Lose 5 kilos in a week

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1
Video: How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1


Losing 5 kilos in 7 days is very difficult, but it is possible. With the right motivation, a good diet and training you can achieve it! Read on for a detailed plan to lose those pounds in a week.

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Part 1 of 3: Counting calories

  1. Eat fewer calories than you can burn in a day. That's the secret to losing weight. And while it may seem easy in theory, it is very difficult in practice. You have to burn 3500 calories to get rid of half a kilo. That means you burn 3,500 more calories than you get from your food.
    • You will have to exercise to lose 5 pounds in a week. Starving yourself is not an option. Starving yourself will make it harder to lose weight, especially after the diet.
    • Understand that you are burning calories doing your daily activities such as walking around, climbing stairs, and even breathing. It's not a lot of calories, but you don't have to burn all the calories with heavy exercise.
  2. Prepare yourself. If you want to lose 5 pounds in a week, you will have to burn 5,000 calories a day more than you take in. That is very much. That's not to discourage you; it's just to remind you how hard it really is to lose 5 pounds in a week. Prepare yourself for a really tough task!
    • To give you a little idea of ​​how much that is, consider this: Someone weighing 80 pounds burns about 1000 calories playing a 90-minute soccer game. That means that you have to play football for about 7.5 hours to burn 5000 calories. Not impossible, but very difficult!
  3. Do not eat more than 1200 calories. The average person burns about 2000 calories per day in everyday activities. That means that if you consume exactly 2000 calories a day, you will stay at the same weight - you will not gain weight and you will not lose weight.
    • If you want to lose weight, which you probably want, you need to eat at least 1,200 calories a day, no matter what kind of diet you follow. If you eat 1,200 calories, you need to burn about 4,000 calories to reach your goal.

Part 2 of 3: Diet

  1. Only drink water. Water is a dieter's best friend. Sweet drinks are the enemy. A simple sweet "energy" or "sports" drink easily contains 400 calories. That is one third of the total number of calories for the whole day. So stay away from that and only drink water, with one exception: green tea.
    • You can also drink unsweetened green tea from time to time. If the regular water comes out of your nose, green tea is fine too. It is high in antioxidants and 2 calories.
    • If you are really hungry at mealtimes, drink a good glass of water before you eat. As a result, your stomach is full sooner.
  2. Don't eat processed carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are not very nutritious and are absorbed by the body very quickly. Don't eat refined carbohydrates such as:
    • Cookies, sweets, cakes and other pastries
    • Sugar, honey or syrup
    • White bread, white rice and white pasta
    • Breakfast cereals with sugar
  3. Replace these refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. These are full of fiber and other nutrients, and are digested much more slowly and enter the blood more slowly. Examples of slow carbohydrates are:
    • Whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice
    • Beans and legumes, such as lentils, carrots, and sweet potato
    • Vegetables and fruits such as asparagus and apricots
  4. Eat lean proteins. Go for lean beef. Go for chicken fillet. Soy products such as tofu are also high in protein, as are all kinds of fish, including salmon.
  5. Definitely stay away from fast food. In addition to being prepared in trans fats, burgers, fries, wraps, etc. are full of salt and sugar. They are mainly empty carbohydrates with no real nutritional value. If you really want to shed those pounds, stay away from fast food.
  6. Eat a lot at breakfast, a little less at lunch and the least at dinner. Eating well early in the day will get your digestion off to a good start, and you'll have enough energy to make it easy until lunch, and you can eat a little less in the afternoons and evenings. Here are some examples of what you can cook during the day, with a snack on the side:
    • Breakfast: protein omelette with spinach and chicken fillet, with a banana and some fresh blueberries.
    • Lunch: piece of salmon with quinoa and a small salad.
    • Snack: handful of pistachios.
    • Dinner: Stir-fry of bok choy, carrot, mushrooms and bell pepper.
  7. Start a calorie diary where you write down how many calories are in everything you've eaten. By writing in a diary you know when you crossed the border. It tells you which dishes work well and whether it was tasty. It keeps track of your struggles, which is always fun to read back when it's over!
    • Get really good at calorie counting. It will be very difficult at first, but after a while it will become second nature to you. Be very accurate and don't lie to yourself! You only have yourself with it in the end.
  8. If you make a mistake (and everyone does that sometimes), don't give up. It doesn't matter if you occasionally sin and eat something you shouldn't be eating. But when that happens, don't throw everything overboard. Then you never achieve your goal and you get discouraged. Then just continue motivated.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise

  1. Walk everywhere. Do you need to run errands? Walk. Do you have to go to the fifteenth floor of a building? Walk, don't take the elevator. Do you have to go to football practice? Walk over there. See every opportunity to run as an opportunity to burn calories and get fitter.
    • Buy a pedometer. A pedometer literally keeps track of all the steps you take during the day, and you can hide it somewhere on your hip so no one sees it. A good pedometer converts the steps into the number of calories burned. They are worth their money!
  2. Make it a habit to always warm up and stretch before getting started. Put on some of the best, rousing '80s dance music and get in the right mood. By warming up and stretching you get the most out of your workout. Moreover, you cannot exercise well if you get injured. Examples of warm-up are:
    • 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 20 burpees (Burpees is an exercise where you jump in the air and then dive to the ground to do a push-up).
    • Run very vigorously in place for 1 minute, then jog lightly in place for 1 minute.
    • Touch your toes, stretch your arms, loosen your thigh muscles and hamstrings, and don't forget your upper body and neck.
  3. Try interval training. Interval training is alternating a short period of very intense activity with moderate or lighter activity most of the time. Scientists have found in multiple studies that people who do interval training burn more calories than people who do moderate-intensity activity throughout the workout.
    • An example of interval training is: when you run a lap on a track, you first run as fast as you can for an entire lap, then you jog three laps slowly. You do every fourth round quickly.
  4. Take on a sport. The nice thing about sports is that it is competitive. We will do our best through competition. Play soccer, volleyball, or swimming if you think that's fun. Let your competitive spirit burn the calories for you.
  5. Use cardio training equipment. If you don't have those at home, hit the gym. Try the following devices and see what works best for you:
    • Treadmill. The treadmill may not be as good as running, but it's better than nothing. Find a nice, fast pace that will make you sweat.
    • Cross trainer. You can set the resistance with most cross trainers, making this a good combination of cardio and strength training.
    • Exercise bike. You can take a spinning class, but they are quite tough. It is a great way to lose weight.
  6. Do combination workouts. These are classes in which strength, endurance and aerobic exercise are combined, so that you will not get bored (because of this many people drop out).
  7. Dance all night. If you want to get your heart rate up, go dancing. Not necessarily in your living room, although you can.Why don't you take a dance class?
    • You can try something like street dance, hip-hop or jazz dance.
    • You can also try Zumba, a combination of Latin American and international music and a great workout. Zumba is taught by a special instructor.
  8. Sports, and sports twice as much. You have to exercise twice as much to reach your goal. Choose something you like, then you better manage to lose those 5 kilos in a week.
    • You may need to set aside 4 hours a day for exercise: 2 x 2 hours, interrupted by a break. When you need motivation, think about all that fat you burn and the great body you will get. Good luck!


  • Don't overdo it! You can damage your body.
  • Do not take weight loss pills. That is very unhealthy.