Ways to Simplify Life

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Simplify Your Life
Video: How To Simplify Your Life


Simplifying life isn't as complicated as you might think. Creating a quieter and more balanced living space offers a wealth of benefits, and taking small steps is the best way to make this happen. Getting rid of the unnecessary, rearranging the things you have, simplifying relationships, learning to live slowly and appreciating the little things can help you feel more at ease. You can always start changing today.


Method 1 of 4: Eliminate unnecessary things

  1. Decide what you need. Simplifying your life isn't complicated - you just need to identify the things that matter most to you and leave the rest. Imagine having to pack up for an hour to move to another country for 10 years or a lifetime. So what will you bring? What are the essentials? This is a way to help you keep what is really needed and get rid of the stuff that takes up.
    • If you tend to hoard things out of nostalgia or out of affection, assess the relationship between you and the item. You will start by categorizing "discarded" items and using them for charitable purposes. Old candles that have not been used in a while? Leave but wait. Newspapers from the mid-70s? Don't freak out anymore, go ahead boldly.
    • Usually, if you don't use something for 18 months, it's probably something you will never touch again.
    • Is that what makes you happy? Some items are of high spiritual value but do not make you happy to own or use, including gifts. Your lovely aunt must have meant well to give you a ceramic cupboard, but you are not collecting porcelain or that cupboard is not suitable for your lifestyle.

  2. Fast cleaning. Walk around the house with a large basket to store essentials. Play on some cool songs and wait to see how you can achieve results after 15 minutes of cleaning. You will remove the trash, pick up your clothes and put them in the washing machine. It's time to look at everything carefully. If you feel that something is not necessary, just walk away.
    • Focus on places with plenty of furniture like the living room and the kitchen. The dirty dishes filling the sink will make you feel heavy and cluttered, even if the house looks clean and tidy. If you don't have a lot of time, focus on the spaces that matter most.
    • Don't worry about cleaning dust in every corner and "wiping" every surface. You just need to focus on cleaning in order. Please remove a few things, arrange items neatly so the room becomes tidy.

  3. General cleaning periodically. You should do general cleaning of the house several times a year to clean things, expand the living space and clean dirt in the house. Pet hair, dust and trash can live in the cleanest place, so total hygiene is paramount - vacuuming, cleaning the carpet, cleaning the toilet, sweeping the cobwebs on the wall, clean window. This is an opportunity to clean the house!
    • Clean the table and throw away any unnecessary papers. Check the drawer for garbage. Take away paperwork and digitize important documents. Here's how to expand your living space. Reduce your use of paper.

  4. Clean the closet. Keep your favorite easy-to-match outfit and donate the rest to charity and get rid of the worn out outfits. For clothes that no longer fit, you should bring them to the right person. If you've always wanted to wear something but haven't had a chance to wear it yet, don't keep it. Reduce the amount of clothes in your closet.
    • If you don't want to put anything in your large closet, try the seasonal sorting. You definitely won't wear warm clothes in mid-summer; so, pack your seasonal clothes in separate bags and take out the season properly. When you no longer see something, you no longer think about it.
    • Organize a "old person, new me" session where you and your friends can exchange old or unsuitable clothes. Maybe that jeans doesn't suit you anymore, but someone else is wearing it beautifully. What remains after that day will be donated to charity.
  5. Stop buying new items you don't really need. Don't buy unnecessary things just because they have a good price. Keep it simple by stopping storing more things that aren't important to your life.
    • Before you buy any new item, ask yourself:
      • "Do I really need this item?"
      • "Are there any more durable alternatives?"
      • "Do any of my relatives or friends offer this service or product?"
    • Limit buying new books. Only choose to buy a book if you have to reread it. Most people just read a book once. Instead, go to the library or sign up for a reading service like the Unlimited Kindle. That way, you will have more space for things you really need to use.
    • Avoid buying new appliances - take advantage of what you already have. If you need a new microwave, that is a practical need. However, instead of buying a crumple dough cutter, using two knives will save you space. Alton Brown famously claimed that the only thing in the kitchen that "had only one function" was a fire extinguisher.
    • Find rental services near where you live. You can rent instead of buying a disposable leaf blower during the fall. Tool rental services are growing in popularity, allowing you to rent what you need for a short period and then return it.
      • On the other hand, you can share what you own with friends, relatives and neighbors. When you begin this routine, you will reduce the need to shop, store, and equip a variety of tools and "amenities".
  6. Simplify. Live in a small but comfortable house and learn to live a minimalist. Shop less, focus on quality, and deposit your savings into your savings account to use it when you get stuck or prepare for a vacation.
    • Choose to rent instead of buying a house. As such, repair fees, taxes and damage are the landlord's concern, not you.
    • Possesses useful widgets but ensures what you have are usable in many cases. Things that have two or even three functions are ideal. Remember that working to shop is not a way to live a happy life; you should review your preferences.
  7. Electronic devices cleaning. Please pause everything to "clean" the contents of your computer. You should practice minimal storage habits and clean up your data regularly.
    • Installing timers on electronic devices is time consuming without your knowledge. If you spend hours online, install and use a timer. You will be amazed at how time consuming you are. By taking frequent breaks, you will reduce your time spent using technology.
    • Try to keep your email inbox empty. Reply, archive or delete e-mails as soon as they are read.
  8. Create free space. Having free space in your home, room or office can help you relax and bring minimalism. Don't fill the wall with entertainment; Let the void bring a sense of peace and sophistication.
    • Spaces do not have to be "white". If you don't like a clean living space to the point of creating a cold feeling, things like natural wood, ceiling tiles or other patterns are all simple and relaxing. The void doesn't have to be white, it just doesn't have to be clutter, no shelves, no film posters or wall frames. Instead, simple lines and clean space on the wall.
  9. Make the bed every day. It only takes five minutes, but it's good for the mood. Your bedroom will look more sophisticated, simple and tidy when the bed is tidy and arranged. Small things like making your bed can help relieve stress and simplify your life.
    • If you find it easier to pile blankets and sheets in a pile, then do so. The goal here is to take small steps to simplify your day's experience. Instead of making your bed, you can spend that time making coffee each morning, grind coffee, boil water, and pour water into the coffeemaker. You can also start the day with kitchen cleaning and listening to music. Let's form a habit.

Method 2 of 4: Organizing life

  1. Plan for what you can do or accept the chaos inside. Many people have no intention of planning a trip, but preparing everything for an hour before leaving the house. Why do they think they have to worry about packing up for three days? Meanwhile, others pre-select the clothes to wear each day, calculating the use of each item until they can be confident they have everything they need.
    • If you procrastinate often, don't try to advise yourself to change, unless it affects your productivity or your ability to get things done on time. If all goes well then this is the right way for you. Make sure you set aside enough time to get things done at the last minute and these deadlines help you get the best results. Completely simple and easy!
    • If you are stressed about the work unfinished, complete them ahead of time so you don't have to think about it anymore. Don't stop packing up just because you start early - get it done. Simplicity means doing something now to get it done and having time to relax. Very simple and comfortable!
  2. Divide housework. A common cause of chaos and stress is a messy living space and an unorganized arrangement. Taking the time to wash, wash, cook, and do other essential chores can be a big hassle if you don't know how to handle it in a simple and organized way. Sit back with a loved one or a family member to agree on how to divide the housework and simplify the housework.
    • Divide work by day. The members should participate in cleaning and laundry together, but not on the same day. For example, someone else does the heavy lifting for a few days and then turns to another job. Write down a household schedule that everyone agrees on and post it on the kitchen so that it can be easily seen by everyone.
    • Divide work by hobby. For example, if you don't like doing laundry and often pile dirty laundry in piles, make an agreement with your roommate - if they will help you with the laundry, you will agree to cook big meals for everyone three times. at night each week (when they come home from work late) or often wash dishes. This is when you find a way to balance things related to your situation.
  3. Arrange financial matters. Nothing is more complicated than money. If possible, you should simplify your finances by reducing your debts and trying to reduce your spending every month. Create a budget based on how much money you make each month and calculate the average cost of your default and estimated expenses. By following your plan, your spending also gets simpler.
    • Automatic bill payments through your checking account. If you have your expenses charged correctly, you will never have to worry about paying your bills again. Is there any simpler way than this?
    • Priority to save money. If you don't know how to simplify your finances, try a savings option. The less you spend, the less money you'll think about.
  4. Keep in mind the maxim that means "When everything is in the right place, everything will end up". Placing each item in the right place will make life a lot simpler. This is a key factor that makes life less disturbing, more beautiful and more comfortable.
    • You become calm. Once the key is in place, you no longer have to panic looking for it at the last minute. This way, you will have peace and strength in the midst of everlasting life.
    • Your living space will be more comfortable. The desk has a full set of tools, neatly arranged in the right order to help you enjoy and work more efficiently than when you have to search for what to use.
    • Your living space brings lots of joy to others. For example, armchairs should be used for sitting instead of loading. The lack of orderly place will make visitors feel uncomfortable; The clothes piled up on the chairs make them feel like guests don't deserve to be welcomed like your pants. The tidy living space helps you get more visitors to visit your home.
    • Enjoy and take advantage of what you have. If your kitchen cabinet is very messy, you will not know you have 2kg of flour available and go buy more instead of using what you have.
    • The arrangement can start in steps. Many people feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to put everything in the right place perfectly and worry about making mistakes. However, it is better to try to do something than to do nothing. In addition, you can apply a variety of ways to organize and simplify what you have; Please use the way that works for you.
  5. Prepare quick meals. After a day of hard work, you probably don't want to roll around in the kitchen to cook pho. Choose a recipe that can be prepared quickly and search the internet for what you can prepare with the ingredients in the kitchen. You can spend your spare time enjoying meals with your family instead of complicating the cooking process.
  6. Simplify child rearing. Do not change your child for lunch, wash dirty clothes or clean up toys. Instead, you should orient your child to do some things by himself at the appropriate age. In the long run, you no longer “just do for them” but make your child think that you will do everything and that he doesn't need to do anything. Tell your child where they can find things they need to get the job done - teach them how to do it and let them handle it themselves.
    • Make a chore chart for your children to follow and complete each week. Involve your children in planning so they don't hesitate to complete tasks.
    • Don't schedule too dense chores. Kids today have more after-school activities than they used to. You should arrange for your child to do a few things for days when no extra classes, piano lessons, basketball or extracurricular activities are needed.

Method 3 of 4: Simplify relationships

  1. Identify negative friendships, and find ways to change or end.
    • Don't waste time with people you tend to smear, don't value your time or make you bored. Starting out by ending relationships doesn't make you feel better about yourself. Or, at least stop spending too much energy on the relationship.
    • You don't need to be rude or cause extra trouble in doing this. For example, you do not need to post an unfriendly Facebook status about filtering your friends list. You just need to stop trying to preserve what is not worth it. Relationships are like trees, without watering the plants will wither.
    • Try to spend time with loved ones. Maintain a relationship with a group of close friends and work hard to spend time with them. It is also possible that friends and relatives bring you a lot of happiness even though they are not really close. The goal here is to spend time and energy with people who make you happy.
    • Accept the continuity of relationships. Colleagues can also become friends; friends may also suddenly stop looking at each other; or you suddenly fall in love with your best friend. Aim for simplicity, but understand that our emotions, relationships, and our experiences can all be confusing.
  2. Learn to say "no" to others. What makes our life complicated is "permissiveness". We think it's easier to give someone else the power to decide where to eat lunch, work responsibilities or whether you have the free time to take a friend to the airport.
    • Or, if you tend to be straightforward and don't mind letting others know your feelings, the occasional silence also makes your life simpler. Don't cause unnecessary trouble.
  3. Take some time for yourself. Maintaining relationships, emotions, and other things can be very complicated. When you focus on the bad habits and habits of others, you are reducing time spent with yourself and your own needs. You are complicating your life for others instead of simplifying things for yourself. The need to be alone and improve yourself is never selfish.
    • Plan to "travel" alone to a place you've always wanted. This is an opportunity to use your skills to explore and experience. You can also go to retreat by yourself at the monastery to have a chance to learn about your inner self.
  4. Reduce the time spent on social media. Chaos doesn't just come from tangible objects. The mental turmoil stemming from your status updates, Twitter and Instagram posts can bring you down and make your life more complicated. Don't worry about liking new people's posts or constantly checking your message boards. Everything will still be there when you have free time and you won't miss a thing.
    • If you have a desire to connect with others, don't choose to use social media. Prioritize meeting face-to-face, scheduling chat and phone calls to old friends who haven't met for a long time instead of just looking at their online profiles.

Method 4 of 4: Live slowly

  1. Clean the phone. Nothing distracts you and distracts you like checking your phone every 2 minutes for messages. Messages, e-mails, Facebook status or other trivial messages remain interesting when viewed an hour later.
    • When you are with a friend or loved one, place the phone somewhere else from silent mode. Better yet, you should put your phone in the car so you won't get a chance to start the engine. Set a rule for the next meeting that the person who checks the phone first will have to pay the bill. This way, you will be conscious of your phone use and have a light night out.
    • More and more people are experiencing the fear of missing out (FOMO). What if you can't read the status update before everyone else? What if someone overshadowed your witty comment? What if the person you like texts you but you can't reply right away? Don't let technology "utility" bring complicated stress to your life. Temporarily miss out something to enjoy the present moment in real life.
  2. Stop reading self-improvement tutorials, books, and blogs. Other lifestyle advice can lead to dissatisfaction. Simplify your life by letting go of the perfect idea. Always have confidence that you are a good spouse, a good parent and a kind person. You should trust yourself more and follow nature.
  3. Make a sensible to-do list. For many people, planning makes things simpler. Make a sensible to-do list and try to get it done according to your plan. What do you want to achieve at the end of the day or weekend?
    • Some people find it more productive to have a steady list of goals and a long-term plan to prioritize things to accomplish. Simplify your long-term career and future prospects by listing the successes you want to achieve in your career after 5 years, or where you want to live. What do you need to do now to achieve that goal?
    • Take note of the events of the day if you don't know what you are spending your time on. Carrying a schedule with you will help you simplify things for the day because you don't have to try to remember everything.
    • Celebrate after each fruit of the day. Following a to-do list can be more enjoyable when you spend a little time celebrating after completing a task. What do you do after cleaning your kitchen, organizing your room, and completing the day's chores? It's time to enjoy a glass of wine in your clean kitchen. Always remember to reward yourself.
  4. Process each one in turn. You should avoid multitasking when possible. The fact that one can focus and do many things well at once has not been verified. Although sometimes you have to or want to do it, handling each task is still the best way.
    • Focus on doing the best you can (or "good enough") right now.
    • Enjoy what you do even if it's just a chore. Washing the dishes can also be fun when you recall the feeling of soapy water on your hand, the pleasure of cherishing your favorite tea and the excitement of having clean dishes.
  5. Do not bring work home. Don't take anything home to get it done later - stay in the company until you finish the day's work. If you feel stressed after a day at work, you should relax when you get home so you won't disturb your housemates with complaints about what happened.
    • Reduce your working hours as much as possible if work is the main reason your life becomes more complicated. If you want to simplify your life, cutting down on work time is one of the easiest ways. Cutting back a little money can help alleviate some of your afflictions.
    • No work on weekends. Even if you love your job, working on the weekends will put your life out of balance, leading to exhaustion and loss of passion.
  6. Meditate for 15 minutes a day. Meditation can improve your stress levels, your ability to simplify your life, and help you stay calm. Start by finding a quiet place to sit in a comfortable position. Focus on your breathing. Relax your body and let your mind calm down. Watch your thoughts. advertisement


  • Limit your anxiety. Anxiety does not change reality, it only drains you of your energy, creates stress, and complicates matters. Instead, compile a list of activities and proactively deal with your worries. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Light a candle instead of cursing the dark."
  • People often say "be yourself".It is not without excuse that this cliché is repeated many times - when you deny your true self by pretending to be a different person, you spend energy to maintain that cover. If you are more honest with yourself, then in your heart you will be happier.
  • Make wise decisions about pets. For example, dogs need more attention than cats because they need daily exercise. However, the advantage of this exercise is that you have the opportunity to relieve stress and connect with the outside world.
  • When faced with a situation, ask yourself, "Will this complicate or simplify my life?" Taking a minute to meditate can help you find solutions in other ways.