How to properly dive into the water

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Dive For Swimming | A Step By Step Guide
Video: How To Dive For Swimming | A Step By Step Guide


Follow these simple steps to learn how to properly dive from a 3m springboard.


Method 1 of 2: Easy Dive

  1. 1 Start about one and a half meters from the end of the board if you are a teenager or adult, or further away if you are taking wide strides.
  2. 2 When you're ready for the first set, take three large steps with your arms waving.
  3. 3 After taking three steps, lift one leg up, then squat down at the end of the springboard.
  4. 4 Keep your leg and neck straight while looking forward during this movement.
  5. 5 Following the jump to the edge of the springboard, make a large circle with your hands counterclockwise and push your feet off the surface of the springboard as hard as possible.
  6. 6 You should rush straight up, and then, having gained maximum height, bend at the waist.
  7. 7 Straighten your arms up, pressing them firmly to your ears.
  8. 8 Press your hands firmly together and look up at your hands.
  9. 9 Keep your legs straight with your toes extended.

Method 2 of 2: How to Dive into Water in Competition Swimming

  1. 1 Clear your mind of fear. The fear of diving lives only in your head, especially if you are also pathologically afraid of heights. Clear your mind of unfounded fear and move forward.
  2. 2 Stand on the edge of the pool, leaning forward and grabbing your toes on the edge of the pool support post.
  3. 3 Take a half-sitting position, directing your chin towards your chest. Keep your arms straight and at the seams.
  4. 4 When you hear the whistle, push hard with your feet and knees forward. Try not to move your head. Point your arms upward, extending them in a straight line along your head.
    • Don't bend your legs. Straighten them behind you as you jump into the water.
  5. 5 Once you enter the water, continue to keep your body in a straight line to glide forward smoothly like an “arrow” or “torpedo”. As a rule, you should slide in this way for about 5 seconds, but it all depends on the strength of your initial push from the side.
  6. 6 Start swimming in the required style as quickly as possible.


  • If you are not quite successful, then try to bend your knees more than usual before diving, which will make it easier because you will not be visually so far from the water.
  • If you want to jump off the trampoline, then follow the same steps - bend your knees, straighten your arms, keep your head straight, but before you enter the water, stretch your legs and bend your back in an arch, and slightly press your chin to your chest.
  • Make sure the water is deep enough for diving to avoid injury.
  • After you master this diving technique, try to push off earlier and group directly in the air, which will allow you to jump higher and make a more graceful dive.
  • It will be far from easy to master the technique of entering the water without much splashing, but the secret lies in trying to dive in a position more perpendicular to the surface of the water.
  • If you are diving with bent knees, then do not try to do jump somersaults.
  • Sometimes it is much easier to fall into the water. Remember that the most important thing is to get a good diving experience, so don't be too discouraged if you don't succeed in the early stages.
  • Do not be afraid. If you are diving in a proven place, then just push off well from the springboard, bend your back in an arch, straighten your legs and enjoy the process.


  • Do not dive from bridges or other structures dangerous to this kind.
  • Seek advice from professional ski jumpers.
  • If you do not know how to dive properly, then do not try to do somersaults, as you risk pulling muscles or getting injured.
  • Be careful when diving off smooth surfaces as they can be slippery.
  • Dive only where you are not afraid to swim, and you are familiar with all the surprises of the current.
  • Swimming goggles should not be worn before diving as they will fall off anyway.
  • Refrain from jumping into the water on your stomach, as you run the risk of inflicting a very strong blow on the surface of the abdomen and internal organs.
  • Tighten the elastic of your swim trunks as they may fall off you as you enter the water.
  • Always make sure the water depth is safe for diving. Ignore the signs that tell you it is safe to dive, always check the depth yourself before diving.

What do you need

  • Bathing suit;
  • Swimming pool filled with water;
  • Springboard.