable contains vitamin C and has properties that keep your liver strong.
    • Low-fat yogurt. This can benefit your skin and provide your teeth with the necessary calcium.
    • Berries. The antioxidants in every type of berry help keep your skin fresh.
    • Sweet potatoes. These are good for your hair and skin tone.
    • Carrots. These are fantastic for your skin.

Part 3 of 4: Taking Supplements

Supplements are a great way to make sure you don't have any problems and to keep your body healthy.

  1. Take 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C.. It is a water soluble vitamin and antioxidant. This means that it protects your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C is known to help heal the skin, protect against harmful UV rays from the sun, and in other ways support the rest of the body (not just the skin). Do not exceed 2000 mg per day as it can increase the risk of kidney stones.
  2. Take 4000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. This fat-soluble vitamin helps keep your bones strong, prevent cancer and autoimmunity, and support healthy skin aging. There are receptors for vitamin D all over your body.
  3. Take a high-quality B complex supplement. These vitamins have been shown to help repair the skin and possibly prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining healthy habits

  1. Fairly more often. Hell yes. Research has shown that people who have sex at least 2-3 times a week look ten times younger than people who don't. This is because sex ensures that the production of the human growth harmone is promoted, and that hormone counteracts aging. This does not mean that you now have to fuck three times a week just to look younger. But if you have a partner you love, you can do your best to make love a little more often.
    • You may be telling yourself that you are too busy, that you are too tired, or that you have too much on your mind to have sex. So now you can think of sex as something that makes you look younger! That is very productive!
  2. Keep a good stature. Nothing makes you look older than leaning forward like your grandmother does. A good build makes you look younger. Do your best to keep your back straight, put your shoulders back, and look forward. You will immediately look ten years younger. By keeping your back straight, the nerve cells in your spine work more efficiently. This gives you more energy and makes you feel a lot younger during the day.
    • It may be tempting to lean forward when you are seated, but remember that good posture is something to be observed when sitting and standing.
  3. Get plenty of sleep. You don't have to sleep 10-12 hours every night to try to look younger. It doesn't work like that. Do try to be as well rested as possible. As you get older, your body will show the effects of fatigue faster than before, especially around the eyes. In fact, as you get older, you may find that you need less sleep than you did 10 years ago. And that's fine. Try to stick to whatever magical sleep rhythm makes you happiest. Whether this is 7 hours a night or less.
  4. Get a massage regularly. Try to get a massage at least once a month. Whether this is in a professional salon or by a loving partner, it does not matter. A massage can relax you and release some of the tension that makes your body look older. It also secretes anabolic hormones, which ensures that aging is limited.
    • Try to get a massage at least once a month. If you feel tense, get a massage more often.
  5. Practice yoga. Yoga is a less invasive way to take care of your mind and body, to relax, and to feel more grateful for the life you have been given. Take a look around the yoga studio and see how youthful and energetic the women around you are. Doing yoga once or twice a week won't hurt your youthful appearance.Yoga is also a great way to exercise, recover from injuries, or train as a beginner (if you're taking a beginner class, anyway).
    • Yoga also promotes a healthy lifestyle. This will also make you look younger.
  6. Try to limit stress as much as possible. The fact is that a stressful lifestyle will make you look unhappy and fatigued, as well as wrinkles. Try to diminish your responsibilities and look for new ways to meet the demands of life. Try to really relax for at least an hour each day. You can do this in the bath with a good book, or by watching your favorite television program. While it is impossible to completely eliminate stress from your life, even if you live in a tropical paradise and have found a bag of money, you can try to keep the stress to a minimum.
    • This includes avoiding situations that cause you stress. Don't go to busy parties you don't feel like. Or do not participate in traffic when it is rush hour.
    • List the ten things that cause you the most stress. Now try to come up with five ways to reduce that stress for each stress factor.
    • There are of course also stressful things that you cannot avoid, such as a demented parent or a partner who has lost his / her job. However, you do have the strength to develop a more positive attitude towards all of these things.
  7. Do not smoke. If you're a smoker, do your best to quit ASAP (easier said than done, huh?) It's one of the worst things you can do when you're trying to avoid looking old. It will thin your lips, dry your skin and wrinkle more quickly, and discolor your hair and nails. In addition, by stopping you reduce the risk of serious illnesses, and you will go towards a healthier lifestyle.
    • Smoking naturally causes you to smell like cigarettes. This is not the scent associated with people in the prime of their youth - at least not in 2014.
  8. Smile as much as you can. Add laughter to your life. As you get older, happiness and laughter will become an essential part of your well-being. Surround yourself with good friends with funny stories to keep yourself as young and vibrant as possible. Don't worry if you get some wrinkles from the laughter laugh as hard as you can. Get around the people who make you laugh and make you feel ten years younger. You will soon look ten years younger too!
  9. Avoid heavy or regular alcohol consumption. The side effects of alcohol consumption are known to fewer people than the effects of smoking, while they are just as harmful. Alcohol can cause premature aging and is also associated with illnesses in later life. Alcohol also dries you out, which will make your skin look drier. Alcohol can create bloating around the eyes, and that's not exactly a youthful trait right now.
    • Of course, feeling young and having fun is also part of looking young. And for some people, alcohol is a fun social pacemaker. So if you like to go crazy and have a few martinis every now and then, don't banish the alcohol altogether.
  10. Maintain a young attitude. Serious. You should also have a fun, carefree attitude if you want to look young. This doesn't mean you should act immature, dance on the tables, or bully people. It means that you have to be positive and friendly in life. That you keep out jealousy and resentment, as well as all those other negative feelings that make you feel like an old lady.
    • Try not to worry so much and enjoy the world. You will be so busy having fun that you will not have time to worry about your appearance.
    • Be proud of your age. Stay positive about the way you look, even if you wish you looked a little younger. Other people will also see you in a better light that way.


  • Try neck exercises to exercise the skin and muscles of your neck. This way you prevent the skin from hanging badly there. The neck is one of the most obvious signs of aging, so give the exercises a try.