How to make hips bigger

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Best exercises to grow the SIDE BOOTY // WIDER HIPS Workout ─ Get rid of Hip Dips!
Video: Best exercises to grow the SIDE BOOTY // WIDER HIPS Workout ─ Get rid of Hip Dips!


Stars possessing hourglass bodies like Scarlett Johansson or Sofia Vergara look very attractive. Although the small waistline is an important factor, the beautiful hips will also contribute significantly in attracting all eyes. If you want a blooming hips, here are some steps that will help you look more glamorous.


Method 1 of 2: Change in shape

  1. Do hip exercises. Leg lifts, hip lifts, and squat kicks are all part of the hip strengthening exercise regimen. The "big brother" of hip gain exercises is a side lunge with two dumbbells. Lunge is one of the best exercises for the hip. You can do it with two dumbbells, this is an enhanced version of a traditional lunge exercise aimed at increasing endurance, potential muscle growth, and hip width development.
    • Place your feet more than 60 cm apart. Toes are slightly out. Bend right knee and lower yourself into a lunge position. Your left leg will be completely straight and act as a pivot leg.
    • Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Squeeze your glutes. Then push back with force from the hip, right leg straightened. Don't close your legs right away. The feet should be more than 60 cm apart during the exercise.
    • Continue to lower the other side. Lower until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle, then push back up. Again straighten your legs and keep your feet in place. This position will protect the knee joint, help you to stretch your muscles better and increase your stamina.
    • Add two dumbbells. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. When you lower your body to the right, your right hand holds the dumbbell on the outside of your right hip. The left hand holding the dumbbell is placed in front between the legs. Reverse position your hands with respect to the other side - left hand holding dumbbell on outside left hip, right hand holding dumbbell in front between legs.

  2. Try yoga. There are many yoga poses dedicated to increasing your hips. These exercises build muscle and increase endurance, so you can do other hip exercises more easily. Yoga poses like Frog, Dove, Lizard, and Cow Face are the ones you should get used to.

  3. Sit on the butt. You will get bigger hips (and bigger buttocks) by simply sitting. According to a study published in the journal Cell PhysiologyScientists have confirmed that the pressure placed on the buttocks and hips when sitting a lot can cause significant fat accumulation in these areas. Cells react to their surroundings. As one researcher explains, when you sit down, fat cells that are compressed for a long time "produce more triglycerides (the form of fat stored in the body) at a faster rate."

  4. Birth. Sure, you're not having a baby just for the sake of increasing your hips, but it's possible for a woman's hips to get bigger after giving birth. In some people, the hips will gradually return to the size they were when they were not pregnant, but in others, the hips will get bigger and stay the same.
  5. Consider surgery. If you are willing to use cutlery to achieve a look like the super bust model Kim Kardashian then there are many methods worth checking out. You can get a satisfactory bust by pumping fat yourself into your hips. Or you can also have a hip implant, where silicone "slices" are placed underneath the skin layers to give you a fuller look.
  6. Wait. The older the human hip gets bigger. Research shows that people don't need to gain weight to have bigger hips as they get older. In a survey of participants between the ages of 20 and 79, researchers found that pelvic width, hip spacing, and hip diameter increased as people got older, and The widest pelvis belonged to the oldest survey participant, the difference in pelvis width between the oldest and the youngest in the survey was about 2.5 cm. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Fooling the vision

  1. Hip lining. You can make your bust look fuller and more feminine without any practice.
    • Buy padded underwear. You can buy underwear that comes with a removable foam pad that will increase your hips by a few centimeters.
    • Use silicone pads to create fuller hips. Try to secure the pads with stickers or tuck them into underwear made of microfiber or tights.
      • Keep in mind that this new look can make it difficult to fit your favorite jeans, so a shopping trip is essential.
  2. Change your wardrobe. You can coordinate outfits to highlight the hips and deceive the vision of a full hips.
    • Make your waist a highlight when you choose your outfit. Wear a belt or belt. This gives you the feeling that you have an hourglass figure.
    • Pay attention to cuts and colors. Light denim and light pants make the hips stand out. Choose jeans with low waistlines to emphasize your waist or regular leggings. Opt for pants with more front pockets and smaller back pockets.
    • Buy ruffled or layered dresses to make the hips look bigger.
  3. Adjust your posture. Stand in a straight-back position, shoulders relaxed and pushed back, leaning body weight on one leg, hips extended. This will give your body an S-shaped curve. Place your hands on your hips with your thumb pointing forward, the other fingers pointing back.
    • To get the S-line in a sitting position, simply cross your legs and put your body weight on one hip.
  4. Don't forget to swing your hips, ladies. Hips hitting each step creates a feminine feel and attracts attention with men. Straighten your back, relax your shoulders, and push back. Relax your body. Step one foot in front of the other, hands swinging naturally. You can hit the hips lightly while striding a little, but don't overdo it.Exaggerated hips will make you look very funny.
    • Increase efficiency by wearing high heels. High heels can make your hips naturally flexible for balance.


  • Get plenty of protein and phytoestrogens from soybeans, flax seeds and tofu. Besides, estrogen also helps slim waist and increase breast size.
  • There are many good hip exercises. Diversify your practice so that you don't get bored.
  • Hold on to your resolve.
  • Work out with heavy weights to build muscle (4-6 kg is suitable for female body).
  • Do lots of squats and don't wear pants with tight hips.
  • Wear a short shirt (not crop top, just a shirt that doesn't cover the hips) and leggings to keep the hips comfortable.