How to improve concentration for learning

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
3 Tips To Improve Concentration & Memory For Students in Hindi By Vivek Bindra
Video: 3 Tips To Improve Concentration & Memory For Students in Hindi By Vivek Bindra


Some people find it difficult to study because it is difficult for them to focus on one task for a long time. There are ways to eliminate distractions so that you can focus fully on your studies.


  1. 1 Choose a suitable learning environment. A calm atmosphere helps to eliminate all distractions in the learning process.
    • Choose a calm environment, such as a private room.
    • Turn off all unnecessary gadgets. Don't forget to turn off your mobile phones and computers (if you don't need the Internet). Turn off the player or listen to music without words.
    • Remove unnecessary items and organize to eliminate stressors and improve concentration.
    • If you are surrounded by noisy people and their chatter is bothering you, turn on quiet music. There are tons of useful and free websites on the Internet.
  2. 2 Collect study materials, including notes, textbooks, and papers. If you are using a computer, turn off the option to use email and instant messengers.
  3. 3 Take breaks to avoid boredom. Move from one subject to the next, but be careful not to get the information mixed up in your head.
  4. 4 Find an effective teaching method. Some people use flashcards to memorize, but there are other teaching methods along with flashcards. If you feel like nothing is right for you, come up with your own teaching method!
  5. 5 Use a text assimilation technique called SQ3R.
    • "Rate" the book by looking at titles, subheadings, captions, and other important parameters.
    • "Ask questions" by converting all titles and subheadings into instructional questions. This is necessary in order to trace the understanding of the text after reading the chapter or section.
    • Read to find the answers to the questions posed. Ask questions at the beginning and at the end of each chapter to make sure you have the information you need to understand.
    • Think back to your questions and try to answer them. Use quotes, but remember to express your thoughts in your own words.
    • "Revise" the text again so that it stays in your head when it comes time to answer your homework.
    • If you find a topic that you cannot understand, do your research. Read the information in the tutorial or on the internet for a better understanding.
  6. 6 Learn the material ahead of time. Instead of cramming the material the night before the exam, try to memorize the information ahead of time so that the amount of information does not confuse you.
  7. 7 Show purposefulness. Don't let your selfish / stupid behavior get in the way of your concentration. Follow through on what you started.


  • Show decisiveness. If you are facing difficulties, remember what goals you set for yourself in life, and your motivation will skyrocket.
  • To better focus, try to avoid other conversations.
  • Visualize what you are learning. The picture in your head will remind you of the topic of the lesson.
  • Read the training material out loud. Always carry a pen with you to make important notes.
  • Throw all unnecessary out of your head. Be cheerful and independent. This will help you study the school material. If your head is full of other thoughts, you will not be able to remember a single fact.
  • Visualize everything you learn. Later, you will be able to quickly recall the desired topic.
  • Listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Be attentive in the lesson.
  • Convince yourself that you are interested in studying the given topic, even if it is not one of your favorites.
  • Take 20 minute breaks every two hours to give you time to rest and focus.Eat a sandwich or drink some water. You can go out for a short while to get some fresh air.
  • Involve all the senses to memorize information. For example, if you are an auditor, read aloud.
  • Keep trying. Each of us has a different learning style.
  • Think about the current assignment. Don't let yourself be in the clouds and think about your homework on another subject or daydream about a nice boy / girl at school.


  • Do not forget why you are studying this or that subject.
  • In order to memorize information, you need to understand the essence. It's better than mechanically cramming everything.
  • Remain calm and cool throughout the mission. Give up haphazard memorization.
  • Do not overdo it. Avoid cramming - this learning method exacerbates stress and makes it harder for you to learn.