Getting a girl who doesn't want a relationship

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Shy B0y Doesn’t Expect to be Liked by the Most Beautiful Girl in Class
Video: Shy B0y Doesn’t Expect to be Liked by the Most Beautiful Girl in Class


Getting a girl to like you when she doesn't seem to be interested in a relationship is difficult, but not impossible. If you hear a girl say that she is "not ready for a relationship," she may be referring to a relationship that she recently ended or the attention of another boy that she is not happy about. If the girl you like doesn't like a serious relationship, talk to her or invite her over with a group of friends. The best way to get a girl to like you is to respect her, be a good friend to her, and be patient.

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Method 1 of 3: Connect with the girl you like

  1. Think about why you want this girl to like you. For example, she may feel that you like her only for her looks or on the surface, and so she avoids you. If this kind of attention is the only attention she gets from guys, then she might feel not taken seriously or appreciated for who she is. Take a step back to determine what you're actually looking for in a relationship before you approach her. Then ask yourself if she's right for a relationship, and if she has the following qualities:
    • Integrity: is she honest to herself and to others, is she reliable and can you rely on her? Can you be honest with each other about your thoughts and concerns?
    • Emotional Maturity and Self-Esteem: While no one is perfect, the willingness to look at the past and learn from it (and to show what you have learned from it) are important characteristics of people who are emotionally mature. Girls who are still very emotionally immature need others for their self-esteem and personal well-being, and their emotions guide their actions.
    • She is supportive of others and committed to her personal growth: she has her own interests and actively develops them, she has a positive attitude in life (even when challenged by difficult circumstances), she maintains good relationships with family and friends and supports those around her. People who always put their own desires above those of others, and who are very competitive or who judge others, are not suitable partners.
  2. Make women find you more attractive. One of the ways to get a girl to notice you is to make yourself more attractive in appearance and behavior. You just need to make some small changes, and they will not only make you more attractive to women, but they also give you more confidence. It's often the little things that make you stand out, like taking good care of yourself and doing something good for others (even when she's not around).
    • Look flawless: this shows that you have self-esteem and that you take good care of yourself. Make sure you wear clean and ironed clothes, shower every day, make sure your hair is combed and styled, and shave or keep your beard short and neat.
    • Take care of your oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and avoiding foods that cause bad breath (such as coffee or garlic). Don't put on too much aftershave or body spray - apply a neutral aftershave or deodorant instead.
    • Relax and be confident: Don't be afraid of being rejected, even if the girl you are in love with doesn't seem to like you at first, because at some point you won't dare to talk to her anymore. Girls don't like hanging out with or interacting with guys who don't have much confidence. Girls find men who are relaxed and easy going to be attractive and fun to be around.
  3. Talk to the girl you like, even if she doesn't seem to like you. Let her know you exist by starting a conversation and building a friendly relationship with her. Show that you like her without being pushy or aggressive. Ask her questions about herself or about a topic that interests you, such as: "Hey, I recently started watching (the name of a television series). Who is your favorite character, or what was your favorite season?". Make a general comment about the weather, school, or anything you eat. Break the ice by asking her for a favor, such as help with a project at school or your homework. Don't talk about politics, religion, relationships you've had, or traumatic events.
    • Catch her attention by making eye contact and smiling when you talk. Try not to speak too fast or in a too high voice - this will make you appear nervous.
    • If you're walking side by side, slow down a bit. This makes you appear relaxed and accessible - and girls find that good qualities for a friend or boyfriend.
    • Don't forget to be respectful. Respect her decision to stay single. Get on with your life without questioning her decision. It is important to realize that some people are not for you.
  4. Don't send wrong signals to others when it comes to your feelings. This means that you may appear different to others than how you see yourself. One of the reasons she may not want to start a relationship with you is because you are sending the wrong signals. For example, you keep boasting that you have so many dates or that other women like you so much, or you often crack your friends.
    • List the things that are good about yourself without showing off. List some of the things you achieved or goals you had and how you achieved them. For example: "That assignment for English or that Maths test was difficult, but by learning hard I made it", or "I trained hard for the half marathon for months and I saw that in the result, maybe I will run next year. the whole marathon ".
    • Be direct and open about your feelings. One of the wrong signals you may be sending to other people is appearing distant or pessimistic. Make it a goal to say something positive about someone at least once a day.
  5. Be genuinely a good friend to her. If she's really not interested in a relationship, or there is something going on in her life (family, school, work, health, etc.) that prevents her from establishing a relationship with someone, don't pressure her. The only thing, and the best thing you can do at that point, is to be a good friend and confidant to her. Support her, but don't choke her. This is especially important if she is facing a serious personal problem in her life, such as a death or serious illness in her family.
    • Give her space and respect her need for privacy. Don't keep trying to solve her problems or to give constant advice. Just let her know that you are there and that you are willing to listen to her.
    • Be a good listener. Don't interrupt her to speak up, and resist the temptation to fix everything right away. Let her finish it well, and let her come to terms with the things that are going on.
    • Make fun plans with a group of friends and invite her too. Offer to pick her up or pay for her. You can achieve a lot by doing small things for her, as long as you make sure you don't want anything in return.

Method 2 of 3: Ask her out

  1. Get to know her a little better in an informal setting. If you are already friends and you want to continue with her, skip this step. But if you've just gotten to know each other, or if you're just acquaintances, spend time together with other friends or indirectly ask her out on a date. It is then useful to have a few sentences ready with which you can start and end the conversation. Start preparing for the conversation: Every time you see her, you make eye contact with her, you smile, and you say "Hi". Then you start an informal conversation. Compliment her for the things she has accomplished in life, or ask about her interests (music, movies, books, hobbies, etc.). Use this informal conversation as a starting point for building a relationship based on common interests and goals.
    • Have patience. Some girls are naturally more open about themselves and talk easily, while others may be hesitant and shy at first.
    • Don't use phrases that are very cliché. Not only do you make a bad impression, it can also be insulting to the girl.
  2. Ask a girl out on a date. You can just be honest and direct, or take a slightly more indirect approach, such as asking what she's doing this weekend and if she has any plans yet. Which approach you choose depends on the situation and your personalities. Other indirect approaches include asking if she's ever been to a particular restaurant, and casually asking if she wants to check with you to see if it's fun there; or you take it as a logical step, like, "We are both off this weekend and the weather is going to be nice, so why don't we get together?" Remember, at this stage you are just asking her out (to a movie, concert, dinner, etc.); you don't ask if she wants to be your girlfriend.
    • Be clear that you just want to be together. Don't talk about relationships or ask her to be your girlfriend.
    • Don't pressure a girl or squeeze her (physically) into a corner when you ask her out. She may then say no because she feels uncomfortable and intimidated.
    • If she doesn't really want to go out with you, invite her to go out with a group of friends. Organize a picnic, or go to a restaurant and a movie with some friends.
  3. Make a good impression on your first date. On your first date (or the first time you actually get together), your main goal is to make sure she is having a good time, that you express your feelings in a clear way but not overly so, and that you don't feel anything extreme. or romantic, and that you don't spend too much money. Go out with a group of friends with her, or do something together in a public place, instead of inviting her to do something alone with you. Take charge of where you go on the date and the activity you will be doing together. Do your homework - ask if she has a food preference, book somewhere ahead of time if necessary, and avoid the places that are fancy and expensive.
    • Make an effort to look your best - wash and comb your hair, brush your teeth, don't put on too much aftershave, and wear clean, ironed clothes.
    • Don't drink too much alcohol, be considerate, and show good manners. This means not dominating the conversation too much, turning off your phone during the date, giving her your full attention, and being nice to others around her.
    • Don't talk about charged topics such as politics, past relationships, complaining about work, or sex. Instead, focus on appropriate topics such as the news (and her opinion of current affairs), family, travel (places you've already been or would like to go in the future), or your thoughts about love and what is good. relationship would mean to you.

Method 3 of 3: Make sure she likes you

  1. Become a nice friend for her and her friends. Friendship is the foundation of a good relationship. The first step you take to be a good friend is to listen carefully to what she and her friends are saying. Don't just talk about yourself and your own interests. Give her your undivided attention by not appearing bored or distracted. Put your phone away and make eye contact when you talk. While it can also be disadvantageous to be a good friend to her, because you will be seen as that one good friend and not someone she could start dating, it is still a way to show her that you care about her, and that you are devoted and caring.
  2. Make fun of her and subtly tease her. If you do this in a kind way, teasing is a subtle way to show her that you like her. For example, make up a funny story about traveling to another country, or pretend there are ghosts in your house. Tease her a bit about her taste in music or the weird things she likes to eat, then compliment her.
    • Other examples of teasing include a little tickling, covering her eyes with your hands and then saying "Guess who I am", giving her a little nudge, or nudging her on her back or arm.
    • Show her that you are just teasing her and that you don't really mean it by making your voice a little more exaggerated, your facial expressions, or laughing at it.
  3. Try to flirt with her a bit. If you are flirting with her, start in a subtle way, such as making eye contact, smiling, and then quickly looking away. You can also compliment her, or act like a true gentleman by holding the door open for her, offering her a drink, or offering to carry her books for her. If you already know each other and are comfortable with each other, try swiping a strand of hair from her face, giving her a hug, or sitting next to her. If she likes you, she'll start flirting with you too.
  4. Play hard to get. One way to stop a girl from liking you is to appear needy, clingy, or desperate. If your relationship isn't going well, think about giving her some space. Talk to other girls and play hard to get. Making yourself a challenge will make you desirable.
    • Control yourself in the beginning of the relationship: don't express all of your feelings yet. If you come across as mysterious and you make the situation a little insecure, it will help you maintain her interest in you - and perhaps this will fuel her romantic feelings. For example, don't tell her how much you like her or talk about your "future" when you're together for the first time.
    • Give her space. While you want her to know if you have something planned to do with her, don't text or call her every day.Your absence may make her realize how much she actually cares about you.
  5. Consider starting an open relationship. If she likes you and you like her, but she doesn't want to commit or is afraid of a relationship, then you can always decide to have a free relationship with each other. A free relationship is a relationship in which you don't have to be faithful to each other. While it is possible to see each other regularly, you are free to flirt with others or even do more. Especially if you are between the ages of 18 and 24, an open relationship can help you grow emotionally and get used to interacting with the opposite sex. In a free or open relationship, it's important to establish some ground rules to reduce the likelihood of someone getting hurt:
    • Is it ok to be seen with someone else?
    • Is it ok for others to know, or should the relationship be kept secret?
    • What happens if one of the two becomes romantically involved with someone else? Do you tell each other or not?
    • How often do you want to see each other? When is it ok if you call or text each other?
    • Don't ask questions that are condescending or accusatory, such as, How many partners do you have now? Where were you yesterday? Why don't you answer my calls? Can I add you on Facebook as a girlfriend?
    • If you don't agree with these terms, then you probably shouldn't have an open relationship. In that case, tell her about your feelings for her and let her know that you like her, but also tell her that you want to stay friends if she doesn't really want to bond with someone.


  • Most importantly, respect her sincerely. Respect her thoughts, her feelings, and her interests. Get to know the things she likes and dislikes, and you'll find yourself portraying yourself as special, and not just another guy chasing her.
  • Someone who has no interest in a relationship is sometimes someone who is hurt in a relationship. Don't push the girl, or use the words "relationship" or the phrase "get intimate with each other." When someone is hurt, a strong bond of friendship is needed before such a person dares to open up.
  • Develop yourself as an individual. Your talents, interests, and good humor will make you more attractive to girls. Focus on making yourself attractive, instead of trying to force a certain girl to like you. Because maybe you will get a girl who is much nicer and more suitable for you!
  • Respect her decision and her right to say no to you. You can't force her to like you.
  • Be open about your feelings. If after going out a few times together you still don't know how she feels about you, take matters into your own hands. Then express your feelings in a subtle way. Because if it sounds exaggerated or too romantic, it can seem too intense to her.
  • Some girls have other priorities in their life, such as their education, work, family commitments, religious beliefs, or a sport, that are considered more important than being in a relationship.
  • Don't put your life aside while you are in the process of dating a girl who is "not ready for a relationship." It is a shame if you forfeit the chance of a relationship with a great girl because you are waiting for someone else.
  • There are girls who don't want to have an exclusive or romantic relationship with you. A close friendship is enough for her. If you stay close to her, more can develop between you after a while. But don't force anything at this point, and respect her decisions.
  • If she decides she doesn't want a relationship with you after all, don't take it too personally. Use the rejection as an experience to learn from and move on with your life.


  • If she says to you in a direct and straightforward way, "I'm not really interested in a relationship at the moment" or "I already have a boyfriend," take that seriously and as a clear hint that she's not in a romantic way. want to hang out with you.
  • Never end up in a situation where you feel like you're being manipulated by someone, feel uncomfortable around someone, or notice someone using you in any way. The relationship should have a positive effect on both parties - if she takes for granted that you're always there for her, or if she's too dependent on you, it probably means she's not really interested in you.
  • Making inappropriate comments, sexual harassment or touching, or making rude gestures can never be justified and could be classified as sexual harassment.
  • Never force a girl to do anything sexual to you on a date, and never use a girl while under the influence. Rape and date rape are serious criminal offenses.
  • Respect a woman's right to set her boundaries in the relationship, and if she prefers dating someone else rather than you, respect her.