Surviving a lion attack

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Survive a Lion Attack
Video: How to Survive a Lion Attack


It is exciting to go on safari through nature reserves. Walking safaris are growing in popularity right now, and they are more exciting than ever. In addition to more tension, however, there is also more danger. While most lions will flee from humans, even if you are on foot, there is always the chance of an attack. Knowing how to respond early can save your life.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Hold on

  1. Do not panic. If a lion heads towards you, you will be very scared. Do what you can to not panic. Staying calm and thinking clearly can save your life. If you know what to expect, you are more likely to stay calm. For example, know that a lion is growling while attacking. This can shake the ground beneath your feet, but you must remember that this is part of a lion's attack.
  2. Don't run. Hold your ground. You have to take control and show the lion that you are dangerous. Turn your body so that you are facing the lion as you clap your hands, shout and wave your arms. This makes you look bigger and more dangerous to the lion.
    • Lions behave differently from region to region. The biggest attractions have lions that are more used to cars and therefore less afraid of people. However, many lions that have encountered humans before will make fake attacks. By making yourself look dangerous, they will stop their attacks.
  3. Slowly withdraw. Don't turn your back on the lion. Keep waving your arms and acting scary, but as you do this, slowly walk backwards and away sideways. When you run, the lion can pick up your fear and chase you. Stay dangerous to the lion while you retreat.
    • Don't withdraw into the undergrowth (like a bush). Instead, retreat to an open area.
  4. Be prepared again. The lion can attack you again while you try to retreat. If this happens, shout as loud as you can and raise your hands again. Scream all the way from the depths of your belly. As soon as he turns away this time, stop acting aggressively. Turn to the side and walk away. This can prevent a fight.

Method 2 of 3: Repel the attack

  1. Stay upright. If these precautions don't work for any reason, the lion can attack. If this happens, you should stay upright. The lion will likely target its attack on your face or throat. This means that he will jump and you will be able to see the huge cat in its entirety. Although this may sound scary, it is helpful to be able to see the cat properly. If you were to kneel, you would have much less opportunity to fight back if he attacked you at that angle.
  2. Go for the face. When the cat jumps at you, you have to fight back. Hit and kick the lion as it jumps at you. Aim for the head and eyes as you try to drive the predator away. The cat is most likely much stronger than you, but you can manage to chase the lion off by hitting it on the head and eyes, which will have a big effect.
  3. Seek immediate help. Lion attacks have been repelled by humans before. The people who were attacked and who managed to chase the cats away were able to get immediate medical attention. If the lion has managed to bite you, stop the bleeding. Immediately treat deep cuts that his teeth or claws have inflicted on you.
  4. Seek psychological help. Even if the attack was fake, it's a good idea to talk to a professional psychologist about it. Getting over such a traumatic experience is not easy. It's a very rare situation to get into. Seeking help will help you move on with your normal life more quickly.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid an attack

  1. Stay away from mating lions. Mating lions and lionesses are extremely aggressive. They attack very easily during mating. There is no set time of year when lions mate. However, it is very easy to tell when lions are mating, because when the lioness is in heat, the flocks mate up to 40 times a day. This takes several days.
  2. Stay away from cubs. You should never ever approach a lion cub, no matter how tempting it may be or how cute the lion cubs look. Lionesses are extremely protective of their young and you should therefore give them extra space. Do not approach the boy in any way. If you encounter cubs, you should follow a route that takes you as far away from them as possible to avoid an attack.
  3. Have someone keep watch at night. Lions are mainly nocturnal animals. They usually hunt at night. If they are in hunting mode they are much more likely to attack. If you are in an area where there are many lions at night, have someone keep watch at night so that you are not surprised.


  • Don't pretend you're dead! Otherwise you will actually be dead in no time.
  • Do not kill, hunt or shoot lions. Lions are an endangered species.