How to distract yourself

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Distraction Techniques to Reduce Anxiety| CALM #PaigePradko, #CalmSeriesforAnxiety
Video: 10 Distraction Techniques to Reduce Anxiety| CALM #PaigePradko, #CalmSeriesforAnxiety


The desire for distraction is a natural reaction that often occurs when we want to avoid some unpleasant or negative moments in life. For example, when we are in physical or mental pain, some of us are distracted in unhealthy ways - addictions, harm ourselves, overeat, and the like. But distracting activities can also be beneficial, especially if addiction or other harmful behavior has become a habit. Distractions can help you stop using drugs by giving you time to turn your attention to something else. Distracting yourself properly can help pass the time, shift attention, or calm down. Thus, entertainment, relaxation techniques, etc. will help you distract yourself.


Method 1 of 5: Choosing the Right Distractions

  1. 1 Keep in mind that distraction can be both healthy and unhealthy. Distraction is a mechanism we use to avoid difficulties or emotional overload. Some unhealthy distractions include eating fast food during times of stress, or using alcohol and drugs. For example, to deal with anger management problem, a person may use drugs to drown out overwhelming emotions.
  2. 2 Acknowledge the emotions you are experiencing. It would be more correct to accept and part with those negative feelings that you are experiencing. You can still resort to distractions while doing this, but keep in mind that this will only distract you with an urgent problem. This will only hide and ignore the negative emotions you are experiencing.
  3. 3 Recognize that distraction can help you overcome your bad habits. If you are suffering from addiction, try to distract yourself so as not to make it worse. The desire for distraction means that you have realized how harmful it is to indulge your addiction. You make a conscious decision to deal with your addiction constructively.
    • Count to 100 to pass the time when you feel like drinking or drugs.
    • Take time out to take a break before dealing with negative emotions.
  4. 4 Turn a bad habit into a healthy distraction. The natural response to a stressful situation or emotion can be unhealthy distractions, such as eating a lot of junk food or alcohol. There is nothing wrong with distracting yourself after accepting your negative emotions. However, you should do something useful to treat your body and mind with respect and care. Here are some things to keep you busy:
    • go for a walk;
    • eat a fruit instead of a bar;
    • read a book;
    • clean up the workplace.

Method 2 of 5: Relaxation Techniques

  1. 1 Try deep breathing techniques. Focusing on deep breathing can help relieve stress and anxiety. When you think of just breathing, your mind will be cleared of harmful thoughts.
    • Inhale for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of four. Exhale again for a count of four. Place your hand on your stomach to feel how it rises and falls with each breath.
  2. 2 Read the mantra. A mantra is a simple phrase or word that a person repeats to himself. When you find yourself in a situation where you want to distract yourself from certain thoughts or actions, recite a positive mantra. For example, if you want to distract yourself from anxious feelings, say: "I am strong" - or: "I can handle it." Thus, you will distract from negative feelings by focusing on repeating these words.
  3. 3 Go in for sports. Experiencing negative emotions - it's time to exercise. Walking or cycling will keep you focused on one thing.
  4. 4 Sleep. During sleep, your mind will subside and all active thoughts will cease. Lie on your bed and take a nap.

Method 3 of 5: Entertainment

  1. 1 Listen to music. Download a new playlist and listen to music. Find a comfortable place to sit and listen carefully to the music. Focus on the words of the song and the melody. Try to hear when an instrument starts playing.
    • Listen to music with headphones. You need to listen to music with a faster tempo, or you may not be able to hear the melody, instrument playing or words.
  2. 2 Watch TV or a movie. Watching TV or a good movie can help you distract yourself from pressing problems or thoughts. Immerse yourself in the history of a TV show or movie.
    • Be sure to choose a movie or TV show that doesn't remind you of your problems. For example, if you want a distraction from a heartache or breakup in a relationship, don't watch a movie in which the character breaks up with someone.
  3. 3 Play a video game. Video games provide compelling narratives that will drag you into their own world. While playing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), you can chat with other people and get distracted from pressing problems.
  4. 4 Read a book. Find a book with a good, poignant story, or re-read your favorite novel. Choose some light reading material. If you constantly ponder what you read or look in the dictionary, you will lose the thread of the narrative and completely get confused in the plot.
  5. 5 Keep yourself busy. Take on a large project with several parts. Thus, all your attention will be occupied by the various stages of the project. Craft something, paint a picture, or make shelves in your living room.

Method 4 of 5: Being aware of yourself and your environment

  1. 1 Observe something in great detail. Take a photo of something in your environment. Look at it as if you are preparing to draw it. Focus on this item by examining its appearance and texture in detail. For example, you can take a look at the armrest of a chair. Pay attention to its texture and curvature. See how smooth it is and how it folds down.
  2. 2 Pay attention to your body. Rub your thumb against your index finger.Feel the skin between your fingers, and notice what happens when you squeeze your fingers more gently. Listen to your breathing. Focus on how you blink.
  3. 3 Pinch yourself. If you are in physical pain or severe emotional pain, try to distract yourself with a little physical pain. Pinch the web between your index and thumb to bring your attention to that spot.

Method 5 of 5: Get active

  1. 1 Go on an excursion. Visit an unfamiliar place. The new adventure will distract your mind with thoughts of how to get to the place, where to park, and what to look at.
  2. 2 Take up your favorite hobby or entertainment. Pain and unpleasant feelings are much easier to overcome if you distract yourself from the things that give you joy. Perhaps you enjoy woodworking, gardening, or hiking.
  3. 3 Spend time with loved ones or friends. Spend time with people you enjoy being around. This way, your conversations will be more meaningful and interesting. When we are alone, we often begin to feel isolated and focus more quickly on negative feelings.
  4. 4 Do something new. Distract yourself from your stagnant mindset by forcing yourself to do something new. Rewire your brain for a new wave of life. For example, if you've had a tough breakup, stop going to familiar restaurants that remind you of your ex. Instead, visit an unfamiliar restaurant and create new memories.