How to master shadow boxing for fun and exercise

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Shadow Box Workout | Let me Coach You for 11 Minutes
Video: Shadow Box Workout | Let me Coach You for 11 Minutes


Shadowboxing is punching into the air, usually without an opponent, just as a physical exercise. The title is taken from the activity where a person stands close to a wall and pretends to hit his shadow with his fists, which is reflected on the wall. Most pro boxers begin their training by learning to punch the air quickly and forcefully from different angles before being given gloves. However, you don't need to be a boxer, or even interested in the sport, to use shadow boxing techniques to relieve stress, exercise, or just for fun. Almost no equipment is needed to punch the air for a few minutes, and yet it is a great breathing workout that is very beneficial for the heart, lungs and muscles. Read more to learn how to shadowbox for fun or exercise.


Method 1 of 2: Types of Shadow Fighting

  1. 1 Stand in front of the mirror with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a small step forward with your leading foot. Bend your knees so that you can move your legs if necessary, and keep your hands up at your chest. ...
  2. 2 Learn the basic shadow boxing techniques to create your own exercise program that doesn't require equipment. You need to become in the pose of the letter "T", while straining your back and shoulders. Tighten your central muscles as you try to take the following punches slowly:
    • Jab. This is a quick blow aimed at the head of your shadow. In boxing, it is used to stun an opponent rather than knock out. You can perform this strike with both your right and left hands. Make a combination of a left jab and a right jab while maintaining a tense and stable body position.
    • Take a straight kick (cross). This is a very strong blow with the right or left hand. This is a knockout blow to the head of your shadow. ...
    • Make a hook. A left or right hook starts with a fist near your chin. The right hook should go slightly to the right, then twist left to the chin of your shadow.The left hook is done in the opposite direction. br>
    • Do an uppercut. Bending your knees, lower yourself 15 centimeters and then make a quick and strong blow to the chin of your "opponent".
    • Hit the body straight. Bend your knees lightly and direct your blows to the left and right sides of your shadow.

Method 2 of 2: Create a Shadow Boxing Exercise Set

  1. 1 Find a free space at home, office, gym, hotel room, or outdoors. Use a mirror if you want to create an opponent, or turn on a bright light behind you so that your shadow is reflected on the wall. The shadow boxing exercise program can be practiced almost anywhere and in almost any clothing.
    • It is best to wear flat shoes rather than shoes with heels. Athletic shoes with orthopedic insoles are preferred so you can incorporate elastic movements into your exercise program.
  2. 2 Get in the correct position and practice your punches slowly for 1 minute. Tighten your arm muscles and move as slowly as possible. When you are confident that you are ready to increase your speed, you can start moving faster.
  3. 3 Hit the air for 3 minutes at any speed. Turn on the timer to start at the same time as the clock. Do the same punches or use different combinations, while keeping your knees bent and your central muscles tense to learn how to balance. ...
  4. 4 Now add footwork. Alternate lunges, squats, swapping legs, or bouncing from front to back, as if you were ready to follow your opponent around the ring. Kicking and bouncing increases the intensity of this cardiovascular workout.
    • You can do the work of the arms (kicks) and legs separately, and then try to combine them. You need to be careful to maintain a good posture while moving and keep your central muscles tense.
  5. 5 Strike quickly for three minutes. Usually a boxer makes about 250 - 300 punches in 3 minutes. You will be much slower when you start exercising, so count the number of hits and work to get that speed.
  6. 6 Rest between three minute periods. In the beginning, due to the quick kicks and kicks, your heart rate and sweating will increase. Over time, as you continue shadow boxing, you can add exercise to your program to improve it.
  7. 7 Start your workout at intervals. Strike for 3 minutes, then jump, jump rope, or jump up and down the stairs for one minute. Repeat this set of exercises three to five times for a good warm-up of the cardiovascular system.
  8. 8 Relax by slowly boxing the shadow. Concentrate on each punch, contracting your muscles and delivering punches as slowly and freely as possible. Do this for 1 to 3 minutes. Get back to a quick workout as soon as you get your breath back.
  9. 9 To improve the quality of your workout in terms of aerobics and strength, add weight. Strike with a weight of 0.5 to 1.4 kilograms, safe wrist weights or boxing gloves with weights. All of these can be purchased at most sports stores.


  • Shadowboxing for five minutes at work is a great way to relieve stress. If you're feeling overwhelmed or overwhelmed, find an empty room with no windows and take a few blows in the air. In addition, shadow boxing is useful for relieving tension in the shoulders, arms, chest, wrists, and hands, and can prevent recurrent stress from working at the computer.
  • Play music with a frequency exceeding 120 beats per minute. This can be done with a tape recorder or iPod. Studies have shown that music can help increase the intensity of your workout, as well as feel better with intense exercise.


  • Do not start a shadow boxing exercise if you have chronic hand, shoulder, or wrist conditions. Check with your doctor to see if you can do these movements. Although shadow boxing is considered light aerobics with little stress on the body, the addition of kicks or jumps puts a lot of stress on the body, which can be harmful to joints.

What do you need

  • Mirror
  • Sport shoes
  • Small hand weights, wrist weights, or boxing gloves with weights
  • Little free space