How to advertise on Facebook

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Facebook Ads Tutorial 2022 - How To Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE)
Video: Facebook Ads Tutorial 2022 - How To Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE)


There are billions of users currently using Facebook. This social network allows you to post ads to reach groups of users. Many people prefer to post ads on Google because more active buyers can be found. However, Facebook allows you to reach a wide range of customer segments, anywhere, with just a short setup time. Anyone can post ads on Facebook pages, Events, Apps or other destinations on Facebook or personal websites. Read the following article to learn how.


Method 1 of 3: Set up ads

  1. Register users on Facebook if you do not have an account. While your event or business doesn't need Facebook, you must sign up for a user account to run Facebook ads.
    • You can create new accounts, not personal accounts. If you have to submit your receipt to someone else, it's best to create a new Facebook account so you don't need to tell them your personal Facebook password.

  2. Choose a category and site name that represents your company or service. The page is the profile for your business. You don't need to set up a Page to run your Facebook ads, but most (if not all) businesses set up a Page. You may promote products or services on the Site, interact with customers and provide opportunities to reach new customers.

  3. Post a logo or photo related to your business. Usually, these are images that make people remember your brand.
  4. Upload a cover photo. This is the first thing people see when they view the Business Page.The width of the cover photo is roughly equal to the width of the page, so choose a cover photo that is relevant to your business.
    • For example, you can create a Page for A. Cupcake Business Page. You could post a cover photo of a cupcake photo or a picture of A baking or baking.

  5. Think about your business's introduction sentences. You can consider this as the slogan of the business. Place just below the logo and company field. Customers who visit the page and see this introduction will know immediately what service or product your company offers.
  6. Set up the web address for the Site. Select an available web site for use on other promotional materials.
  7. Start posting to reach customers. You can post about summer sales or announce new product lines. You can get a status update, photo or video. Product enthusiasts will see your post on their homepage from time to time.
  8. Optimize your post. Advertisers realize that not all posts are equally effective. If you want to do business on Facebook and want your business to grow in the right direction, keep these tips in mind:
    • Post concise and effective. According to Facebook, brief posts - between 100 and 250 words - have up to 60% more likes, comments, and shares. That's a big difference!
    • Visually attractive. Not everyone is good at gathering information through words. In fact, many people learn by observing and using sight. Photo albums, images and videos will help increase engagement on Facebook Pages.
    • Find out through the Insights Page. Page Insights is a function that allows you to exploit analytics of your Personal Page to better reach customers.

Method 2 of 3: Define advertising goals

  1. Make sure you have enough information to create Facebook ads. Depending on your advertising plan, you need a web address; event times, dates or locations, such as details about a special performance at a nightclub; or photos and logos to be attached to the ad.
  2. Visit the Facebook homepage, in the right toolbar, find "Sponsored" (Sponsored) where the ad appears. Right next to "Sponsored", you will see a link "Create an Ad". Click on that link.
  3. Advertising design. Note each option when you create your ad, Facebook automatically creates a preview at the bottom of the page so you can visualize the ad's appearance before proceeding.
    • Destination: Select the external URL address (website) or the Facebook page address you created.
    • For images inserted into the ad, be careful not to infringe copyrights. You should use your own photos or those found in the public domain.
      • For external URLs, you need to insert the URL in the correct field. Then fill in the name of the advertisement, the content of the advertisement or the picture, logo.
      • For Facebook pages, you can choose between Sponsored Stories that include a story about your friends who view it, or a story about a Facebook post. Facebook ads include the text messages and call-to-action messages you write.
        • For Sponsored Story, you need to choose between Page Like Story or Page Post Story. Page Like Story will show users who you like this page, along with a call to action message is the "Like" button. Page Post Story shows users an excerpt and an image from the latest Facebook post, where there will be a comment, "Like" and share button.
        • For Facebook ads, you need to select Destination or any tab on the Facebook Page for direct user access. Then you can write the text, add a photo, a logo.
  4. Choose a target. Facebook Ads offer a wide variety of options for companies and service providers. What do you want when running your ad?
    • Lots of Page likes. People who like the page will see your Page posts. The more likes, the more readers the posts have.
      • Advertising for more likes is controversial. Many people think this is a great solution, others think there are many limitations and doing so is a waste of money.
      • See where likes are coming from. Some advertising campaigns get billions of likes from a certain 3rd country where the business is not active.
    • Promote Page's posts. Promoting specific articles increases your chances of reaching potential customers.
    • Attract new users. Your targeted audiences are the people who are more inclined to download and use your app.
    • Increase the number of participants. Targeted audiences are people who tend to participate in one of your activities.
  5. Choose the audience you want to reach. Do not advertise indiscriminately. You need real advertising clever. Your target audience will affect your bottom line. If you don't aim at the right target, it's like shooting indiscriminately in the dark.
    • Location: choose the city, province, or country where the ad was run.
    • Demographics: choose the age and gender of the target audience.
    • Likes & Interests: Enter a specific interest / interest and Facebook will run your ad on the home page of users with the same interest.
    • Connect on Facebook: Choose your target audience; The choices range from friends (who like or dislike your page) to all Facebook users.
    • Advanced target options include a user's education level, birthday, language, and marital status.
  6. Once you've selected your audience, Facebook will announce how many people you can reach your ad.
    • If you choose beer drinkers in Germany, you can reach almost the entire population.
    • If you choose people who prefer to use pesticides in northern Portland, Oregon, it will only reach very few people. Reaching your audience (whatever your audience is) is the most effective tactic. However, if the number is too small, you should think about how to expand the audience.
      • For example, the people you want to reach don't say they like pesticides, but you can reach these people by choosing bonsai or apple growers.
  7. Choose pay per click or impression and set your own price. You can pay per click (CPC) or per impression (CPM). If you don't know exactly how to calculate your budget by CPM, you should prepare more for CPM than for CPC.
    • Campaign, Price and Schedule: Here, you can choose the currency to pay for your ad, your daily budget or the whole campaign, when the ad will appear.
  8. Review advertisement. Make sure all information is correct. On this page, you can go back and edit any part of the ad you just designed.
  9. Order. You can pay with credit card or PayPal. You have officially begun to advertise and improve your chances of getting a return on investment. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Make the most of advertising

  1. First, you need to make sure to limit your budget. If you plan to spend no more than 400,000 VND per day to advertise on Facebook, set a daily limit of 400,000 VND. This is extremely important!
  2. The most important thing to optimize the effectiveness of Facebook advertising is to narrow your audience. For example:
    • If you want to sell beer in Oregon, your target audience will be people who like beer and live in Oregon (have a preference for beer on the profile page). You should choose to be over the age of 21. Or you can choose to only show ads to men!
    • If promoting a band, aim for people who like your band or similar band, or the genre of music it plays.
  3. Facebook shows ads based on the frequency of clicks (known as CTR - Click Performance). If your ad suddenly stops showing, your CTR is too low. Try changing the ad image and try again.
  4. Image is the most important lever besides the audience. You can try changing your ad image at any time.
  5. Edit ads by phone and tablet version. In fact, Facebook mobile ads earn 2.5 times more than desktop ads.The market on mobile is increasingly developing: in the first quarter of 2013, mobile advertising revenue increased by nearly 25% compared to the previous quarter. So what is the real impact? First, the mobile version doesn't have a right column where the ad is to be displayed on the desktop version. To get the most out of advertising, keep this in mind.
    • Use Facebook's Power Editor to select mobile ads. You need to have a Chrome web browser installed in order to download and use Power Editor. Here are the steps to download Power Editor:
      • Open the Chrome web browser
      • Visit the Ads Manager page on Facebook.
      • Open the Power Editor tab on the left.
      • Install Power Editor application
      • After starting the application, click "download" and follow the instructions.
    • In Power Editor, pay attention to ad placement. Many people suggest placing ads on the home page of the desktop version and phone to optimize CPC. You can combine many different positions and test their effectiveness thoroughly.
  6. Generate More Leads with Offers. You want to connect with many potential customers and grow your customer base? You can create relationships with new customers by offering an Offer, where you give something. Consumers often love free stuff, so enticing them to buy products and services with giveaways is an effective way to connect new users with business incentives.
    • If you want to reach many potential customers, leave space for names and emails on the landing page. When customers enter their name and email address, send them the redemption code or a copy of the Offer. Customers get gifts, and you find customers.
  7. Customize customers to save money. If you can build a significant audience, target them directly. Customers who already love your product or service will help you spend less on advertising and have higher click-through rates, meaning you have to spend less money but get better performance.
  8. Make sure there's no penalty for image ads. Recently, Facebook revised its image ad policy, which states that text cannot account for more than 20% of all image ads. In other words, Facebook is trying to teach ad creators how to use ad images more effectively. Be sure to comply with the rules when creating an ad.
  9. Consider using video to drive more likes. Facebook allows you to create ads targeted at non-fan audiences in the hope of attracting more likes. For these ads, using video is the perfect choice. Good videos can convey excitement, recognition, and, most importantly, trust - a prerequisite for attracting fans.
    • When making videos, be concise and impressive like a photo ad, and capture the target audience. There should be a call to action at the end of the video. A good video helps you build better trust in other media and promotions, so use it wisely!


  • Facebook sets maximum clickthrough rates based on audience groups. You can offer a different price if you want to pay less, Facebook will review and decide to accept or decline.
  • If you are unsure what to write, click on the “Suggest an Ad” button and Facebook will create an ad for you, then you can proceed to edit if you want.
  • Remember to follow Facebook's instructions so that your ad won't be disapproved.
  • Take advantage of useful Facebook tools: a budget manager and performance tracker.


  • Facebook is more suited to building customer relationships than stimulating direct sales. Advertisers are warned not to expect an increase in Facebook ad revenue. Keep this in mind when setting a budget.
  • Facebook's technical director, Hong Ge, said Facebook is changing its advertising algorithm to determine how many options to hide ads are designed to increase ad effectiveness.