See auras

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Unusual Tip to See Auras [Energy Shot #60]
Video: Unusual Tip to See Auras [Energy Shot #60]


When you can see auras, the possibilities of what you can see suddenly become endless. Learning to understand your own aura and how to protect it is important for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. You don't have to be a mystic to read an aura. Some people think that anyone can read an aura, but we have to put in more effort after childhood. Read the steps below to develop your dormant skill again.

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Method 1 of 3: Understanding Auras

  1. You have to understand what you are talking about and that starts with the definition. Usually one sees auras as an atmosphere that surrounds a person, but auras are more than that. They are seen as vibrations, electrical vibrations that are generated in response to external stimuli. The most important thing about an aura is that they contain information about the person they hang around.
  2. Understand the science. An aura consists of electromagnetic radiation that ranges from microwave and infrared radiation at one end of the spectrum to UV light. The UV light has to do with our conscious activities (thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions). This is the part that can be seen with the naked eye.
    • The electromagnetic energy of an aura hangs around a body in an oval shape. This "auric egg" extends about one meter around the body. It hangs above the head and under the feet.
  3. There are levels, learn what they entail. An aura consists of seven levels, also called layers or auric bodies, which correspond to the seven chakras in your body. Each level has its own frequency, but is also connected to the other levels and influences the other levels. As a result, if one of the levels is out of balance, other levels can also become out of balance.
    • The physical level. This level consists of health, pleasure and simple physical comfort.
    • The etheric level. This level requires you to accept and love yourself.
    • The vital level. At this level you understand situations in a clear, linear and rational way.
    • The astral plane. At this level you seek loving interaction with friends and family.
    • The lower mental level. At this level you need an attunement with your higher divine will, as well as the need to speak and follow the truth.
    • The higher mental level. At this level you need divine love and spiritual bliss.
    • The spiritual or intuitive level. At this level you want to connect with the divine mind and understand the greater universal pattern.
  4. Being able to see aura has its advantages, if you can see someone's aura you already know a lot about the character of that person. If you can see your own aura, you may also want to work more on your own aura and the signals that you are sending.
    • You can spot liars more easily. An aura cannot be recreated. If someone is being dishonest, you can tell if you listen to their thoughts through their aura.
    • You can see how someone is. A bright, clean aura indicates that someone is well and spiritually advanced. A gray or dark aura indicates that that person's intentions are not entirely clear. Someone posing as a guru, master, or spiritual leader or guide should have a bright yellow ring above his head.
    • You can recognize diseases. If you can read an aura, you can spot problems in the body before the physical symptoms appear.
    • You can enhance personal growth. If you can read auras you can strengthen consciousness, help someone in their spiritual development and strengthen your own awareness of the natural world.
  5. Learn which colors can have auras and what meanings these colors have. Auras come in a large number of colors, all of which indicate something about the person or object they hang around, these are the basic colors.
    • Red. Red indicates something about the heart, blood circulation and the physical body. If positive, it indicates a healthy ego, if negative it indicates anger, fear, or a person who is not quick to forgive.
    • Orange. Orange indicates something about the reproductive organs, or emotions. If positive, this can indicate something about energy, stamina, creativity, productivity, adventurousness, bravery or an extroverted nature. However, it can also mean that someone is stressed because of an addiction.
    • Yellow. The color yellow has to do with life energy and the spleen. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action. The color also belongs to creativity, optimism, and relaxed and playful characters. A bright yellow color can also represent a fear of losing control, prestige, respect or power.
    • Green. Green represents all matters related to the heart and lungs. When an aura is green, it represents growth and balance, but above all, something that can cause change. It is a color that symbolizes a love for people, animals and nature. A dark or muddy forest green color represents jealousy, insecurity, low self-confidence, the feeling of being a victim and resentment.
    • Blue. Blue auras always involve the thyroid gland or the throat.The positive meanings are: a caring, loving nature, intuition and sensitivity. Dark shades of blue have to do with a fear of the future, self-fulfillment, and speaking or facing the truth.
    • Violet. The color violet represents the crown, the nervous system and the pineal gland. This color is the most sensitive and the wisest color. This is the intuitive color in the aura that indicates the psychic power of attunement.
    • Silver. Silver symbolizes spiritual and physical abundance.
    • Gold. Gold symbolizes divine protection and enlightenment. An individual with a golden aura is guided by their highest good.
    • Black. Black represents a pulling and transforming energy. Usually this indicates an inability to forgive, or prolonged grief. These things can lead to health problems.
    • White. White represents a state of light and indicates purity and truth. It could mean that angels are around or that a woman is pregnant, or will soon become pregnant.

Method 2 of 3: Keep your aura clean

  1. You need to clean your aura from time to time. People can pick up each other's energy without realizing it. If the energy of other people is negative, picking up their energy has a negative effect on your own aura. For example, you can be in a good mood and look forward to meeting a friend. You have a great time that evening, but at a certain point you feel that you are a bit irritated. By the time you get home your mood has completely changed and you have no idea why. Such a situation indicates that you need to clean your aura. Even if nothing seems to be wrong with your aura, it is a good idea to periodically clean your aura to remove any negative energy that you have been picking up.
  2. Clean your aura. Focus on the chakra at the bottom of your spine, colored red. Imagine that this chakra is connected to the earth by a red light passing underneath. Next, imagine you are swimming in a sea of ​​bright golden light coming from the sun. Let the light enter your body and aura. Hold this image. Then imagine a violet light covering you from head to toe. This light is a warm, protective cover that fills the gaps in your aura. At this point you are being cleaned and healed. You should feel stronger now as your negative energy is being dissipated and you become more peaceful again. Meditate for a while, and when you feel comfortable again, imagine a white light that surrounds your clean aura and provides additional protection.
  3. Protect your aura. You can also take steps to protect and strengthen your aura, such as massage, using "shields", cutting cords, and so-called "interventions."
    • You can try to use the Reiki method for healing. This touch therapy amplifies the flow of energy by removing the stagnant or blocked chi. Reiki is seen as a means of receiving heavenly energy and channeling it into an energy field where the blocked chi breaks to prevent further mental, emotional, physical and spiritual problems.
    • You can make a shield. Think of a bubble or pod filled with white, loving light that is all around you. This protective shield can withstand all negative thoughts, feelings and other psychic attacks against you and also protects you from so-called "vampires" who suck your energy.
    • You can also protect yourself by cutting the cord. Invisible cords of energy can flow from your body to someone else's and attach themselves to other people, objects and places. When it comes to positive strings of love, they cannot be cut, but strings based on fear must be broken to prevent further loss of energy. Call on the Archangel Michael and ask him to break these negative cords with his sword, or think of a laser beam cutting through a crystal.
    • Ask the angels for assistance. Pray to the angels for help, they are always available to help you but you have to ask them for their help, if you don't ask they shouldn't do anything. Ask Archangel Michael to break the negative cords and fill your holes with green healing light and ask Archangel Metatron to clear your chakras.

Method 3 of 3: See Auras

  1. Start by feeling. If you want to see an aura, you must first try to feel it. That means paying close attention to how you feel when you are around someone. Breathe in and out and then focus on the physical feeling in your body and your own instinct. Ask yourself how you feel when you are with that person, calm, restless, irritated? Think of the color that you associate with this person. As you get better at feeling and seeing auras, this will become easier.
  2. Develop the corner of your eye. The corner of your eye is usually less damaged than the middle part of your retina, and therefore has healthy light-sensitive cells. Because you look much more with your central vision and this is better developed, it can be difficult to use the corner of your eye more to see auras. However, there is an exercise you can use to develop the corner of your eye. Try to focus in one place for 30-60 seconds, this increases the light sensitivity.
  3. Learn to tune in to certain colors. If you train a little more with the primary colors you can further develop your ability to see auras. Use blue or red paper and put this around a book, put the book on the table and move a few meters away. Make sure the back of the book is neutral or white, and the light in the room is soft but not too dim. Inhale and close your eyes, relax and then open your eyes and look at the book. Do not concentrate on the book, but look slightly next to and along the book. After a while you will see a thin, pale aura around the book with a color that slowly turns to light yellow or green as you stay focused.
    • If you are good at looking at a book, you should try looking at several books with different colors of paper at the same time. If you get better at looking at colors, you can also do this with plants, animals and eventually people.
    • You may occasionally blink your eyes briefly during this exercise. The aura may disappear for a moment, but in principle it should show up again if you stay relaxed and focused.
    • Keep practicing until you get used to this way of looking. Don't tire your eyes too much and try to relax your eyes and forehead.
  4. Learn how to look at objects or people. Have someone else stand against a white background without lighting. Look at the wall behind this person and also look at the area a few inches next to that person. Do not look at the person because then you cannot see the aura. Do not look at the person but at their aura and try to see if you can see an area around this person that is slightly lighter than the rest of the white background.
    • Once you have identified a color, ask that person to move back and forth. The energy field should move with them.
    • If you see different colors in different parts of the aura, it does not mean that there is something wrong with your eyes, an aura can consist of different colors depending on what is going on with the different body parts of the person in question.
    • Do not exercise your eyes for more than a few minutes to avoid putting too much strain on yourself. Everyone develops the skill at their own pace.
    • The clarity of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. When someone is happy and full of life, their aura will be stronger, bigger and brighter. Play a person's favorite music to amplify their aura and make it easier to see their aura.
  5. You can also practice on your own aura. Sit in a low-lit room and relax. Take a deep breath. Focus on your goal, which is to see your own aura. It is important that you believe you can do this. Rub your index fingers together. An aura is sticky and if you rub your fingers over each other the energy will stick to your fingers. Now focus on the area between your fingers as you continue to rub them together. After a while, keep your fingers about 1/2 inch apart and focus on the space between your index fingers and see if you can see a colored mist or smoke.
    • If you keep training it will become easier to see auras. When the aura has become more visible, repeat the exercise with your hands, rubbing them together and then moving them apart again to see your own aura.


  • Relax, take a deep breath, and concentrate.
  • Make sure you don't show what you are doing. Don't let people know you're trying to look at their auras.
  • Don't tire your eyes too much.
  • Read Vincent van Praagh's books, he is a famous medium.