Increasing the amount of chest hair

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Increase Chest Hair
Video: How to Increase Chest Hair


Do you only have a small tuft of chest hair? Would you like some more locks on your chest? No problem! With the help of this guide, you will hopefully have a lush forest on your chest within a month. Read on for specific instructions.

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Part 1 of 2: Medically proven tips for chest hair growth

  1. Bring up your testosterone levels. Ask your doctor about your testosterone levels. Testosterone and hair loss are related in a peculiar way. If you don't have enough testosterone, your chest hair won't grow. If you have too much testosterone, it is converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which shrinks hair follicles. Try to have a healthy balance of testosterone. Since there are no over-the-counter testosterone tests, you should seek the advice of your doctor.
    • Start exercising / training. The man's testosterone level can be increased by weight loss as well as weight lifting. Go to the gym, lie on the pressure bench and get a good workout. You will feel a lot stronger and gain chest hair at the same time.
    • Take testosterone supplements if your doctor diagnoses you with low testosterone. Only take supplements if your doctor advises you to. Again, if you start taking supplements while you have normal testosterone levels, an enzyme will convert the excess testosterone into a hair follicle-shrinking hormone. And that is not exactly desirable for hair growth.
    • Ask your doctor about estrogen inhibitors. Your doctor should be able to tell you whether the use of estrogen inhibitors (aromatase inhibitors) is advisable for breast hair growth in your particular case.
  2. Never use steroids to promote chest hair growth. The use of anabolic steroids has serious health risks. Since there are dozens (if not hundreds) of different types of anabolic and androgenic steroids, all with different side effects on the body and hair effects, it is not safe to use steroids for hair growth.

Part 2 of 2: (Not proven) Home remedies for chest hair growth

  1. Shave your chest. If you already have some chest hair, shaving will make it thicker; it won't help hair grow where it isn't. (This is one of the reasons girls wax instead of shaving.) Shaving cuts the hair at the root where it is thickest; if it then grows back, the entire length of the hair will be thicker.
    • Shave your chest every two to four weeks.
  2. Apply Daktarin cream (miconazole nitrate). Massage the breast in the morning after showering with Daktarin. This method is said to promote the growth of new hair - however, this method has not been scientifically confirmed.
    • Please note: miconazole nitrate kills fungi and is used to treat foot and vaginal infections. Use it in moderation and be careful.
  3. Cut an onion in half and rub it over your chest. Rub the onion over your chest in circular motions. When the surface of the onion has dried, you can cut off about 5 mm and move on; this can stimulate hair growth as onions contain sulfur - sulfur is a mineral that has been proven to promote hair growth.
    • It is probably wise not to use this method during the day, as onions have a strong smell. So let the onions do their work in the evening and take a shower the next morning.
  4. Seek advice about chest hair from a male relative. It can be a bit embarrassing, but of course you can always ask someone you know and trust about their experience growing chest hair.
    • If the male relative asks you why, you have two options:
      • Tell the truth. Make it clear that you want to grow your chest hair, and that you wonder if he has any secrets or tips. Maybe you don't have to worry about anything.
      • Just say you are wondering and you want to talk about something random.
  5. Be patient. The hair will probably only start to grow after two weeks, and it will not be really visible for a while. Stay patient and stick to your treatment. It may not seem like it, but there are much more important things in life! Come on!
  6. Know the myths about hair growth. There are some well-intentioned myths about how to grow your hair and what it takes to grow a masculine mane. Many of these fables have been referred to the realm of (yes) fables by science and are demonstrably untrue.
    • Increasing blood flow promotes hair growth not. You may have been told to scrub a toothbrush along your chest to increase blood flow to the area, as that supposedly promotes hair growth. That has not been scientifically proven. Scrubbing your chest with a toothbrush will not cause you to get chest hair.
    • Clearing the pores will please you not help chest hair to grow. Some people say that clogged pores can cause hair to get trapped under the skin's surface, so hair growth can be promoted by purifying those pores. That is simply not true. While scrubbing away dead skin cells and clearing pores is good, it will not promote chest hair growth.