Cleaning a dirty CD

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Clean CDs At Home
Video: How To Clean CDs At Home


Discs taken out of the box quickly become dirty, dusty, or have fingerprints on them. Follow this simple method with tools you already have to make your CDs as good as new.

To step

  1. Try to remove all dust. Be careful with this - you can scratch a CD when removing dust. It is best to use an aerosol can, but you can also gently wipe the CD with a soft, lint-free cloth. Move in straight lines from the center of the CD to the outer edge. If this doesn't work, try one of the following methods.

Method 1 of 2: Soap and water method

  1. Find a medium sized container (large enough to submerge a CD).
  2. Take a soft piece of lint-free cloth. You can also use a chamois leather.
  3. Dip the corner of the cloth into the mixture. Gently wipe the CD, starting at the center hole and wiping straight out to the edge. You have to do this around the CD.


  • Wipe from the center of the disc to the edges in a straight line.
  • If the stains are very stubborn, you can also use a very fine cloth, or your fingers, to rub some soap on the bottom of the CD. Soap will not damage the CD.


  • Do not use dishwasher detergent.
  • Do not use abrasive cloths to wipe the CD.
  • Do not wipe in circles.
  • With this method you will not get rid of scratches.
  • Do this in a well-ventilated area.


  • Hand soap or window cleaner
  • Medium sized container
  • Water
  • A CD