How to be healthy

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Healthy - Ways To Be Healthy - Keys To Health - How To Improve Increase Your Health
Video: How To Be Healthy - Ways To Be Healthy - Keys To Health - How To Improve Increase Your Health


Most people mistakenly think that in order to be healthy, you need to follow a strict diet and spend a lot of time in the gym. But it is not so. You can find your health through a few simple rules in your daily life. Get in the habit of making health choices when it comes to food, relaxation, exercise, and sleep. The sooner you start, the faster you will feel better!


Part 1 of 4: Eating Healthy

  1. 1 Drink more water. An adult needs to drink 2-3 liters (about 8 glasses) of water per day, and a child - 1-2 liters (about 5 glasses). Beverages such as tea and coffee are excluded from this scope. Water helps maintain body temperature and flushes out toxins.
    • Water cleanses the skin, improves kidney function, normalizes appetite and energizes.
    • If you drink enough water, you are more likely to consume fewer other unhealthy drinks, such as soda and juices, which add extra calories to your body. The liquid from these harmful drinks does not meet the needs of the body, so thirst remains along with the excess calories consumed.
    • Hot water stimulates digestion and helps to eliminate toxins. Drink hot water at a comfortable temperature, no need to burn yourself.

    Advice: if you don't like drinking plain water, add some lemon, lime or other 100% juice.

  2. 2 Have breakfast. A light healthy breakfast is a guarantee of health. With a breakfast that contains lean protein and whole grains, you don't need to snack until lunchtime.Studies have shown that those who do not eat breakfast eat more... To avoid overeating during the day, do not skip breakfast.
    • Instead of chocolate brownie and coffee, opt for a breakfast of a couple of eggs and some fruit, washed down with skim milk, orange juice, or tea. The richer your breakfast, the more energy you will feel and eat less throughout the day.
  3. 3 Eat right. Half a serving should consist of vegetables and fruits. Add protein-rich, low-fat foods, dairy products, and grains to these. You will feel much better after switching to a new diet. At first, you will probably miss the sweet spot, however, once you overcome this addiction, it becomes much easier.
    • Remember, not all fats are bad. Healthy fats can be found in fat-rich fish like salmon or tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These foods are essential for a balanced diet.
    • Try to spread your meals evenly throughout the day. You should not constantly snack on something.
  4. 4 Eat at the right time. The correct meal time is the key to health. For easy digestion in the evening, eat dinner between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm; Avoid late snacking, which will burden you with extra calories and can disrupt sleep. For an overnight snack, choose unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, or vegetables.
    • Avoid eating 3-4 hours before bed if you notice sleep disturbances.
    • In fact, snacks are not so bad. Eating constantly will help you to get rid of hunger and the desire to buy high-calorie and unhealthy foods while shopping. The main thing is to observe moderation.
  5. 5 Eat less meat. Vegetarianism is a good way to consume fewer calories and increase your intake of minerals and vitamins. Vegetarianism has a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. Try, if not completely switch to vegetarianism, then at least limit your meat consumption. Choose a few days a week when you don't eat meat, and also swap out red meat for chicken, turkey, or fish.
    • If you are on a vegetarian diet, base your diet on non-starchy vegetables rather than grains like pasta or rice. Choose whole grains from cereals. Eat protein foods at every meal, such as eggs, low-fat dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, and other meat substitutes.
    • For example, you can eat a protein omelet with tomatoes and spinach and a slice of whole grain bread for breakfast, bean soup with a small salad for lunch, Greek yogurt for an afternoon snack, and vegetable lasagna for dinner.
    • A diet high in fiber is much lighter than a meat diet. Fiber lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes blood sugar levels, improves digestion and prevents overeating. The recommended amount of fiber per day is 30 grams for men and 21 grams for women; for people over 50, the amount of fiber should be increased to 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women. Good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables (especially those with the skin), whole grains, and legumes.
  6. 6 Limit your sugar intake. Carbohydrates are an important part of the diet, but fast carbs are unhealthy. They contribute to a quick burst of energy, and then a rapid decrease in energy, which makes you feel hungry. Fast sugars, other than those found in fruits, are high in calories and contain no nutrients. Avoid fast carbs and added sugar, however, you can consume limited amounts of sugar.
    • Fruits contain simple sugars, but they can be part of a healthy diet as they are full of vitamins and nutrients. Eat peeled fruit whenever possible.
  7. 7 Read the label carefully to select the healthiest product. Processed foods are often a poor choice, but sometimes good options can be found.A package of frozen broccoli is much better than a side-by-side pizza. In general, avoid processed foods whenever possible, but if that doesn't work, read the label and look carefully for added salt, sugar, and fat.
    • Food on shelves often contains sodium, additives ending in "-ose" or trans fats, which should be indicated on the packaging. Avoid foods with a lot of additives. You may find useful replacements for these products elsewhere.
    • If trans fats are not listed on the label, this does not mean that there are no trans fats in the product. Often negligible amounts of trans fats are not specified directly and are masked under the name "hydrogenated vegetable oil".
  8. 8 Talk with your doctor if you need to take nutritional supplements. Food additives can be vitamins or minerals. Supplementation increases the absorption of nutrients from food. You can take a multivitamin every day, or take a monovitamin that you are deficient in, such as calcium, vitamin D, or B12 deficiency.
    • Do not start taking vitamins without consulting your doctor, especially if you are already taking any medications.
    • Remember that taking vitamins is not a substitute for a healthy diet.
  9. 9 Try partial fasting to control calories and boost endurance. Partial fasting means not eating for 12-16 hours. You can practice it every day or a couple of times a week. Fasting helps burn fat and increase energy endurance. It helps control your calorie intake.
    • For example, have breakfast at 6:00 am and do not snack until 6:30 pm.
    • You can also try eating normally on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    • This diet is not suitable for everyone. In particular, it is not suitable for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. Consult your doctor before starting this fasting practice.

Part 2 of 4: Exercise

  1. 1 Get in shape. In addition to helping you lose weight and boost your self-esteem, sports also have a positive effect on your body and mind. A healthy cardiovascular system reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Sign up for the pool, walk or run in the park as often as possible.
    • Exercise strengthens the immune system. Even such a small increase in physical activity, for example, brisk walks for 20-30 minutes during the day 5 times a week, strengthens the immune system by increasing circulating antibodies and T-killers.
    • Physical activity during the day is one of the best ways to sleep well at night. In turn, healthy sleep helps to reduce weight, as it prevents a person from overeating at night. Read the article "How to get in shape" to find out more.
  2. 2 Maintain a healthy weight. Our constitution depends on weight and physique. A person with an endomorph constitution may weigh more than a person with an exomorph constitution.
    • Being underweight is bad too! Don't try extreme diets. There is no magic weight loss diet - even if there is one, you cannot exclude nutrients from the diet. Slowly changing your eating habits is safe and beneficial for long-term health maintenance.
    • Learn how to lose weight without dieting in this article. Just remember that only real athletes who are able to burn a lot of calories can afford to be in error in their diet, but they do not, because they know that it is difficult for the body. Even if you are consuming more calories than you need, make sure they contain healthy ingredients - the heart, brain, muscles, bones, organs and blood cannot work on empty calories.
  3. 3 Alternate between different types of physical activity. Just because you can run 8 km without stopping or lift heavy dumbbells does not mean you are healthy.If you only do one exercise, then you will be training only one muscle group. Try other types of exercise, like swimming or core workouts, and you'll be surprised you can't do them!
    • What to do? Alternate workouts. Exercising different muscle groups improves fitness and prevents injury and boredom. Include aerobic and strength training in your training plan. Your muscles will be happy with such loads.
  4. 4 Exercise in moderation. It goes without saying that you need to train wisely. Every movement increases the risk of injury, so correct exercise technique must be followed!
    • It is very important to drink enough water. Be sure to drink water during your workout. Dehydration with increased sweating can lead to dizziness or headaches.
    • Take breaks. Breaks are not a sign of laziness, they are needed! It is impossible to do the exercises indefinitely. After 30 minutes of training, drink some water. The body needs a little time to recover. After a short break, you can resume your workout.
  5. 5 Discover new possibilities. Leading an active lifestyle is not just about running on the sidewalk or going to the gym, it means being active every day and all the time. If you walk 10 more steps here and there every day, the overall difference will be noticeable.
    • Not sure where to start? Park your vehicle away from work or from a store entrance. Ride your bike to work or school. Go up the stairs. Get a dog and walk with it every day. Take a lunch break in the park. Take a bike ride to the coffee shop.

Part 3 of 4: Emotional Health

  1. 1 Think positively. It's incredible what power reason has over everything. Being positive about a situation can turn an obstacle into an opportunity. You will not only begin to relate better to everything that happens, but you will also strengthen your immune system, which will make it easier to cope with colds and diseases! Harvard researchers won't lie.
    • First, learn to be grateful. If you start thinking about some bad things, stop yourself. Instead, think about two things you are grateful for. Your brain will understand this pattern over time and will rearrange your thoughts on its own.
  2. 2 Be happy. This recommendation means not only "to be content with life" (although this too), but above all "to love yourself and to please yourself." If you are on a diet, then sometimes allow yourself a little sweet. If you feel like watching a silly popcorn TV show, then do it. Even if these are small things, but they make you happy, do them.
    • Your happiness is priceless, as is your health. An unhappy person cannot be completely healthy. If nothing bothers you, then you are ready for anything. But if you are tired of work, family, friends, relationships, or money, start small - buy a whole grain salad with salad instead of a burger. Change your life for the better step by step. If suddenly life brings trials, you will be ready for them with a healthy body and a healthy mind.
  3. 3 Think simpler things. Focusing on unattainable goals will make you indifferent and lazy. Why try to achieve the impossible? Think realistically. Undoubtedly, one must think about the future, but not about what will never happen.
    • It's much easier to be emotionally healthy and happy when you're focused on something. If you want to act in films, then think about screen tests and how to get into the film industry at all. "Now" always comes faster than "later" - set goals in order!
  4. 4 Deal with stress. It is very important. If there are many reasons for worry in your life, then everything else fades into the background. The house and mind are cluttered, and the relationship becomes tense.Take five minutes to do this and think - how do you deal with stress? What are you doing to become calmer and relaxed?
    • Yoga effectively helps to fight stress. If this seems unconvincing to you, then try meditation. If that doesn't inspire you, just take ten minutes a day to relax and let off some steam. Sit alone and breathe deeply. Try to do this every day.
    • If you are nervous or tense, try breathing exercises or simply breathe deeply to relax.
  5. 5 Choose your friends wisely. Everyone knows that there are people who take away all their strength. But if you are friends with them just because they have a cool car or stylish clothes, then such friendship will give you nothing but fatigue. Unfortunately, it is better for emotional health to get rid of these people in your environment. They don't do anything good, but we often tolerate them to avoid unpleasant situations. Give your mental health a gift and give up relationships with such people. In the future, you will be satisfied.
    • Not sure how to spot a toxic friend? How do you end a friendship like this? Read the wikiHow articles!
    • Spending time with friends is good. Man is a social creature, so try to communicate more often with people who make your life more complete.
  6. 6 Be more productive. One of the best ways is to tell yourself, "I have so much to do today!" You will seem to be constantly busy. It's not for nothing that they say that if you focus, you can do anything. Now imagine that you are constantly productive.
    • Create a to-do list. A calendar or diary is great for this. And remember: think in small deeds. Set yourself small tasks that you plan to accomplish.
    • Remember to leave time for learning so you can always learn something new. This will prevent cognitive decline.
  7. 7 Pause. This recommendation is similar to the step of being content. Sometimes you need to do what you think is necessary, regardless of what the world requires of you. Don't feel guilty, just eat a Kit Kat bar, go to the club, or get a good night's sleep. You will get twice the energy if you do the pleasant thing.
    • This also applies to exercise. When a person does the same exercise all the time, his muscles get used to it, he gets bored and starts to take time off. So instead of going for a run again on Sunday, go to the pool. This is not laziness, these are new solutions.
  8. 8 Find emotional balance. Even if all other aspects of health are in perfect order, it will not be complete if you suffer from mental instability. Everyone needs support sometimes, and there are many little things that can help you feel better. If the problem is deeper, then you will need to learn how to deal with emotional pain or even depression.
    • Once you're done working on yourself, start working on relationships with other people. Learn to recognize manipulators and, if necessary, learn to fight back in order to build healthy relationships in the future.
  9. 9 Don't forget to take time to get creative. For example, you can study music, theater, or painting. Art gives a sense of satisfaction, which has a positive effect on health. Listen to or play music, dance, play in an amateur theater or paint - all these can improve mental and physical health. Express yourself in creativity and enjoy the creativity of others.
    • Find yourself a creative hobby or sign up for a class.
    • Get creative with your friends.
  10. 10 Travel more. Traveling helps improve physical and mental health. Travel allows you to grow creatively, relaxes and helps you learn new things.Traveling encourages an active lifestyle and reduces the risk of depression.
    • Traveling can be a luxury if you're on a tight budget. In such cases, try at least occasionally to go somewhere for a day or two.

Part 4 of 4: Healthy Habits

  1. 1 Create a daily routine. A daily routine can help you make time for food, exercise, and stress reduction. Having a routine will also allow you to set aside time for hobbies and friends. Make your daily routine work for you!
    • Change your routine on some days so life doesn't feel monotonous.
    • Change your daily routine until you find the one that works best for you.
  2. 2 Get rid of bad habits and risky lifestyle. Stop putting your body and mind at unnecessary risks. Certain habits can have long-term adverse effects. A risky lifestyle indicates deep psychological problems and in some cases requires the help of a specialist. Start following one or more of the following guidelines if they apply to you:
    • practice only safe sex;
    • do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol;
    • stop drinking if you are addicted to alcohol;
    • quit smoking;
    • get rid of drug addiction;
    • wear a helmet while cycling or fasten your seat belt while driving.
      • These things are doable. As difficult as it may seem, each of the above points is feasible. If you cope with one of the points, then the rest will go much faster.
      • If you're not putting your life in danger, congratulations!
  3. 3 Exercise several times a week. Earlier in this article, we already recommended keeping fit, but this advice should be repeated again. Your daily routinemust surely include physical activity. This will speed up your metabolism, maintain a healthy weight and be more invigorated!
    • More specifically, try to include 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous training) in your regimen, and also remember to do strength training twice a week. Even simple house cleaning can be a lot of exercise!
  4. 4 Get enough sleep at night. When you sleep, your body produces cells that fight infection, inflammation, and stress. When a person does not get enough sleep or his sleep is of insufficient quality, he is more susceptible to illness and takes more time to cope with stress. Getting enough sleep will keep you ready to wake up and act, and be more active throughout the day. Good sleep is very important for your health!
    • Studies have shown that people who slept for only 4 hours consumed 500 more calories than after 8 hours of sleep! If you were looking for an easy diet, then here it is!
      • In the article "How to improve sleep" you will find many useful tips on this topic.
  5. 5 Learn to prepare. Preparing your own meals can be a great experience as you can try different recipes and save money at the same time. Moreover, you will be able to control what goes into your body! This is a good way to keep track of your diet!
    • Avoid using a lot of fat and other harmful ingredients in your cooking. Use olive oil instead of refined sunflower and butter or margarine, and don't use too much salt and cheese. If your food looks tasteless without these ingredients, then try another way!
  6. 6 Maintain Your Hygiene. Wash your hands regularly after using the toilet. Microbes spread very quickly and destroy health in one second. That is why it is important to maintain personal hygiene and shower every day.
    • If we talk about oral hygiene, then rinse and brush your teeth and tongue after every meal.Leftover food causes bad breath and tooth decay. Visit your dentist regularly for professional dental cleaning and watch out for possible oral problems.
  7. 7 Support your immune system. It is very difficult to be energetic and maintain good habits when you have to constantly struggle with ailments, colds, infections and other symptoms of a weak immune system. Learn more about how to strengthen your immune system in this article.
    • Whenever possible, try to get all the vitamins and minerals you need from your diet. Use dietary supplements only when absolutely necessary. And, of course, start taking them only after consulting your doctor.


  • Learn new things. Every day gives a lot of opportunities to learn something new.
  • Try not to stress yourself.
  • Try snacking on celery. It burns more calories than it gives.
  • Eat more antioxidants as they help fight free radicals, which have been shown to be linked to cancer, heart disease, atherosclerosis, and many other diseases.
  • Learn to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan.


  • Change your daily routine gradually so as not to create stress on the body. If you are going to change your diet and exercise plan, then consult your doctor.