Dancing the bachata

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bachata Beginner Basic Steps Tutorial - Demetrio & Nicole - Bachata Dance Academy
Video: Bachata Beginner Basic Steps Tutorial - Demetrio & Nicole - Bachata Dance Academy


The bachata is a simple, sensual dance from the Dominican Republic, whose colorful roots are reflected in the romantic movements and accompanying music. Today, this passionate dance form is popular all over Latin America and beyond. Bachata is relatively easy to learn and gives the dancer a lot of freedom to show off acquired skills.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Learn the basics of the bachata yourself

  1. Feel the rhythm. Bachata is an eight-beat dance (like Salsa). Bachata music has four beats per measure (a four-quarter time). In its most basic way, bachata moves the dancers to the left in a four-four time, then to the right for the next. Listen to the music and try to find the pulsating rhythm. Modern electronic bachata music usually has some form of synth percussion to any beat, making the rhythm easy to find. Traditional bachata music can have slightly more complex percussion, but usually the beat is still easy to "feel".
    • Here's an example of how to count your steps during a simple bachata: (steps to the left) 1, 2, 3, (4), (steps to the right) 5, 6, 7, (8), (steps to the left) 1, 2, 3, (4), etc. The fourth and eighth beats are marked in parentheses, as these beats are often counted silently.
    • As for modern "pop" bachata, you could listen to the music of modern Latino artists such as Prince Royce, Anthony Santos, Aventura, Don Omar and Maite Perroni. These artists are influenced by bachata and many create songs in a modernized bachata style. First, start with "Creiste" by Anthony Santos.
    • Older, more traditional bachata performers may seem a little more obscure today due to the popularity of their "pop" counterparts. Try listening to Yoskar Sarante, Frank Reyes and Joe Veras. Joe Veras' song "Intentalo Tu" is a great bachata song with a semi-traditional sound.
  2. Step to the left. Start with both feet together. Count to the beat of the music: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. When you're done, start stepping to the left with your left foot on beat 1. Then bring your right foot to your left foot on the second beat. On the third beat, step to the left again with your left foot and finally on the fourth beat, lift your right foot slightly off the ground.
  3. Pay attention to the movement in your hips. You may have noticed that lifting your right foot slightly off the ground forced your hips to stick out to the right. This is perfect - ultimately the effect you want to create is that of a continuous, rolling motion in your hips. While dancing, always be aware of the movement of your hips.
  4. Repeat your steps in the opposite direction. Do not stop! Place your right foot on the floor on the next first beat as you step to the right. Then just mirror the moves you've already made in the opposite direction: bring your left foot to the right on the second beat, step to the right on the third beat, and lift your left foot slightly up on the fourth beat. Your hips should now move to the left. must protrude.
  5. Keep the pace and repeat. Practice these basic steps until you feel you have a feel for the basic pulse of bachata. While dancing, keep your knees slightly bent (more bent when you raise your foot, of course) and try to keep a light rhythmic swing in your hips.
    • In the bachata, as in many forms of Latin dance, the rocking movement in the hips is typically more pronounced in the female partner than in the male partner.
    • If you think this is too simple, don't worry - the bachata is about to get a lot more interesting.

Part 2 of 3: Dancing with a partner

  1. Ask your partner to dance. Knowing how to stylishly accept a "yes" or a "no" is essential for avoiding awkwardness at clubs, parties, Quinceañeras, and other places where you might want to dance the bachata. In the traditional bachata, men ask women to dance. The instructions below assume a traditional situation, but today it is perfectly acceptable for women to ask someone to dance.
    • Gentlemen - if you want to dance with someone, be direct, yet polite. Approach your potential partner directly, offer her your hand (palm up) and say something short and sweet along the lines of "Hey, do you want to dance?" If she accepts, great! Take her hand and go to the dance floor. If, for whatever reason, she doesn't want to, politely accept it with a short response like "oh, okay." No problem "and then get on with your evening.
    • Ladies - if you are asked to dance, answer politely but honestly. If you want dance, just say something like "Yes, that's okay," then take your partner's hand and go to the dance floor. If you not If you want to dance, point out politely, succinctly and honestly why you prefer not to. For example, you could say something like, "Oh, I wish I could, but my heels hurt."
  2. Hold your partner. In Bachata there are two basic positions for holding your partner: the open position and the closed position. An open position gives more space between the two partners, as they only make contact through their hands. The open position allows more space and flexibility when it comes to advanced movements such as turns. The closed position, on the other hand, is a little more intimate as it involves an arm draped over the lady's back and light to strong contact between the two partners' bodies. Closed posture is more common in modern clubs and dance halls due to the tight floor space. See below for instructions on both positions:
    • Gentlemen:
      • In the open position, keep your arms loose and relaxed. Offer your female partner both palms, face up. She will gently put her hands in yours - let them rest there. Thumbs don't count. Both you and your partner's elbows should be bent at the sides, placing the two of you about two feet apart.
      • In a closed position, wrap your arm around your lady's body so that your palm rests roughly in the middle of her back. She will drape her arm over yours, resting her hand near your shoulder. Using your unoccupied arm (referred to as your "leading arm"), hold her other hand to the side at about shoulder or chest height, keeping both elbows bent. Avoid interlocking your fingers - your hands should be held palm to palm, with the back of your hand facing out. While dancing, use your outstretched hand to guide your partner and gently guide her upper body in the direction you are moving.
    • Ladies:
      • In an open position, keep your arms loose and relaxed. Place your hands in your partner's palms. Don't forget to keep your elbows bent to allow for flexibility and make sure you are somewhat close to your partner.
      • In a closed position, when your partner wraps his arm around your back, put your arm over his and rest him near his shoulder. Have your partner hold your other hand - the back of your hand should be facing you, while the back of his should be facing out. Keep your elbows bent and remember to keep your palm against his palm (without interlocking your fingers).
  3. Join your partner. Just practice with your partner to the beat of the music. You may find that coordinating your movements so that you both step to the beat is more difficult than you first thought! Regardless of whether you are in an open or closed position, both partners basically perform the same movement "left four beats, right four beats" as described above. However, realize that since both partners are facing each other, one partner in the opposite direction will take steps as described.
    • In bachata it is the custom that the man leads, so if you are a lady you can just follow in the direction of his movement whether that means stepping to the right or left first.
  4. Incorporate the reciprocating movement into your dance. As your bachata skill improves and you start dancing with partners, you will want to move away from the basic steps of the left and right bachata and work towards a more advanced, versatile dance pattern that also uses back and forth movements. These back-and-forth movements are done almost identically to the left-and-right movements - in other words, you step forward for three counts and move your hips out on count four, then step backward for three counts and move with your hips out on beat four, after which you keep repeating this. If the leading partner steps forward, the next partner steps back with the corresponding foot.
    • As beginners, try going through the basic bachata steps twice, from left and right, then doing a back and forth motion twice, then return to the left to right motion and repeat this. Your steps should be as follows:
      • (To the left) 1, 2, 3, (4) (To the right) 1, 2, 3, (4), (To the left) 1, 2, 3, (4) (To the right) 1, 2, 3, (4)
      • (Forward) 1, 2, 3, (4), (Backward) 1, 2, 3, (4), (Forward) 1, 2, 3, (4), (Backward) 1, 2, 3, (4)
      • (To the left) 1, 2, 3, (4), (To the right) ... and so on.
    • Note - because in traditional bachata the male partner is leading, the direction (forward) refers to his point of view. The female (or subsequent) partner will back steps when the leading partner steps forward, and vice versa.
  5. Add twists. One of the most essential partner moves in bachata is the twist. In the most basic variation of this move, the male partner raises their arm, allowing the woman to make a full turn to the music, after which both partners return to the basic dance, without missing a beat. Follow the instructions below to do a simple twist:
    • Gentlemen - Remember the tempo while dancing (1, 2, 3, 4). On the fourth beat, raise your leading arm over your partner's head and release the grip of your other arm (as a reminder, in closed position, the leading arm is the outstretched arm, instead of the arm that wraps around the back of your partner. your partner is wrapped). On the first beat of the next measure, your partner begins to turn in a circle under your arm, gently holding onto your leading arm. She will end up spinning on the third beat so that on the fourth beat you both dance in sync again and are able to move together in the opposite direction on the next first beat.
    • Ladies - feel your partner's leading arm lifted on the fourth beat. Continue to hold your partner's leading arm, but release your grip on your partner's shoulder with your other arm and move under the bend of his leading arm through. On the first beat, start spinning in a circle under his leading arm. Try to end the spin on the third beat so you can hit the "normal" dance position on the fourth beat and step in the opposite direction on the first beat.
  6. Watch your partner. Most of all, bachata is supposed to be a way for two people to have fun. Both men and women should try to give their partner their full attention. At the simplest level, this means looking at your partner while you dance, not the floor (and mostly not to other people you want to dance with). However, this also applies to the way you dance:
    • Pay attention to your partner's movements. if you're in charge, make sure your partner keeps up with you. If you follow, try to follow your partner's directions and predict which way he'll go.
    • If your partner makes a nice move, such as a pirouette or a turn, give your partner the attention he / she deserves. In general, unless you are doing a special synchronized movement for two people, you should not do your own movements while your partner is doing theirs.

Part 3 of 3: Making it more interesting

  1. Get your whole body moving. Bachata should not be a slow shuffle - it should be a happy, energetic dance. As your bachata skill grows, try to get more exercise. For example, instead of usually keeping your upper body straight, try moving your arms in a pumping motion and twisting a little as you move. Try bending your knees and moving your hips more than you normally would for a low, sensual swing. Ultimately and when you are confident enough, the bachata should of course be danced with your whole body.
  2. Add some bachata urbana. At most modern dance clubs you will find an informal, modernized version of bachata, rather than the formal, traditional version. This version of the dance, called "bachata urbana", features a wide variety of added movements and minor variations to give bachata a new, modern feel. Below are instructions for two bachata urbana moves that can add some modern flair to your dance routine.
    • The slide - This move is usually performed when you would normally step in the opposite direction of the leading arm (usually the leading partner's left arm, so this means you do this move when you would normally step to the right). To do this move, count the beat of the music (1, 2, 3, 4). On the fourth beat of the measure "to the left", the leading partner raises his leading arm so that his and his partner's hand are above their heads. On the first beat of the measure "to the right", he drops his leading hand below the waist, takes a big step back with his back leg, and slides back to the fourth beat. His partner mirrors his movements.
    • The Male Twist - This move allows the leading male partner to take a flashy turn for a change. The masculine twist works especially well after a traditional feminine twist, so we're assuming you just 'caught' your spinning partner on the fourth beat. On the first beat, you start spinning for your partner - she doesn't need her hand bending over you like you would while she spins. When you turn around, she should keep her elbows bent and her hands out in front of her. In this way, if you turn around, you can grasp her non-leading arm with your leading arm so that you hold both hands momentarily and look with your back to her in the same direction. Keep turning and "catch" her hands as you normally would on the third beat, so that you dance in sync on the fourth beat.
  3. Add complex footwork. When two experienced bachata dancers dance with each other, they are unlikely to settle for long with the basic steps "left, right, front, back". As you grow as a bachata dancer, as an added challenge and for pleasure, you will probably want to start with new, more complex footwork in your repertoire. Here are just a few ideas you could practice on:
    • "Very steps". Usually, on the fourth beat of each measure, you will lift your foot slightly and roll your hips to the side. Instead, try kicking your foot out a bit so that the heel touches the ground and the toes come up. You may have to bend your knees slightly to do this comfortably. The end result should be slightly subtle - not an exaggerated "Cossack dance", but a slight variation on your normal step.
    • "Twists". Instead of stepping back and forth, spend a size arguing with your partner. Bend your knees a little more than usual, then turn your hips and legs sideways to the beat of the music. Try to vary between two turns per measure (once every two beats) and four turns per measure (once per beat).
    • Leg crosses. This move involves several kicks followed by a quick spin for a dazzling effect. Step aside as you normally would for a count of three. On the fourth beat, lift your leg slightly more than usual in preparation for a kick. On the first beat, keep your upper body upright and gently kick in front of you. Your leg should swing back on the second beat. Kick out again on the third beat and then, on the fourth beat, cross the kicking leg with your stationary leg and place it on the floor. Use your momentum to make a full turn to add 1, 2 and 3 of the next measure so that you are back in your "normal" position on the fourth beat.


  • Start with slower songs to get used to the movement.
  • Dance with more experienced people to learn it faster.
  • Learn the moves before trying to vary with things like pirouettes and twists.
  • Bachata songs all count in measures of four beats.