How to enlarge breasts without surgery

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Increase Breast Size Naturally | Increase Breast Size Without Surgery | Breast Enlargement
Video: How To Increase Breast Size Naturally | Increase Breast Size Without Surgery | Breast Enlargement


There is no shame in admitting that you want big breasts. If you want bigger breasts, you can do breast exercises, try medical devices, and work on making your breasts "look" bigger. If you want to know how to enlarge breasts without surgery, read our article.


Part 1 of 4: Adjusting Your Diet

  1. 1 Eat more estrogen-rich foods. Among other things, estrogen is a female hormone responsible for breast enlargement. Although your body will produce estrogen on its own in your teens, before the age of 18 or 19, it won't hurt you to eat more estrogen-rich foods to enlarge your breasts. Here are some estrogen-rich foods:
    • lentils and chickpeas;
    • beans;
    • dairy products such as cheese and yogurt;
    • fenugreek seeds;
    • condiments such as sage, clover, and oregano;
    • fruits such as apples, cherries, and plums;
    • vegetables such as beets, carrots, and cucumbers;
    • grains such as rice, barley, and wheat.
  2. 2 Eat foods with phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens will help if you have low estrogen levels - then this hormone will be responsible for increasing the size of your breasts. Studies have shown that phytoestrogen pills have been shown to increase breast size in women, and these plant compounds are found in many delicious foods, so it doesn't hurt to add them to your diet. Here are examples of phytoestrogen-rich foods:
    • nuts such as pistachios, walnuts, cashews, and chestnuts;
    • drinks such as red and white wine, black and green tea;
    • fruits and berries such as peaches, strawberries, and raspberries;
    • flax seeds;
    • green beans and pumpkin.
  3. 3 Put on some weight. Everything is correct. If you want to naturally enlarge your breasts, you need to put on a couple of kilograms. Not only will your breasts become fuller, but so will your belly, thighs, and other parts of your body that gain weight the fastest. You may not want to gain weight in order to enlarge your breasts, but this is the easiest and most proven method. To get better, you need to increase your calorie intake, eat more fatty foods, cheese and sweets. Or just eat more of your favorite food so you don't feel like you're deliberately eating the wrong thing.
    • This trick is suitable if you are very thin and you need to gain a couple of kilograms anyway. Although it is obvious that this is not the best solution.
  4. 4 Do not take estrogen pills or supplements to increase your breast size. Moderate consumption of foods containing estrogen and phytoestrogens can enlarge your breasts, but you should not take these drugs for breast augmentation alone. If you have any other reason to take these pills, please consult your doctor, but do not take them yourself. Unfortunately, the same medications that lead to breast enlargement have also been linked to breast cancer, increased blood clotting, and other conditions that are not worth enlarging breasts this way.
    • Some researchers argue that there is no evidence that estrogen and phytoestrogens are associated with breast enlargement.

Part 2 of 4: Exercise

  1. 1 Push up. Push-ups will not only help your biceps, but they can also strengthen your pectoral muscles, located just under your chest. If you do a lot of push-ups at once, you will only stretch your arms, so start with 2 or 3 sets of 10 times in one day if you are already in sports. If you're new to push-ups, start with 2 sets of 5 reps and work your way up. When you become a pro push-up, you can squeeze even more out of yourself every day. Here's how to do push-ups:
    • Starting position: stomach on the floor, arms strictly under the shoulders.
    • Slowly push your body into a plank position, pushing your arms out until they are aligned and you are on your toes.
    • Lower yourself to the floor without letting your stomach touch the floor, and then rise again.
    • If this seems impossible to you, kneel down. It will still be great exercise for your chest.
  2. 2 Lift the dumbbells. Head to the gym and work with a trusted trainer if you're new to it. This is another great exercise to help strengthen your pectoral muscles. All you have to do is find dumbbells that are heavy enough to feel them, but not enough to pull the muscles, about 3-6 kg, and lift them. You can also practice at home without a special bench. Here's how to do it:
    • Hold dumbbells in both hands, both hands on your hips. The palms should be facing down.
    • Raise the dumbbells in the air with straight arms, slightly bending at the elbows.
    • Raising the dumbbells over your head, lower them along your torso and repeat.
    • You can imagine what this exercise looks like if you think about push-ups.
  3. 3 Do the butterfly exercise. Lie on your back, take small dumbbells (2-3 kg) in each hand, spread your arms to the sides. Hold the dumbbells sideways with one end of the dumbbell facing you and the other facing away from you. When the arms are apart, the body is cruciform. Bring your hands together so that they meet just above your chest. Do the exercise several times.
    • Do 2 sets of 15 butterflies on the first day. As you get used to this exercise, increase the number of repetitions.
  4. 4 Do wall push-ups. This is another version of push-ups, in which the forearms and pectoral muscles are worked out. Move 50-60 centimeters away from the wall, straighten your arms and press your palms against the wall. Lean against the wall, bending your elbows, but keeping your legs in the same position. Work your arms and biceps to take the starting position. Imagine push-ups, but from the wall.
    • Repeat 10 wall push-ups 2 times on the first day of training.
  5. 5 Do crunches. These exercises will help you get rid of belly fat as well as strengthen your abs.
    • Take a horizontal position, arms along the torso, legs bent at the knees. Get up using only your torso - your arms and legs should remain on the floor. Take the starting position.
    • Repeat 10 times. It is important not to overdo it - do the exercise 1-2 times a day.

Part 3 of 4: Visually Increasing Breast Size

  1. 1 Wear a bra that is the right size. Research has shown that 8 out of 10 women choose the wrong bust size. A small bra will visually shrink your breasts, not enlarge them, and too spacious will not provide sufficient support for your breasts, and again it will look smaller than it actually is. Here's how to choose the right bra size:
    • Pay attention to the width of the clasp, not the size of the cup. The size of the cup is also important, but only if you know for sure whether you are 32 or 36. That's the whole difference.
    • Do not use the closest hook on the underwear unless you are sure this is how your breasts look their best. Otherwise, fasten your bra in the most comfortable way.
    • Do not pull the straps too high.
    • Make sure your bra matches your outfit. Remember a simple rule: different tops, different bras. Choose them in such a way as to highlight your breasts favorably.
  2. 2 Wear a push-up or padded bra. This is another quick and easy way to avoid stuffing your bra. A padded bra will help your breasts look bigger and a push-up will transform them beyond recognition. If you're shopping for a padded or push-up bra, you need to try it on, just like any other bra. Avoid bras that look so big that they triple your bust - this will be too obvious.
    • Also, do not stuff the bra with tissues or anything else that does not match the shape of your breasts. It will look silly to say the least, and you may find yourself in an awkward position.
  3. 3 Adjust your breasts with makeup. Sounds like a last resort? Not at all. Women are constantly adjusting their breasts with cosmetics, especially in filming. This creates the illusion of a large size, and you only need a few brush strokes, as well as accuracy. If you are in the mood for breast enlargement, you can even buy a set specifically for this purpose. However, you should try regular cosmetics first to see the effect. Interested? Here's what to do:
    • Put on your underwear and your outfit. Dress the way you are going to look in life.
    • Cover the front of your blouse with a tissue or toilet paper to keep makeup away.
    • With a dark bronzer or powder, outline the area of ​​your neckline, going down to the distance between your breasts.
    • Blend the color in a V along the natural curve of your chest.
    • Apply a lighter shade of eyeshadow or face powder, such as peach or gold, to the top of your chest.
    • Use a sponge to blend the resulting shade for a fuller and more natural looking breast.
  4. 4 Work on your posture. Your mom knew this when she constantly asked you not to slouch as a child. This is the easiest and fastest way to enlarge your breasts. Good posture is a straight back, shoulders straightened and arms at the sides, not crossed over the chest; not only will you look taller and more confident, but your breasts will also look bigger.
    • When we slouch, we show self-doubt, our breasts also become “insecure”. Walk straight with your chest straightened - be proud of yourself and your chest.
  5. 5 Wear clothes that show off your bust. This is another simple technique that allows you to visually enlarge your breasts. Wear blouses with ruffles in lace or patterns in the chest area; wear a top with horizontal stripes that will stretch your chest, and try wearing tees with a cutout, but not so big that your chest looks even smaller. The two-tone top will also help you visually enlarge your breasts.
    • Shirts and dresses that flare just below the rib cage will also help create the illusion of large breasts.
    • Wear corset-style dresses or shirts so your chest will naturally lift.
    • If you wear tops that are very tight in the chest area, strapless or with a tie around the neck, your breasts will look even smaller.
    • You can also draw attention to your chest by using a piece of jewelry that will hang directly over it.

Part 4 of 4: Be Smart

  1. 1 Don't start taking pills just to enlarge your breasts. It is true that some oral contraceptives increase breast size. However, you do not need to run to your doctor for a prescription for this reason alone. If you are just starting to have sex, have painful periods, or have any other reason to switch to birth control pills, check with your doctor if this is right for you.
    • Taking pills can have unpleasant side effects such as mood swings and long periods, so they certainly shouldn't be taken just for breast augmentation.
  2. 2 Be patient. If you are a young woman, your breasts may not have reached their full size yet. Adolescence affects everyone in different ways, they can grow to 18-19 years old, and sometimes even later, as one of the stages of your body's development. As you age, you may gain some weight and your breasts will grow naturally.
    • Don't rush to resize your breasts if your body is not fully developed yet.
  3. 3 Watch out for scammers. You will come across many more advertisements for pills, supplements and even injections that are "guaranteed" to enlarge your breasts. However, there is very little pills and supplements that actually work and do not cause negative side effects. It's better to stick to natural ways - diet and exercise - or even visually enlarge your breasts, than doing anything that could harm your body.
    • Check with your doctor before taking so-called supplements.
  4. 4 Don't use botox. Many women between the ages of 30 and 50 pay a lot of money (from 100,000 rubles and more) for Botox injections into their breasts. Research has yet to prove it is dangerous, but some doctors argue that the same effect can be achieved by working on correct posture without spending a penny.


  • There are no pills that can help you enlarge your breasts, although eating fish (which increases the level of certain hormones) has been linked to increased breast size.
  • Raise your chest, pull your shoulders back, and bring your elbows to your sides to make your chest appear larger.
  • Wear tight T-shirts with a not too deep V-neck.
  • Some bras have a shift adjuster in the middle. Adjust it to visually position the breasts closer together.
  • Use olive oil for massage.
  • Be happy with your breast size. Large breasts can be problematic. Massaging your breasts won't make it bigger. Running or exercising will help if done consistently. Don't worry about it.
  • Choose your cup size, not the larger one.
  • Try placing your hands on the wall and doing push-ups. This will speed up the growth of your breasts.
  • Sesame and flax seeds increase hormone levels and allow breasts to grow.
  • Avoid stuffing your bra, which can lead to an embarrassing situation.
  • Love your body, no matter what your body type! No one else has one!