How to do cotton push-ups

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Отжимания в стойке с хлопком. Push-ups in the rack with cotton.
Video: Отжимания в стойке с хлопком. Push-ups in the rack with cotton.


1 Do a set of 5 push-ups. When doing push-ups, keep your torso straight and your arms shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself slowly, this should take 1-2 seconds, at the lowest point, your chest should be 5-7 cm from the ground, then quickly push upward. This exercise will help you build the explosive strength you need for the next exercise. If you can't do 5 repetitions, do the maximum number, trying to increase it each time. If you manage to do a set of 5 push-ups, rest for a couple of minutes and do another one. Aim to do 3 sets of 5 push-ups with 2 minute breaks. If you can only do 2 sets, train until you get 3. If you can do 3 sets, then you are ready for the next step. It is worth avoiding repetitive workouts on the same muscle group on the same day, as your body needs time to recover and become stronger. A high protein diet will greatly help to strengthen your muscles; chicken breasts and tuna are ideal foods. This stage of training should take you about 2 weeks. For example, the program can be planned as follows: on Monday, do 1 set for 5 reps, on Wednesday 2 sets, and on Friday already 3. And then, next Monday, go to the second step.
  • 2 The next step is fieldometric push-ups. Take a prone position and lower yourself to the floor. Stop for 1 second in the bottom position, and then push out so that your arms are off the ground. Try to fly as high as possible. Train until you have 3 sets of 5 reps.
  • 3 The third step is cotton push-ups. This stage differs from the previous one in that you need to make a clap before landing. If you are having trouble making a clap, practice doing fieldometric push-ups higher. When you can do 3 sets of 5-rep push-ups, practice doing more claps and flying higher.
  • Tips

    • Try to eat a balanced diet, add more protein (meat, eggs, fish, vegetable protein), fats (any natural fats; olive oil, any animal fats) and eat a lot of slow carbohydrates. Try to exercise about an hour after eating. Egg white is great for pre-workout nutrition as it takes 1 to 2 hours to digest. The yolks contain many beneficial vitamins.
    • Eat a simple carbohydrate meal 20 minutes before your workout. Banana is a great choice as it contains a lot of potassium, which is very beneficial for athletes. Fruits rich in vitamin C will also be very beneficial.
    • For people who are overweight, this exercise will be much more difficult. It may be worth setting up a diet before exercising to help you lose weight. Muscle mass will only speed up the process, unlike fat mass.
    • While exercising, you can eat fruits rich in sugar, such as grapes, to help you restore the levels of glycogen in your blood and liver.
    • Eat a meal immediately after your workout that is rich in protein and sugar for increased absorption. Milk is an excellent choice, as it contains lactose and protein, which together give a good digestibility.


    • Don't exercise more than once a day. Ideally, a full day should elapse between exercises. For example, if you worked out on Monday, your next workout should be on Tuesday.
    • Complementary exercises, such as pull-ups, should not be performed on the same day, as this will impair muscle nutrition.
    • Nutrition is very important. Chicken breasts and tuna are high in protein and healthy fats. Green vegetables and bananas are good for athletes too. Oatmeal, pasta, and rice are packed with the right carbohydrates and energize you.
    • When doing push-ups, never bend your elbows all the way, this will transfer the load from the muscles to the joints and ligaments.
    • Stop doing the exercise if you are very tired. When you are tired, you cannot land softly, and a rough landing will injure your joints.
    • Warm up. The heated ligaments are less injured and are able to carry a greater load. Start your warm-up with a few minutes of cardiovascular exercise. If you only do push-ups, then this warm-up is enough. For the last two steps, do a few standard push-ups at the beginning.
    • Don't stretch for an hour or an hour after strength training. Static stretch marks injure muscles and temporarily impair their plasticity. Dynamic stretching is useful during strength training, but if you don't know how to do it, you can hurt yourself. The difference is that a static warm-up provides for keeping the muscle in an extreme stretched position, while a dynamic one provides for its movement along its entire amplitude.