How to care for an axolotl

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
AXOLOTL CARE GUIDE | Housing, Feeding, & Tank Mates | Ambystoma mexicanum
Video: AXOLOTL CARE GUIDE | Housing, Feeding, & Tank Mates | Ambystoma mexicanum


The axolotl is a species of aquatic salamander from the same family as the tiger salamander. They are easy to care for and make great pets. The life span of an axolotl in an aquarium is 10-15 years, provided that you provide it with suitable conditions and take care of it.


Part 1 of 3: Create a Suitable Living Environment

  1. 1 Prepare your aquarium. One axolotl will have enough aquarium of 38 liters. However, for axolotls, it is still better to take a larger aquarium. Choose a larger aquarium that you can place in your home. A 76 liter aquarium is perfect for an axolotl.
    • Fill the tank with water just like a fish. If you have used tap water, you will need to prepare it like you would for a freshwater fish tank. If the water is not prepared, chlorine and other chemicals in the water can harm and even kill the axolotl.
    • Always keep the lid of the tank closed, as axolotls will occasionally jump out of them.
  2. 2 Install an external canister filter. An external canister filter is needed to keep the axolotl in clean and good water. You can buy such a filter at your nearest pet store.
    • Whichever filter you buy, it should have a spray or other outlet to control the flow of water. Axolotl need a slow flow of water, as a fast flow will cause them a lot of stress. Due to the strong flow of water, the axolotl may stop eating or develop stress-related health problems.
  3. 3 Provide a substrate. The substrate is the material that is placed on the bottom of the aquarium. The bottom of the axolotl tank should be lined with large aquarium pebbles (more behind the axolotl head) or fine sand (fine sand is ideal as a substrate). Do not use fine granules or coarse sand (eg sandblasting sand). Axolotl can accidentally ingest such materials.
  4. 4 Dim the lights. Axolotl does not need the same amount of light as aquarium fish. Bright lighting can cause stress on the axolotl, so if you want to install a lamp, buy a plant lamp. The axolotl does not need a lot of light to develop, so the light is usually more useful for you to see the animal better.
    • Turn on the lamp as little as possible. Strong heat emanates from the lamps, which can harm the axolotl. Turn off the lights after feeding and observing the axolotl.

Part 2 of 3: Keep Your Axolotl Healthy

  1. 1 Maintain the correct temperature. You hardly need a heater to maintain an acceptable temperature in your aquarium. The acceptable temperature for an axolotl ranges between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius. Since this is room temperature, there is no need for a heater.
    • If you live in an area with hot or cold climates, you might want to adjust the temperature in the room where the aquarium is located. You will likely need to turn on the air conditioner or heater in the room for some months.
    • Temperatures above 23 ° C will expose the axolotl to heat shock. If your aquarium heats up frequently, buy a cooler.
  2. 2 Feed your axolotl the right food. You can buy earthworms and frozen bloodworms at your local pet store. This will form the basis of the axolotl's nutrition. As a treat, serve frozen shrimp or chicken pieces to the axolotl. Do not feed the axolotl live food.
    • Feed the axolotl every other day for half an hour. Give the axolotl as much food as it can eat in half an hour.
  3. 3 Change the water regularly. Pour 50-60% of the water out of the aquarium once a week and replace it with fresh water. If your aquarium has a filtration system, use prepared tap water.

Part 3 of 3: Keep Your Axolotl Safe

  1. 1 Separate the young axolotl from the adults. If your axolotl is breeding, take out the cubs with a net and place them in a separate tank. Adults of axolotls can begin to hunt for cubs, so it is not safe to keep axolotls of different ages in the same aquarium.
  2. 2 Do not place other animals in the axolotl tank. It is best to keep the axolotl in a separate aquarium, but it can get along with another axolotl of the same size and age. But they will hunt other fish and other marine fauna. As a general rule, it is best to keep only axolotls in an axolotl tank.
  3. 3 Do not touch the axolotl. Axolotls are not very friendly pets. For happiness, they do not need contact with people. Moreover, it can cause stress for them. Only touch axolotls when necessary, such as when retrieving cubs from an aquarium. The axolotl can even bite you.