Making a friend jealous

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make someone jealous - 3 rules
Video: How to make someone jealous - 3 rules


If you're insecure, you might want to make a friend jealous. If you feel like he or she already has everything, then you may also want to take a turn to arouse envy. You may also just feel like a friend isn't paying you enough attention. Whatever your reasons, there are several steps you can take to induce jealousy in a friend (although you can also consider just stepping over it). At some point, however, you have to stop and assess your relationship. If you're trying to make a friend jealous, it's a sign that something isn't right between the two of you. At some point, you have to stop this behavior and work on repairing your relationship.

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Part 1 of 3: Looking good

  1. Hang out with other friends. A good way to make a friend jealous is to hang out with other friends. Many people fear that they are missing out, and when a friend sees you making plans for others, he or she can get jealous.
    • Make sure the friend knows you are interacting with others. If a friend asks you to hang out on a Saturday night, indicate that you are hanging out with a different group.
    • You can also bring up events that a friend missed when hanging out with mutual friends. In a group, mention a joke you made during a movie night that the person missed.
  2. Scoop up in a subtle way. A good way to make others jealous is to find subtle ways to boast about yourself. Bragging may feel too uncomfortable for you, so find ways to incorporate small boasting into everyday conversations.
    • Talk about your accomplishments in a way that feels grateful. If you are successful, try to talk about it in a way that conveys excitement. For example, you could try something like, "I can't believe I got a 10 for that test." I am so happy and grateful that my mother helped me learn. "
    • Downplay your own achievements a bit. You can brag about your accomplishments by toning them down a bit so you can show off without it being too flashy. Suppose you have found an internship. You can then text something like, "So tired. I just spent all day doing the work that the real employees don't want to do. "This is a recognition of your internship without boasting.
  3. Use social media to your advantage. Social media often makes other people jealous. When you choose things to share, you can dress up updates to make things look better than they are. You can find ways to make a friend jealous by posting satisfaction statuses and updates on social media accounts.
    • Post things from holidays and trips. For example, if you had your nails done, post a picture of before and after.
    • Update others about your successes via social media. If you have a new job, post about it, for example. If you did well on a test, let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
    • If you go out with other friends, post photos and updates. When a friend sees them, he or she can get jealous.
  4. Show your strengths. Everyone has things that are self-evident to him or her. If you have a particular strength or talent, showing off that strength or talent can generate jealousy. If you are a great writer, for example, have the friend read a story you wrote. You can claim that you are asking for feedback when you are actually showing off.

Part 2 of 3: Being admired

  1. Focus on your own goals. Sometimes you can make a girlfriend jealous simply by working on yourself. If you pursue your own goals and interests, you will ultimately be more successful. This can make a girlfriend jealous.
    • Focus on what you want. If you want to improve your grades, for example, work on studying more, do your homework quickly and ask questions in class.
    • Also work on your interests after school. For example, if you are interested in art, join a drawing class and practice drawing in your spare time.
  2. Fulfill your obligations. If you come across as a trustworthy person, you are more likely to attract other people. If you are a member of an association, be on time every time and always do extra work voluntarily. If you want to get to know someone new, always stick to plans and show up on time. Opportunities will arise as you are asked to do more. A club president may ask you to coordinate something. If you are fun and trustworthy, your social life will flourish. When a friend sees that you have a lot to do, he or she can get jealous.
  3. Show your beautiful things. Another way to make a friend jealous is to show off beautiful things. If you have something you know a friend wants, name it.
    • If you have a new dress or outfit that you know a friend will admire, wear it to school or to a social event where you'll see each other.
    • If you have a new device, such as a new phone or iPod, you can show it to that person. Don't try to be boastful, just say something like, "Check this out. Just got it. "You can find subtle ways to showcase your new devices. For example, say you have a new camera. You can then suggest taking some pictures together.
    • Don't be mean, though. If there is one thing a friend would like but cannot have, it is better not to brag about it. For example, suppose a friend's parents are not making a lot of money and therefore he or she cannot afford new school clothes. It might be a bad idea to show off your new outfit.
  4. Have a good attitude. People are often jealous of self-confident people. If you want a friend to be jealous of you, work on a good attitude. Try to sincerely congratulate others on their success. When you encounter a setback, take it into your day and see it as a learning experience. When a friend sees that you are resilient and positive, he or she may become jealous of your great attitude.
    • A good attitude can also make others look up to you. If a friend sees that you are being admired by a lot of people, he or she may become jealous.

Part 3 of 3: Restoring your friendship

  1. Do self-examination. Think about why you're trying to make a girlfriend jealous. There are several reasons why you want to make someone jealous.If you're trying to make a friend jealous, try to figure out the reason. Over time, jealousy can put a strain on a relationship. If you want to keep your relationship with your best friend healthy, then you need to explore the underlying issues.
    • If you get jealous yourself quickly, you may be an insecure person by nature. Therefore, you can try to make others jealous to increase your self-esteem. You may not have had strong attachments at a young age, which has increased insecurity and jealousy.
    • Are you mad at a friend? If a friend has done something to hurt your feelings or make you feel insecure, you may be trying to make him or her jealous in revenge. While this may feel good in the short term, it is better to talk it out eventually. Communication is important to a successful relationship.
  2. Talk things out with a friend. If there is a problem that needs to be addressed, talk it out. Rather than passive-aggressively making a friend jealous, be upfront about all the issues you have and work on smoothing things out.
    • Pick a specific time and place to talk. Choose a time where neither of you is busy and a location with no outside distractions. For example, you can meet on a Saturday afternoon in a large coffee shop where it is usually not busy.
    • Think about what you want to say beforehand. Have an idea of ​​the problems that are bothering you. It can help to write down your thoughts when trying to find a solution.
  3. Use "I" statements when speaking yourself. "I" statements begin with "I feel ...", then you speak that feeling. Then you can explain the behavior that led to that feeling and why you feel the way you feel. With this you place less blame on the other person, because you focus on your own feelings and not on external truths.
    • For example, say you tried to make a friend jealous because she keeps boasting about her boyfriend. Then don't say, "It's annoying that you always talk about your boyfriend when we hang out. It's like I'm not important to you. "
    • Phrase this differently with the help of an "I" statement. Say, "I get a little annoyed when you talk about your boyfriend when we hang out because it makes me feel like you don't appreciate the time you spend with me."
  4. Find a way to move on. After discussing your issues, you will work on a mutually beneficial solution. You and the friend should work on ways to communicate better with each other. Establish some ground rules to make sure that jealousy doesn't keep damaging your relationship.
    • You can both agree not to bring up details on certain topics. For example, if you are having trouble with your weight, you can ask the girlfriend not to discuss her training schedule with you in detail.
    • Apologize. If you intentionally make a girlfriend jealous, it can be very painful. Admit that you are jealous and sincerely apologize to the other person. This will help the two of you move on.


  • Jealousy can damage a relationship in the long run. Don't deliberately try to make someone else jealous for too long, as this can come off as vindictive. Trying to make someone jealous, especially if you exclude them from social events, can come across as bullying.