How to find a girl on Facebook

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to find a girlfriend on Facebook
Video: How to find a girlfriend on Facebook


Have you caught yourself thinking that you like a girl you chat with a lot on Facebook? If you're having a great time with a pretty girl you like, you can take it to the next level and invite her to become your girlfriend! All you have to do is be a great online chatter and show her how much she means to you.


Part 1 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. 1 Make sure this girl doesn't have a boyfriend. If you want to find a girl on Facebook, the first thing you need to do is check how many chances you have to succeed.Of course, it might seem pretty obvious to you that you have to click on her profile to check if she is free, but in some cases this is not so easy. Most likely, you will not only have to look at her profile, but dig a little deeper. For example, there is a possibility that she is dating a person who is not registered on Facebook, so she did not register him in marital status, it is also possible that she was joking, indicating “married” in marital status, or maybe she really has a boyfriend ... How to find out? Here are some tips:
    • Check out her photos. Have you noticed a lot of pictures with some guy? Do many people mention in the comments that these photos are “cute”? If so, it is possible that this girl is already out of the game.
    • Look at her wall. Is there a guy who often writes on her wall? Or the guy she seems to hang out with quite a lot? If so, they might be dating this guy.
    • See if she posts various controversial posts that might hint at her relationship with someone? She might post love songs, wink emojis, or comment on recordings a lot, which seems a little odd to you. This could be a sign that she is in love with someone (or is dating someone), but does not want everyone to know about it.
    • Again, if it seems to you that the girl is not dating anyone, but perhaps she likes someone, this will not stop you from trying to win her over!
  2. 2 View your profile: how interesting is it? Whether you know this girl or not, it's important that your social media profile contains interesting, up-to-date information. If a girl has a habit of texting you a lot and often, if she comments on your posts on Facebook, it is highly likely that she will view your profile. If so, you need to make sure your profile has good decent photos, interesting posts, and funny comments that will make her smile. Here are some ways to make your profile interesting for the girl you are chatting with:
    • Choose a lead photo that isn't too cocky, but shows you what you really look like. Girls like real guys, not posers.
    • Post interesting links or clips from time to time, but not so often that it seems like you don't have a personal life.
    • Look through the rest of your photos and make sure that there is nothing in these photos that might seem silly, childish and frivolous to the girl.
  3. 3 Do not text her the second she is online. If you want to look cool and make the girl interested in you, don't be too heavy! Wait at least 10-15 minutes after it appears "online" and then ask: "How are you?" This will show that you have not been online all day waiting for it, but as if you just went to Facebook, saw it and decided to write. Of course, you can miss her if, say, she goes offline after a couple of minutes, but your behavior will appear calmer if you start a conversation some time after she goes online.
    • If she's logged into Facebook on her mobile phone (you'll see the smartphone logo next to her name in chat), this may not be the best time to chat. Most likely, she is busy, and may not even know that she is "online" because she could simply not close Facebook on her phone.
  4. 4 Write her something simple. When you write to her, it's best to start with a casual phrase so you don't feel like you've studied her entire profile. You can write: "How are you?" or "How was your day?" You can ask her something simple, how her sports went, how she passed the math test, and so on. At the beginning of a conversation, you do not need to come up with any special cool comment, it is better to focus on just starting the conversation. In fact, trying to impress her too early will negatively affect your communication.
    • If you've never spoken to her in person before, make sure she really knows you. Many people forget how they met some of their social media friends.
    • To start a conversation, just say something like "How are you?" or ask a question that requires a more specific answer, for example, "How did your game go?"
  5. 5 Find an interesting topic. After you start a conversation, you can continue the conversation about topics that are of interest to this girl and that will keep your conversation afloat. It all depends on what interests you and her. You can discuss the latest gossip of the school (but do not get carried away and do not be too harsh), you can talk about lessons, about some interesting news, about plans for the summer.
    • If the girl is interested, she will respond with detailed messages, funny comments and counter questions. If you notice that the girl is stingy with comments, most likely you should change the topic.
  6. 6 Try to connect with her. If you don't know this girl very well, you will most likely need to study her social network profile to find out what she likes, what groups she likes, what she enjoys, whether she likes to run or travel. You don't need to mention in the conversation that you studied her profile, but you can use this information to make the conversation interesting. You can raise in a conversation the topic of the fact that you grew up in the same yard, were engaged in the same sports team, that you have similar political views, and so on.
    • Don't worry if you think you have little in common. You can build strong relationships even if you have one or two common interests. You don't have to have the same tastes in music, books, and sports to start a good acquaintance.

Part 2 of 3: Hook Her

  1. 1 Show her that you are interested in her. If you want your conversation to continue, you need to show her that you really think and care about her. To begin with, you should keep your communication light and light-hearted, occasionally giving her light compliments to keep the conversation going. You can say something like: "I feel so easy with you" or "You amazed me." Let her know that you truly value her personality and look forward to continuing the conversation.
    • You can even compliment the way she looks in one of the photos she posted. For example, say, "You have such a cute dress" or "You have such a beautiful hair!" But do not overdo it, otherwise you will scare and push her away!
  2. 2 Don't push her too hard. It's one thing to just communicate well online and try to build a relationship with a girl through a social network. It is quite another matter to constantly watch her on the network, write her a message the second she appeared "online", send her a million messages when she does not even answer you. Make sure that you both text each other first, that you are not online 24 hours a day, and that both of you are about the same interested in communication.
    • You don't want her to know for sure that you are always online when she goes there. Create an intrigue: let her be interested in whether you are online or not.
  3. 3 Show that you have a personal life outside of social media. If you want to interest a girl, you need to show her that you have an interesting busy life by adding new photos to your account. You can talk about fun plans for the weekend, how you are going to spend the evening, mention some friends with whom you are going to meet. You don’t have to think too much to show that your life is cooler than it really is, but you need to show the girl that you are more than just a “guy with Facebook”.
    • If you're going to celebrate your Aunt Lena's 50th birthday, you don't need to tell your girlfriend about it. Just say, "Look, I have to meet with someone today." Leave a little mystery. Let her know that you have plans, but does not know all the details.
  4. 4 Consider linking to her profile information or posts. While this may sound strange at first, if you get to know her better, you can talk about some of the posts she posted online. For example, if she posted a photo with friends from a weekend at the lake, you might ask how her trip went. If she publishes a news article that she is really interested in, you can talk to her about the article, but just don't get into an argument! This will become a topic of conversation and support your communication.
    • It is not worth mentioning such things at the very beginning of the conversation, but this information can be used as a backup plan if you have no topics left for discussion.
  5. 5 Show that you really pay attention to her. If you want to conquer a girl, you need to show her that you care about her, that you are interested in her personality. If she mentions something (like an upcoming concert), ask how it went. If you've seen her at school and noticed that she is wearing a new dress or has a new haircut, compliment her. Show the girl that you are interested in her personality, her appearance, what she is talking about.
    • You might say something like, “So how did the math test go? Was it as bad as you thought? " or "Well, did you have fun at your uncle's birthday party?" This will show her that you are paying attention to her words.
    • If you need to remember what you discussed, you can simply scroll through the history of the dialogue.
  6. 6 Get offline while the conversation is still on. Another thing that will help to hook the girl is to interrupt the conversation before it fades away. You don't want the conversation to go like clockwork at first, and then you have no topics left for discussion. Find a time when the conversation is still in progress, and then carefully end it before you go offline. Thus, the girl will want to communicate with you more and more.
    • Of course, you will need to politely and amiably say that you need to leave urgently. Don't end the conversation without saying goodbye.
    • In fact, this article is also true for personal communication with a girl. You should say goodbye while the conversation is in full swing, not when it dies out - this leaves a good impression.

Part 3 of 3: Offer her to be your girlfriend

  1. 1 Consider offering it to her online. You can easily ask the girl out on a date or even invite her to date using Facebook. While most girls would most likely prefer you to do this in person, if you have a really good conversation online and you think the girl might agree, consider inviting her to date online. Many people would caution you against this step, but if you think this is the right thing for you and this girl, you can just find the right moment and ask if she wants to be your girlfriend.
    • By offering her to date online, you will save yourself and her from unnecessary stress. You don’t have to worry about finding the perfect words because you’ll be typing and she won’t have to worry about answering you well.
  2. 2 Spend time with her. Perhaps you fell in love with her over the Internet, but it's better to personally understand what kind of girl she is, are you really compatible - spend some time with her in person. If you are in the same school or live close, start by simply video chatting with her, and then meet in person, even if it is just lunch, a walk, or watching a movie. This will help you better understand how well you fit together.
    • Try to sound natural. Say something like, “My buddies and I are going to the mall this weekend. Do you want to come with us? " or “Are you coming to the party tonight? My friends and I will be there. "
  3. 3 Make sure your feeling is mutual. Regardless of whether you are in person or on the Internet, before you start asking these questions, make sure that this girl is more than your friend to you. Even if you get along great, she may see you as a guy, but she may have her eye on someone else. When you are hanging out or chatting, pay attention to whether she really likes you; if she flirts or asks questions about your life, then she likes you. Think about it to see how interested she is in you.
    • Of course, you can't read minds, and it's pretty hard to know if she really likes you if you just chatted on the Internet. Her tone and personality can be difficult to understand if you have had too little personal contact.
  4. 4 Find the right time to invite her to date. If you decide to invite her to become your girlfriend, you need to find the right moment for this (in person or online). If you decide to invite her to meet online, you need to find a moment in the conversation when you compliment each other, chatting well, or agree to chat soon. If you decide to invite her to date in person, make sure she is in a good mood and you really get along well.
    • When you get the timing right, just tell her that you really like her and would like her to be your girlfriend. You shouldn't build some very complicated, confused speech, the girl will appreciate your directness. Just say, “I was delighted to meet you. You are so smart, funny, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with you. I would really like to meet with you. "
  5. 5 React appropriately. It doesn't matter if she says yes or no, it's important to respond in a way that looks mature and serious. If she says that she would like to date you, show her how pleased you are with her consent, show your attention. If the girl refuses, act like it doesn't really matter to you. Say that you hope you can continue to be friends, that you value her honesty.
    • As your relationship grows, focus on spending more time together rather than online.


  • Chatting on social media is a completely different matter because you won't be able to see her facial expressions. But if you'd like to make eye contact, Skype is the best choice.

What do you need

  • A computer with a processor higher than Pentium 2
  • Internet connection (medium or high speed)