How to talk to a girl at school (for guys)

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Ask Out the New Girl at School
Video: How To Ask Out the New Girl at School


If you are in high school, the mere thought of talking to a girl can make you anxious. However, do not despair! You can easily interact with girls and even have friendships or romantic relationships with them by finding the right approach to them.


Part 1 of 3: Start Small

  1. 1 Keep calm. Don't overcomplicate the situation. While you have a strong urge to talk to this girl, remember that she is not perfect and can be as nervous as you are. Girls also have emotions and feelings. Perhaps the girl you like is thinking about how to take the first step, or she is expecting it from you.
    • Take a deep breath before talking to her. Deep breathing can help you calm down.
  2. 2 Smile. When you see a girl, greet her with a sweet smile. A smile is a sign of friendliness and warmth. You may have never smiled at her before, so she's unlikely to know that you want to talk to her. With your smile, you will let the girl know that you are interested in her. You won't catch her off guard when you start a conversation.
  3. 3 Say hello to her. Whenever you see her in the morning or on your way to school, be sure to say hello to her. Most likely, you will pique interest in yourself, and the girl will want to know more about you and talk to you. She will certainly notice you.
    • If you've never spoken to this girl before, don't mention her name when you greet her. She may be frightened because she does not know you at all. You should be especially careful if you are in a school with many students. It is not worth collecting information about the girl, as your actions may be regarded as harassment.
  4. 4 Ask the girl for a favor. One way to start a conversation with a girl is to ask her for a little favor. She will certainly pay attention to you. For example, you can ask, “Please pass me a cup of coffee,” if the girl is standing at the drinks counter.
    • You can also ask her for a pencil, for example by saying, "May I use your pencil?" Of course, you can ask for this if you are in the same class with her. Don't forget to return your pencil.
  5. 5 Ask a question. Another good way to start a conversation is to ask the girl a question. She will appreciate the opportunity to help you if you ask her on which page to open the tutorial or what task to complete.
    • If you're lucky, the girl may also start asking you questions.Afterwards, you may have a conversation.
  6. 6 Mention something in the affirmative. Start a conversation by mentioning a fact or event. Tell the girl about something in an affirmative way. This way she doesn't have to answer your question. For example, you might say, "Today is such a good day!" or "The lunch is just wonderful!" This is a great way to start a conversation that doesn't scare her as she doesn't have to think about how to answer your question. However, if she is interested in communicating with you, she will certainly keep the conversation going.

Part 2 of 3: Develop an Effective Approach

  1. 1 Try to look your best. One way to make a good impression on a girl you haven't spoken to is by looking good. Wake up a few minutes earlier and take more time to tidy yourself up. A girl is more likely to notice you if you go to school clean and tidy.
    • Prepare the clothes you will wear to school in the evening. It should be neat and well ironed.
    • Take care of your personal hygiene. Shower and use deodorant regularly. Brush your teeth and use dental floss.
    • Use lotion and lip balm.
    • Use a hairdresser regularly to keep your hair looking good.
    • If you have long hair, wash and comb it regularly to keep it tidy.
    • Use eau de toilette, but don't overdo it. Most girls like it when a young man smells good.
  2. 2 Behave in a way that makes the girl comfortable with you. Show respect for her. You should not stare at her or use inappropriate language. Very often in their lives, girls come across young people who allow themselves to make inappropriate comments about them. Do your best to prevent such comments from communicating with your girlfriend. The girl is unlikely to want to communicate with you if she is uncomfortable in your presence or if she feels that she is only an object of desire.
    • For example, you shouldn't use phrases like "Hey baby!" or "Pretty ass!" Such comments can offend the girl and hurt her feelings.
    • Avoid banal dating phrases and comments related to the girl's body.
  3. 3 Focus on your positive traits. Perhaps the girl you want to hang out with is also looking to make friends. Before starting a conversation with her, take some time to reflect on your good qualities. If you are a loyal friend or kind person, show these qualities to the girl when you interact with her. Avoid bragging and self-confidence.
  4. 4 Don't judge yourself harshly. Confidence comes with experience. Do not pretend that you are confident if you are not. It is unlikely that you will be able to play such a role for a long time. Be honest with yourself and your girlfriend.
    • Chances are you'll be nervous! Be prepared to accept it.
    • Remember that the girl is a person just like you. Do not put her on a pedestal and expect too much from her. Show your interest and try to do your best to keep the conversation natural and relaxed.
    • If you want to look confident, keep your back straight and maintain eye contact when interacting with a girl.
  5. 5 Speak confidently. When you approach a girl and start a conversation with her, try not to stutter or mumble under your breath, even if you are very nervous. Speak calmly and confidently. As a rule, girls are attracted to confident young people and it is easier for them to communicate with them.
    • Speak a little louder than usual if others say you can barely be heard.
    • Avoid being too talkative. Self-confidence doesn’t mean you have to talk a lot and loudly.Do your best to make the person you are talking to speak more than you do. Make up questions in advance that will help you get to know the girl better. Choose questions that your interlocutor cannot answer simply "yes" and "no." For example, you might ask, "What do you like to do?" or "How was your day?" You will be able to get to know the girl better and prove yourself as a good listener.
  6. 6 Think positively. Don't feel bad about yourself or imagine that nothing good will come of your conversation. Learn to think positively and you will be successful with girls. The girl will most likely see that you are a person who maintains a positive attitude and will be happy to communicate with you. Few people enjoy interacting with people with negative attitudes, so before approaching a girl, become a positive person.
  7. 7 Choose the right time to talk. Lunch time is a great opportunity to start a conversation with a girl because you both have a lot of free time during this period. However, you can approach the girl at any other convenient time. For example, if you have free time before class, walk up to her and start a conversation. You can also chat with a girl after school.
    • Starting a conversation with a girl in front of other people is not a good idea, especially if you don't know her friends. Talk to her when she is alone or with one or two friends.

Part 3 of 3: Talk to the girl

  1. 1 Ask her how her day went. After you take the important step and talk to the girl for the first time, you can try to continue talking to her. Ask her how her day went to show your interest. As a rule, people like to talk about themselves, so she is likely to appreciate your attention.
    • You can walk up to her and say, "Hi, how was your day?"
  2. 2 Make her laugh. An old adage says, "The shortest way to a woman's heart is to make her laugh." Of course, if you don't know the girl very well, it will be difficult for you to joke, since you cannot be sure of what will make her laugh. However, you can tell something funny about your school life.
    • You can talk about how your teacher says a word funny, or comes up with words. For example, you might say, “Our English teacher comes up with words on the fly. It's so fun!"
  3. 3 Get to know her better. Try to get to know her better as you talk. If you don't know her name, ask her about it. If you don't know how old she is, ask her if she was born in the same year as you. Gradually, it will begin to open up to you, and you can move on to more personal questions: "What do you like to do?" or "What's your favorite movie?"
    • Tell her about yourself, but don't overdo it. You don't have to dominate the conversation. You can say: "I also study in the seventh grade" or "I entered the technical school and am very happy about it." She will probably ask you questions as well.
  4. 4 Compliment her. After you chat with the girl and you start having a friendship, you can give her a little compliment. Don't compliment your appearance or physical attractiveness. She may feel uncomfortable and stop communicating with you.
    • For example, you might say, "You play volleyball so well!" or “I saw how you protected your girlfriend when she was teased by bullies. You are a true friend!"
  5. 5 Invite her to sit with you. If you have already spoken to her several times, then you can invite her to sit with you. For example, invite her to sit next to you during lunch to continue the conversation. If she wants to sit down with her friends, do not insist, let it be as she wants. You can invite her the next time your relationship gets closer.
    • The girl may refuse to sit with you if you are in the company of your friends. Therefore, invite her to sit down together if she wants to.
  6. 6 Ask her for a phone number. Communication with a girl should not end with the first conversation. You can communicate with her outside the school walls. Ask her for a phone number and see if she would mind if you call her or write messages from time to time.
    • Say, “I really enjoyed communicating with you. Could you give me your number so I can call or write you a message? "
    • She may prefer to chat with you on a social network. This is a great opportunity to maintain a relationship.
    • Perhaps she has strict parents who forbid her to talk to boys. If so, show respect. You can still interact with her at school.