How to scare people

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to Scare people in VRCHAT
Video: How to Scare people in VRCHAT


Do you suffer from boredom, excess energy and a bout of mischief at the same time? Do not sit idly by! Give your energy an outlet and scare your friends - this is a great cure for boredom! All you need is creative thinking, a little courage, and a little crazy. Just remember to use common sense - don't do anything that could get you in trouble.


Method 1 of 7: Say Weird Things

  1. 1 Say strange things. One 100% effective way to scare or shock people is to say things in public that sound abnormal or disturb the average person. You can experiment by speaking directly to people or by intentionally letting them hear your conversation. Here are some ideas.
    • Go to a take-out restaurant and claim your order even though you haven't ordered anything.
    • Imagine a strange conversation on a cell phone or using a headset. It should be loud enough so that people around you can hear you well. Use fragmentary phrases such as "You have to eat everything! I don't care how many pages there are!" or "Shoot. What do you think I'm paying you for?"
    • Speak in the voice of Darth Vader, Yoda, or Piglet.
    • Develop a strange manner of speech. For example, end each phrase with "stranger."
    • Ask strangers weird questions. Try asking a random person what year it is, and when you hear the answer, pretend to be surprised or alarmed. You can ask other questions, for example, what country is it, what century, continent, planet or galaxy. Another option is to ask something really strange, to which a person probably will not have an answer, for example, "in what part of the universe are we?" or "can you tell me the coordinates of this place?"
    • Ask for advice on meaningless things. For example, go to a gardening store and ask the vendor something like, "How long does it take to cook this soil?" or "how long does it take to water the asparagus for it to grow wings?"
    • Engage in conversations with inanimate objects. For example, in a clothing store, go to a T-shirt on a hanger and say: "Oh, Max, hello! How is the construction progress? Really? Wow, how annoying. I hope Tanya will recover soon. Bye!"
    • Surprise people with completely unexpected antics. Run up to them on the street and say "hi" or "I like cheese" and then ask them which ass they like best - green or silver.
    • Say something like "the end is near" or "they are following us and will soon come for us."
    • Make random sounds like "eeeeee!" or "mmmmm!" for no apparent reason.
    • Whisper a lot or constantly. Whisper to people whatever comes to mind, or mutter something intimidating under their breath.

Method 2 of 7: Make noise

  1. 1 Be loud. Loud emotional exclamations and other noises are a sure way to shock or frighten those around you. However, it is worth reasonably go to where you are going to make noise.Do not shout where you will seriously disturb other people or get yourself into trouble, such as in a movie theater, in a classroom during a test, or in front of a police station.
    • Sing loudly, in a foreign language. Choose annoying songs. Sing in an eccentric manner - perform a bully rap like an opera singer or sing a cute heavy metal pop song.
    • React exaggeratedly and violently to little things. When you feel a little uncomfortable, let your reaction be much louder than necessary. If you notice that your lace is untied, start shouting: "OH, GREAT! TWENTY-FIVE AGAIN! ONLY THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH FOR ME!" Kneeling down to tie the lace, continue: "NO, NO, DON'T STOP, I DO NOT NEED HELP. YES, JUST PASS!"
    • Pretend you have a very loud voice. Start a normal, everyday conversation very loudly, but pretend that this is your normal volume and you find it difficult to speak lower. You don't have to shout at all so as not to overdo it - it will be more fun if people believe that you actually have a problem with your voice.

Method 3 of 7: Look Weird

  1. 1 Make your appearance weird. The first impression is your everything. If you make it crazy enough, you can shock people without even opening your mouth! Here's what you can do.
    • Wear weird, themed, or carnival items for no reason. Dress like New Years in mid June.
    • Pretend you are having a very, very, very bad day. Mess up your clothes, leave the curlers in your hair, smudge your makeup, tousle your hair, you might even leave a slap on your cheek (slap your face hard, or use makeup).
    • Wear the wrong size clothing. See if you can drown in an oversized jacket or squeeze into a T-shirt two sizes smaller!
    • Wear things wrong. Try wearing a shirt or pants inside out, backwards, or, if you're really not shy, wear a shirt instead of pants and pants instead of a shirt.

Method 4 of 7: Prank People

  1. 1 Arrange pranks. Practical jokes, pranks and other tricks will help you boggle your friends' heads with an amazingly hilarious result. Here are some great antics ideas that will shock your friends (and strangers).
    • If your teacher is replaced by another, switch names with a classmate during the lesson. Even if your friend objects, insist on your own: "Don't listen to him! It's me Sergey Belov! And he is Vadim Kudryavtsev!"
    • Draw a lost alien. Learn a few Japanese phrases and speak only Japanese as if you don't understand Russian. You can use another exotic language like Swahili. However, if foreign guests are rare in your city, the trick will work even with English or German.
    • When you are riding in an elevator, look in your bag and ask: "How are you there? Is there enough air? Yes, you can eat clothes ..." To enhance the effect, answer yourself in a strange voice like a ventriloquist.
    • Embarrass your friends. Make them think they accidentally said something that hurt your feelings, but keep the explanation as ridiculous as possible. For example, if a friend suggests, "Shall we go to the bridge to ride a bike after school?"
    • Tell everyone you changed your name. The name can be funny or ordinary, the main thing is to remain extremely serious when you convince your acquaintances that you are now really called that. If they don't buy, keep pushing until you are successful. As soon as your friend or acquaintances agree to call you a new name, change it back.
    • Celebrate unexpected holidays like Pirate Talk Day or Hedgehog Knowledge Week.Write on T-shirts and share your mood with others. Shout out congratulations to random people you meet.
  2. 2 Pretend to be somebody. Reincarnating as someone (or even something) can really surprise or scare others if you get into the role well. This is a great opportunity to practice your acting skills - the crazier you act without giggling, the better! Note that it is a crime to pose as a police officer or a government official.
    • Run into the store and ask what year it is. When they answer you, run out shouting "it worked! It worked!" (dress in obviously old-fashioned clothes for more effect).
    • Act like a character from your favorite TV series. It is best if he has a distinctive dress and voice. For example, put on a skirt and jacket and speak in an angry tone like you’re Cuddy and everyone else is Dr. House.
    • Depict a fake physical illness. Pretend blind in a public place, then get behind the wheel in front of everyone and drive away. Or ask a friend to drive you in a wheelchair, and then stand up to shake his hand in front of everyone.
    • Pretend to be hiding from the secret services. Have a friend put on a dark suit. In public places, move in dashes and look around, as if you want to hide from someone. When you are noticed, have your friend immediately appear and follow on your heels. Let it haunt you for a while.
    • Depict a fantasy or fairytale character. Dress up and act like a witch, robot, zombie, vampire, werewolf, ghost, sorcerer and so on. For example, if you've chosen the role of a vampire, put on a hooded cloak and hiss, covering your face with your hand: "Sun! I'm on fire!"
    • Pretend to be psychic. Play out mysterious "premonitions" in public. For example, in a fast food restaurant, look closely at the menu while rolling your eyes and rubbing your whiskey. Then, lean over to the person standing next to you in line and say something like “don't take the fries!” And then mysteriously leave before he can ask why.
    • Play a romantic tragedy scene. If there is a bench nearby, let it serve as your "deathbed". Take a friend with you, dress up as a prince and a princess (or another couple who are separated by an evil fate). Hold your partner's hand and say the appropriate text like "I will always love you." However, the text can be delusional - "tell my mom that I love ... waffles."

Method 5 of 7: Get Closer ... and Even Closer

  1. 1 Do things that are too personal. Saying and doing things that are too personal and therefore inappropriate is another great idea to scare or embarrass a person. Take advantage of the following suggestions or invent something of your own.
    • Offer your hand and heart to random people you meet in public. Try to choose places where there is a romantic spirit, for example, in a beautiful park, on a bridge, or by a fountain.
    • Ask for advice on very intimate problems. Questions that a sane person would not discuss with outsiders are quite capable of intimidating. Try asking strangers about, say, how to treat hemorrhoids!
    • Pretend you think the stranger is your old friend. Talk to a stranger as if you knew him from childhood. For example, make jokes that you two must understand, or offer to exchange your secret handshake.
    • Make weird romantic confessions. Pretend to be in love with someone, but feel terribly uncomfortable. Walk up to the person and, hesitatingly, say: "Hi ... I ... I, this ... I ... I like your glasses."
    • Show off personal fights. Play a loud fight over the phone (or with an accomplice friend) over something very personal, childish, or unimportant.You can say something like: "I can't believe you ate the last waffle! This is all you are. You invade someone else's life and take, take, take, and in return you do not give anything!"
    • Weave frank details into a regular conversation and continue it as if nothing had happened: "Please, can you tell me how to get to the library? My wife always cheats on me on a full moon. The library is on this side?"

Method 6 of 7: Dance Selflessly

  1. 1 Dance like crazy. Be energetic beyond measure, and you will be able to successfully scare others. Ludicrous dance moves are a great way to bring your comic talents to life. Here are some ideas to get you started.
    • Dance in the wrong places. Picture a moonwalk in the library, or dance along the conveyor belt at the checkout counter at the supermarket.
    • Perform spontaneous, flash-mob-like, yet rehearsed choreographic numbers. Practice a difficult dance or cheerleading performance with friends and perform it in unexpected places, such as in a mall or right in the middle of the street.
    • Try to get people involved in an impromptu dance party. Bring your radio or laptop to a store or park. Play an incendiary song. Start dancing and invite people to join you. If your "disco" goes on long enough, there may indeed be more participants. (The park or street option is safer, as the security guards at the stores don't always have a sense of humor.)
    • Picture an attack of dance fever. In a public place, walk as usual, fall to the ground, jump up and start dancing, and then continue your walk as if nothing had happened.

Method 7 of 7: Behave with suspicion

  1. 1 Create anxiety. When other techniques fail, the most reliable thing is to scare or amaze people for real. Act wisely so that the fun doesn't end with arrest. Here are some good thoughts.
    • The good old classic is to hide somewhere, and then jump out of cover and scare passers-by. Sometimes simplicity is best!
    • Scare people with your looks. Try a totally insane eye makeup and hide it under oversized sunglasses. Be gloomy and silent, but do not frighten others so that they do not start to avoid you. If someone tries to talk to you, take off your glasses and hit the "victim" with your look!
    • Walk with your eyes wide, or smile so wide that your eyes become slits. If you are asked what is the matter, give some crazy answer, for example, that you were told to go by the goblins.
    • Carry suspicious objects with you. For example, stick "Body Parts" on your briefcase and walk with it all day.
    • Pretend to be bothered by security cameras. You can stand in the corner of the elevator and stare at the camera with a look of horror on your face. Do not take your eyes off her when other passengers enter the elevator.
    • Develop odd skills such as kicking yourself in the head or twisting your eyelids.
    • Eat strange food in public. If it has a characteristic scent, that's even better. You can try olives, gherkins, or pickled onions.
    • Give a name to your planner / pen / ruler / calculator / folder. Call him by name all day. If anyone asks why the planner has a name, look at it with an enigmatic expression.
    • Pretend to involve outsiders in a criminal conspiracy. Walk up to someone and whisper, "I left THIS in the truck outside. Where do you get THIS?" If you are asked what "THIS" is, say: "You asked me not to say this out loud!" - and run away until new questions follow. For heightened impact, wear a raised collar coat and dark glasses for a mysterious, unrecognizable look. If later the same person still recognizes you in regular clothes, pretend to see him for the first time.Of course, this rally cannot be played near police stations, airports, train stations and similar places.


  • Try to do all of the above among strangers.
  • Don't do this too often in the same place. The same people may see you and it will become clear to them that you are doing your thing on purpose.
  • Once you get the hang of it, you can quickly spot opportunities for crazy antics and improvise as you go.
  • Don't do anything nasty. If you poke your nose or fart, you will not scare anyone, but only cause disgust.
  • The point of all these ventures is their surprise, so act suddenly and do crazy things. You can be weird, impulsive, unpredictable, but make sure you don't offend or scare anyone seriously.
  • Take the time to think over your words. You can think of them ahead of time so that you can play your part without hesitation when the moment is right.
  • Do not jump out unexpectedly and do not frighten the person if it seems to you that he can purely mechanically hit you back, and only then figure out what is the matter.
  • Don't contact the police. Even if you're just playing the fool, cops are not a good joke.
  • The next time a stranger speaks to you, feign shock and whisper, "Can you see me ?!"
  • If a person passes about three meters from you, and there is no one else between you on the sidewalk, you can yell, pointing at him: "There you are! Wait, you and I still have business!" - and chase him. However, this can be really scary, so you should not resort to this technique often.


  • Practical jokes can cause problems with security services or lead people to mistake you for a madman.
  • Don't take photos of the police, it looks suspicious.
  • Do not do this in the presence of teachers, bosses, government officials, or other people whose opinions of you really matter. You can be expelled, fired, detained or deported.
  • Do not do this in large shopping malls, in front of surveillance cameras, or in other crowded places.