How to calculate test scores

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Calculate Test Scores
Video: How to Calculate Test Scores


Not all teachers and teachers scored as a percentage or as a word score when marking the test. This wikiHow article will guide you through calculating test scores.


Method 1 of 2: Calculate your score with a simple formula

  1. Count the number of correct sentences. Check the number of correct answers and write down this number. Then, draw a line below the number you just wrote, turning this variable into the numerator of a fraction. For example, if you have 21 correct answers, write them /. Do not write anything in the denominator section.
    • With multi-question tests, it will be easier for you to find the number of correct answers by subtracting the number of incorrect answers from the total number of questions. For example, if you are wrong 5 questions on a test of 26 questions, subtract 26 from 5 (26 - 5 = 21). Then you can use 21 as the numerator of the fraction.
    • If some questions score higher than others, use the total score you got from the correct answers as the numerator. For example, if you get 46 points out of 60, 46 is the numerator.

  2. Write the question total or total score in the denominator section. Complete the fraction with the total number of questions or the total score of the test. According to the above example, if the test consists of 26 questions, your fraction would be /26.
    • Check the fraction again to make sure it is correct. Remember that the number of questions you get correctly or the score you get is the numerical element of the fraction. The total number of questions on the test or the maximum number of points on that test is the denominator of the fraction.

  3. Use a calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator. You can use a basic calculator to calculate your score as a percentage on a test, simply divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, take the fraction /26 and click on the calculator to be 21 ÷ 26. You will get the answer 0,8077.
    • Never mind the numbers after the first four digits of the answer you get. For example, if the answer is 0.8077777, you can omit the last three 7s. Those three numbers do not affect your score as a percentage.

  4. Multiply the answer you get by 100 to get your score as a percentage. You can either use a calculator or move the decimal point to the right two digits. This answer is your score as a percentage (your score is over 100). For the above example, 0.8077 x 100 = 80,77. This means your test score is 80,77%.
    • Depending on the teacher's scale, 80.77% will correspond to a B or B-.

Method 2 of 2: Convert score as a percentage to letter score

  1. Check course material for grading information. Scores will vary depending on the instructor or the teacher. If your professor or teacher provides a course outline at the beginning of the school year, the scale may be included in this outline. Your student / student handbook may also contain the above information. If the score cannot be found in any of the documents, ask your teacher or teacher.
  2. Learn more about the US scale. Although there are many variations, the scale below is used at the majority of schools and universities in the United States. A "B" or higher is usually considered a "fair" score. Score D is the minimum score for passing a subject, but it may prevent you from meeting the entry requirements for the next course or university program.
    • Score "A" is equivalent to a score of 90% to 100%. Points 94% or more will be converted into “A.” A score of 90% -93% is an "A-."
    • A score of "B" is equivalent to a score of 80% to 89%.. Points 87% or more can be redeemed for “B +.” A score of 83% -86% is a score of "B." A score of 80% -82% is a score of "B-."
    • A "C" score is equivalent to a score of 70% to 79%. Scores of 77% or more will be converted into "C +." A score of 73% -76% is a score of "C." A score of 70% -72% is a score of "C-."
    • A "D" score is equivalent to a score of 60% to 69%. Score 67% or more will be converted into “D +.” A score from 63% -66% is a score of "D." A score of 60% -62% is a score of "D-."
    • A score of "F" is equivalent to a score of 59% or less. The score "F" is a failing grade, so the professor or teacher does not use a + or - with an "F" score.
  3. Learn more about the UK scale. A variety of scales are used at primary and secondary schools in the UK for tests such as GCSE and A-level. The scale in the UK has separate classification terms, but the percentage points shown below correspond to each term quite well. This scoring system is also used in bachelor's programs in the UK and India.
    • 70% to 100% is the highest score, Excellent grade (Distinction).
    • 60% to 69% is a Fair score (Merit).
    • 50% to 59% is the Pass.
    • Many schools set a Fail score of 49% or less, others 39% or less.
  4. Learn more about the Canadian scale. At the tertiary level, the grading system in Canada is similar to that in the United States, but there are some percentage differences:
    • Score "A": 80% to 100%
    • Score "B": 70% to 79%
    • Score "C": 60% to 69%
    • Score "D": 50% to 59%
    • Score "F": 49% and less


  • Some pocket calculators have a percentage function. You can also use an online score calculator.


  • It is easy to make mistakes in calculation when adding up the number of correct answers. Make sure to double-check your results.