How to play parcel transfer

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sneaky Sasquatch - Delivery Job Walkthrough
Video: Sneaky Sasquatch - Delivery Job Walkthrough


A favorite game at children's parties can also successfully become a game for adults, you just need to make a couple of adjustments. The main idea is to pass in a circle a parcel with a gift inside, wrapped in many layers of wrapper. In the musical version, the parcel can be transmitted until the music stops. As soon as the music stops, one layer should be expanded and so on until it comes to the last layer of the wrapper with a surprise inside. There are several variations of this classic game.


Method 1 of 4: Music transmission # 1

  1. 1 Prepare your package. Put the gift inside.
    • Use a box if you want to shape or make the package appear larger.
    • Wrap it in as many layers as you have players and make a couple more spares in case the number of players increases.
    • The package must be packed enough times for the game to last at least 5 minutes, so make more layers, even if you only have two players; it only means that they will have to unfold it more times.
  2. 2 Start the game.
  3. 3 Sit in a circle. All players must sit comfortably and close enough to neighboring players to pass the package as quickly as possible.
  4. 4 Choose a music manager. This person will be responsible for turning the music on and off. He will have to follow the players and specifically stop the music in such a way that each of the participants will be given the opportunity to unpack the gift. This is a bit tricky because the music manager needs to be able to watch the players, and at the same time, the players shouldn't have time to follow his movements as he prepares to stop the music.
  5. 5 Stop the music. The music manager starts the melody and stops it at the moment when everyone least expects it.
    • The player holding the package unfolds one layer of the package. If the parcel hangs halfway in the air between the players, it goes into the hands of the person to whom it was handed over.
  6. 6 Restart the game after each expanded shell layer. The music manager starts the melody again. This continues until all layers of the wrapper have been removed.
  7. 7 Continue playing until players get to the last layer of packaging. The player who unfolds the last wrapper keeps the present for himself.

Method 2 of 4: Music transmission of packages # 2

  1. 1 Prepare your package. This is the part that depends on how you play. Instead of placing one gift in the center of the package, insert small gifts on each layer of the package. This is the best way to prepare a package for children aged 3 - 8 years old, and every child receives a prize regardless of who wins the last gift in the middle of the package.
  2. 2 Start the game.
  3. 3 Sit in a circle. All players must sit comfortably and close enough to neighboring players to pass the package as quickly as possible.
  4. 4 Choose a music manager. This person will be responsible for turning the music on and off. He will have to follow the players and specifically stop the music in such a way that each of the participants will be given the opportunity to unpack the gift. It's a little tricky because the music manager needs to be able to watch the players, and at the same time, the players don't have to keep up with his movements as he prepares to stop the music.
  5. 5 Stop the music. The music manager starts the melody and stops it at the moment when everyone least expects it.
    • The player holding the package unfolds one layer of the package. If the package was halfway in the air between the players, it goes into the hands of the one to whom it was passed.
  6. 6 Restart the game after each expanded shell layer. The music manager starts the melody again. This continues until all layers of the wrapper have been removed.
  7. 7 Continue playing until players get to the last layer of packaging. The player who unfolds the last layer keeps the gift for himself.

Method 3 of 4: Sending a package with a description

  1. 1 Place your gift in the middle of the package. Only this time, you have extra work to do. Instead of a gift, you should leave a note under each layer. This note should read: "For the person who ...". Add op descriptions such as “wearing green”, “with a pink ribbon”, “loves penguins”, “got an excellent in math this week”, etc. Notes should contain as many descriptions as possible, depending on whether how well you know all the children involved in the game.
    • Colors, hairstyles, clothing and footwear styles are always a win-win.
    • Read on for “tips” on how to make this more interesting for adults.
  2. 2 Start the game. This version does not require music.Instead, each player reads a note, and everyone in the group must guess which member the package is intended for. The person who prepared the package must act as an arbiter in case of disagreement.
    • Everyone still sits in a circle; this enables everyone to see each other well. If the game is for adults, participants can sit on sofas and chairs pushed around in a circle.
  3. 3 Continue reading the descriptions and choosing the lucky ones who will unfold the wrappers until all layers have been expanded. The one who unfolds the last layer is the winner; sometimes it doesn't hurt to make sure that it comes down to a specific person, for example, a birthday boy who has never managed to win anything.

Method 4 of 4: Send the parcel like a hot potato

  1. 1 Place a small transferable gift in a paper bag. Wrap in many layers of wrapping and write silly assignments under each layer for the player to remove that layer. Start with a note under the first layer and finish with the penultimate one.
    • Examples of assignments: jump on one leg, clap your hands over your head, and sing the alphabet backwards. This works well for both older children and adults; do not make the assignments too difficult for the children, otherwise they will lose interest.
    • Make enough layers and assignments, at least two for each participant.
    • A bag of chocolates, balloons, plastic toys are good choices for transferring.
  2. 2 Sing hot potatoes. Pass the package around as you sing, giving it to your neighbor as quickly as possible.
  3. 3 Continue with the steps. When the song ends, the player with the package in his hands removes the layer of packaging and performs the prepared task.
  4. 4 Continue until you get to the last layer. The transferred prize must go to the person who will unfold it last.


  • For young children (ages 3-10), always try to have the music stop at least once for each child, and each of them waits for their turn to unwrap the gift. This will make them feel like the game was fair.
  • Young children may soon notice that holding the package longer in their hands is more likely to win. To avoid this, explain at the very beginning that it is not allowed to delay the parcel (and for very young children, you must explain this by all means) and encourage them to continue transmitting to the noise of screams and exclamations. If all this is useless, just exclude the child from the following circles.
  • There is another possible option. Instead of a gift or a note, there might be a punishment (daring task) added to the note. For example, such things as "turn to the person next to you and pull his nose", "wiggle your ears", "stand on one leg for a minute." Come up with your ideas.
  • Make the first layer of wrapping with one wrapping paper. The next layer should be in a different color or pattern.
  • For adults: prepare a valuable and welcome gift inside the package.
  • Speed ​​up your music and ask adults to pass the package quickly and never drop it.
  • Use Game Method # 3 and prepare notes of exposure, teasing, revealing, etc. This method is great for parties or family gatherings where everyone is pretty familiar with each other and knows about the personal weaknesses, habits, funny stories and personality traits of other participants. Be careful to only write kind and general things about people you know don't really want to be the center of ridicule. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with mixing frivolous fun and praise in one description. This makes the game interesting, the guests are intrigued about what will happen next and how they can be described.
  • The newspaper is the best material for packaging: it is cheap and, as a rule, is always lying around somewhere at home. Brown paper is also a good option.If you want to really get creative, use dollar store paper, gift wrapping that will rip without consideration. Tissue paper is not a good option because it is too thin and can tear while passing the package to each other. Plus, leftover used, purchased wrapping paper after Christmas and birthdays will also work well for packing your package at your next party.


  • Do not tape the layers together. Layers must be separate.
  • Do not use anything fragile for gifts - this package "will" be thrown over and over again.