Making a hair mask with banana

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Banana Coconut Hair Mask | Lazy Girls’ Guide to Beauty
Video: Banana Coconut Hair Mask | Lazy Girls’ Guide to Beauty


If your hair looks dull, dry, and frizzy, it probably needs a fair amount of extra moisture. A hair mask can have an intense moisturizing effect so that your hair looks smoother, softer and shinier. Bananas are an ideal base for a homemade mask because they are full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils that can moisturize and strengthen your hair. They can also help with the pH balance of your scalp. Mix the bananas with other natural ingredients you have in your kitchen, such as milk, olive oil, honey and butter, for a luxurious hair regrowth treatment that's cheap and easy to make.


Hair mask from a banana milkshake

  • 1 to 2 ripe bananas
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) of whole milk or coconut milk

Hair mask with banana and olive oil

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil

Banana and honey hair mask

  • ½ cup (170 g) of raw, organic honey
  • 2 ripe bananas

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make a hair mask with a banana milkshake

  1. Puree 1-2 bananas. Break the bananas in a blender or food processor and mash them until they have the consistency of a thick paste. Make sure the mixture is clear of lumps as they will stick to your hair and be difficult to wash out.
    • If your hair is very long, you may need up to three bananas for the mask.
    • You can also break the bananas into a bowl and mash them with a fork or hand blender.
  2. Add the milk. Once the banana has turned into a paste, add up to ¼ cup (60 ml) of whole milk or coconut milk to the blender or food processor to dilute the mixture. Mix the two ingredients until you get the consistency of a commercial hair conditioner.
    • The calcium and proteins in the milk restore shine and strengthen the hair. The lactic acid also removes dirt and thus makes the hair softer.
    • It is best to start with a small amount of milk. Mix this in and then check the consistency. Only add more milk if the mask has become too thick.
  3. Apply the mask to dry hair from the roots down. Once the mask is the right consistency, massage it into your dry hair from scalp to ends. Use as much of the mask as needed to make sure your hair is completely saturated.
    • Work over a sink or bathtub, in case the mask drips off your hair.
  4. Cover your hair and let the mask sit for 20 minutes. To prevent the mask from falling out, put on a shower cap or wrap your head in plastic wrap. Then you let the mask sit in your hair for 15 to 20 minutes, so that it has time to really get into your hair.
  5. Wash and condition your hair as usual. After leaving the mask on for at least 15 minutes, wash it off with your regular shampoo. You can apply conditioner afterwards, but you may find that the mask is so moisturizing that you don't need a conditioner. Rinse the mask well to make sure all the banana and milk is gone from your hair.

Method 2 of 3: Make a banana and olive oil hair mask

  1. Puree the banana. Place one ripe, roughly chopped banana in your blender or food processor. Process it until it has a smooth texture without lumps.
    • You can mash the banana by hand with a fork, but work slowly so that there are no chunks left in the puree.
  2. Mix in the olive oil. When the banana puree is ready, slowly pour 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil into the blender or food processor. Mix the vegetables and oil together until the mask has a creamy, foamy texture.
    • Olive oil is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (such as Vitamin E) that help hair retain moisture and protect hair from sun and other environmental damage.
  3. Apply the mask to wet hair. Before applying the banana olive oil mask, wet your hair. Massage the mixture evenly into your hair, starting at the roots. Work all the way to the ends so that all of your hair is saturated.
    • Put the mask on your hair over the sink or in the shower to keep it from making a mess on the floor.
  4. Leave the mask in your hair for 15 minutes. When the mask is in place, leave it there in your hair for 10 to 15 minutes. If you are concerned that the mask is dripping off, put on a shower cap or wrap a towel or some plastic wrap around your hair once the mask is on.
  5. Rinse the mask with cold water. When the mask has been on long enough, use cold water to wash it out of your hair. It may take two or three rinses to get all the banana out of your hair, so work carefully. If necessary, use your regular shampoo and conditioner afterwards.

Method 3 of 3: Make a banana and honey hair mask

  1. Combine honey and banana in a food processor. Place ½ cup (170 g) of raw, organic honey and two ripe bananas roughly chopped in a food processor. Mix the two ingredients until they form a smooth puree.
    • Honey contains polyphenol, an antioxidant that can protect hair from damage. It is also very emollient, so it also helps condition and moisturize your hair.
    • You can also mix the mask in a blender.
    • For extra hydration, add a maximum of ½ cup (120 ml) of olive oil to the mask.
  2. Apply the mask to dry hair. Massage the mask evenly into your hair. Start at the roots and work your way to the ends.
  3. Cover your hair and let the mask sit for 20 minutes. Once the mask has been applied to your hair, put a shower cap or plastic wrap over your hair. Let the mask sit on your head for 10 to 20 minutes so it has time to really condition your hair.
  4. Rinse the mask with water. After the mask has been allowed to soak in your hair for at least 10 minutes, wash it out with cool to lukewarm water. You can use shampoo if you are not getting everything out of your hair.
    • You may need to rinse your hair several times to remove any residue from the mask.


  • You can apply these masks weekly for healthy, shiny hair.


  • It can take a long time to rinse all the pieces of banana from your hair. Wash your hair carefully and thoroughly to avoid any residue.


Hair mask from a banana milkshake

  • Blender or food processor
  • Shower cap or plastic wrap
  • Shampoo

Hair mask with banana and olive oil

  • Blender or food processor

Hair mask with banana and honey

  • Food processor or blender
  • Shower cap or plastic wrap