Read Auras

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To SEE Your AURA Or Somebody Else’s! (3 ways)
Video: How To SEE Your AURA Or Somebody Else’s! (3 ways)


An aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things. The aura is usually thought of as layers of color around someone or something. Becoming an aura reader takes a lot of practice. This article is for beginners with an open mind.

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Part 1 of 3: Creating the right environment

  1. Find a suitable background. To properly see the vibrant colors of your aura or someone else's, you need a neutral colored background. Find a white or neutral colored wall or background.
    • If you want to perceive your own aura, you also need a mirror. If you don't have a mirror, you can read the aura around your hand by placing it in front of a white surface or sheet of paper.
    • Make sure you are in a comfortable, quiet environment. You must be able to focus on your subject without interruption.
  2. Find the correct exposure. You need soft light that is neither too bright nor too dark. You need to make sure your eyes are comfortable with the light level so that they don't have to exert themselves too much or get overloaded by the light.
    • Natural light is best, but you can also use candles or lamps to get the right concentration of light you need.
  3. Position your subject. If you are trying to read someone else's aura, make them sit comfortably in front of the white background and explain what you are going to do. Make sure the person wears clothes that are not overly patterned or too distracting. If you are trying to read your own aura, look at yourself in front of the mirror while standing or sitting against a white background.

Part 2 of 3: Read your topic

  1. Look at your topic. While looking at your subject, relax your eyes. Pick a spot to stare at for 30 to 60 seconds. Focus on the areas of your peripheral vision, let your eyes go a little out of focus. You may start to see a blur around the edges. It may seem like a transparent or white light. After a short while, this can become the color of the aura.
    • When you first start, focus on a small area. With a subject, it can help to find the aura around the subject's head, with the forehead as the focal point.
    • If you're trying to read your own aura, you can focus on the line of your head or look at the tips of your fingers against white paper. In this case, use the fingernail as the focal point.
  2. Determine the visible colors. When you start to see colors, they can be bright and bright, or fuzzy and muddy. Some people, especially beginners, can see only one dominant color, while others can see multiple colors.
    • The longer you work on reading auras, the more colors and variations you can see. It just takes time and practice.
  3. Be aware of afterimages. Staring at the same place produces afterimages that are the direct reverse of what you are actually looking at. The afterimages are not auras. You know the difference because the afterimage appears in front of your eyes for a short time, wherever you look.
    • Afterimages are usually color combinations: black and white, red and turquoise, orange and blue, yellow and violet, green and pink.
  4. Write down what you see. Drawing a body outline and then sketching colors around it can be a fun way to capture what you see for later analysis. It is also something to show your subject so that it better understands what you are seeing.
    • Some colors in auras are difficult to recreate in an artistic medium. Try to get as close to it as possible, but describe any differences somewhere on the page.

Part 3 of 3: Interpreting the aura colors

  1. Understand the red radiance. According to those who read auras, people with a red aura are often energetic, enthusiastic, adventurous and temperamental. They can be strong, competitive and good at sports. They are usually direct, forthright and honest, but they usually have to be number one.
  2. Learn what a yellow aura means. As described by those who understand auras, people with a yellow aura are often intelligent, analytic, inventive, logical, overly critical of themselves and others, eccentric and motivated, but can also become workaholics. They often choose their friends carefully and are not prone to loneliness. They are more likely to become depressed and withdraw under certain pressure. They can be confident and can act well in front of an audience.
  3. Interpret the pink aura. Pink auras are often attributed to individuals who are generous, loving, caring, faithful, healthy, and romantic. Typically, once they find their partner, they remain faithful. They are usually happy to welcome family and friends into their homes and can be good hosts. They seem to have high morals and dislike injustice in the world.
  4. Analyze the blue aura. Those who read auras describe people with blue auras as good communicators with a tendency to be intuitive, articulate, charismatic, intelligent, organized and inspiring. They seek a balance between their head and heart to make difficult decisions, often try to calm anger in others, and are peacemakers.
  5. Understand the green aura. These people, according to aura readers, are often very creative, hard-working, determined, realistic, popular, prosperous and respected. They can be perfectionists associated with practical beauty in the things around them, such as gardening and cooking.
  6. Understand the orange aura. Those with an orange aura are often generous, sociable, honest, kind, good-hearted, empathetic, sensitive, and charming. They can also be impatient and quickly end relationships. They are sometimes short-tempered, but forgive and forget easily.
  7. Interpret the purple aura. Those with purple auras can be sensitive, mysterious, philosophical, intuitive, knowledgeable, admirable, and in harmony with animals and nature. They are selective with their friends and often keep in touch. They tend to be unhappy in love, but are usually committed once they find someone who is right for them.
  8. Analyze the golden aura. Someone with a golden aura can be rich, obsessive, giving, social, proud and independent. Such individuals tend to surround themselves with beauty, usually cannot stand their flaws exposed, and love to entertain and receive attention and admiration from others.
  9. Understand the other auras. People reading auras have found a few other colors, but these are not as prominent. They regard these types of auras as negative auras based on the personality traits associated with them.
    • The brown aura has two different shades. The light brown aura is associated with discouragement, confusion and a lack of self-confidence, the situation or others. The dark brown aura represents deceit and selfishness.
    • The black aura is associated with hatred, depression and major illness. Black-looking people can be considered stingy and cheap.


  • If the aura color you see is a variation or mix of two colors, which is common, it means that that person's personality is a combination of those two colors.
  • Have patience. When you first see an aura, it will often disappear as soon as you blink or move your eyes. It may take practice to keep your focus steady.
  • Don't pressure yourself. When your eyes get tired, take a break. This takes practice and patience.
  • If you don't see something right away, that's okay. It may take a while to get used to it. Remember, everyone who tries it is different.
  • Choose a time when you are relaxed and have no distractions. Then it is easier to devote your full concentration to the task.
  • Be open to seeing all colors and shades. A dense and clear aura means a person has a lot of energy, and this can be easier to see. Colors can shift and change from moment to moment.
  • Viewing auras can cause headaches. Don't forget to drink water and take good care of yourself before and after reading an aura.