Ways to act like a princess

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to act like a princess
Video: How to act like a princess


Acting like a princess isn't just about how you behave. Princesses are strong women who use their courage and intelligence to help others. The princess bravely faces responsibility and always uses her inner beauty to spread light to everyone around her. If you want to learn how to be your favorite princess, this is the article for you! Please continue below to learn how to behave like a princess.


Part 1 of 3: Forming princess traits

  1. Improved language usage. Princesses usually have good communication skills and so should you! Train your communication skills and improve your grammar and vocabulary to become the true princess.

  2. Improve your posture. The princess always stands up confidently. You need to adjust your posture to look like a princess.
  3. Make wise decisions. Princesses are smart and often help others with problems. Therefore, you should study hard and learn more about the world around you so you can become a problem-solving person.

  4. Kinder to others. Kindness is a very important quality for the princess. Always be kind and help others whenever possible. The princess is not only beautiful but also beautiful.
  5. Learn to be humble. The exemplary princesses are often humble. Always be humble and others will admire you as a princess.

  6. Learn to behave properly. A standard princess who always practices her manners.

    Advice: You can adjust your behavior by looking for information online or by asking a parent or guardian for help.

  7. Always be polite. Pay attention to courtesy as this is also part of good manners.
  8. Learn the rules on the dining table. An important part of helping you behave like a princess is following the rules on the table. This includes using the right eating utensils, knowing when to start eating, how to act, etc.
    • Be careful when giving up food. You don't want people to see your spinach getting chewed. It is aesthetically pleasing!
    • Eat and drink like a lady. Your princess image could be ruined if you spill the spaghetti sauce on the table! Eat slowly as if you were at the royal meal.
  9. Take care of your body. The princess is always clean and strictly follows the steps of personal hygiene. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Learn from Disney princesses

  1. Learn from Snow White. Snow White is a very hard worker, who knows how to do housework and is always dedicated to her family, even when living in the dwarfs' house and while living in the castle. Being responsible is extremely important to princesses! You should also do the same thing and help others when possible, such as helping with housework, finding a job, and becoming more responsible.
  2. Learn from Cinderella. Cinderella is kind to everyone from mean sisters to mice. This kindness is what makes her inner beauty and helps her to have a full end. Be as kind as Cinderella, even if you don't have to. Others may treat you poorly or be unable to help you, but as Cinderella shows, that doesn't mean you have to respond to them in a bad way.
  3. Learn from the beautiful Aurora. Princess Aurora, also known as the Sleeping Beauty or Briar Rose, is a very kind and friendly person in the forest where she lives. She lives in harmony with her surroundings and you should do the same. Love nature and protect the environment your way.
  4. Learn from the mermaid Ariel. Life doesn't always go well and we may experience difficulty with school or other responsibilities; The mermaid Ariel shows us that finding joy in life is just as important. Ariel gathers many things and sees beauty that others cannot recognize. Like a mermaid, you should also enjoy the life around you and find joy in everything you do.
  5. Learn from the beautiful Belle. Belle has been miserable with the Beast, but this is also her chance to witness one's positive change. She helps the Beast heal its wounds and find happiness in life. Like Belle, you should help others become better. When you know someone who's going through a tough time, help them instead of assuming they're bad. Tolerance is a princess' quality!
  6. Learn from Princess Jasmine. Jasmine doesn't run after familiar things in society; She recognized the problem and struggled to change her life. Listen to your heart the way Jasmine did, and do what you know is right. This can be difficult at times, and even means against the familiar, but you will become a happier, stronger person like Jasmine.
  7. Learn from Pocahontas. Pocahontas has a good reason to feel fear towards British colonialism - something everyone in her tribe feels, but instead of judging them for their differences, she tries to get to know them and find similarities. She realizes that we are all the same people, living in the same world, and she strives to bring peace and prosperity to everyone. Always learn and fight for peace like Pocahontas, reconciling disagreements and human problems in life so that everyone can be treated equally.
  8. Learn from Mulan. There are a lot of things we have to do in life that looks scary. Mulan must have been scared to go to war to protect her family and her country. However, courage or the decision to do what you must do even in the face of fear is a quality required when you face the challenges in your life. Be as brave as Mulan and deal with your troubles.
  9. Learn from Tiana. Tiana's father taught her that anyone can achieve what their heart desires with their own effort. Tiana did that and got everything she needed! Work as hard as Tiana to make your dreams come true. Study well and reach the position you've always wanted by finding the right job and constantly replenishing your knowledge, instead of waiting for someone to come to the rescue.
  10. Learn from the cloudy princess Rapunzel. When Rapunzel and Flynn get into trouble at the pub, instead of getting scared by the scary men there, she treats them like normal people and becomes their friend. Follow Rapunzel and don't judge others. Don't look at your face catch the picture; You will be surprised by the people you meet!
  11. Learn from Brave Merida. Merida had to save her mother after she had made a serious mistake - a difficult and frightening thing to be true. You should do the right things like Merida, even when it's difficult. This is one of the outstanding qualities of a princess, and almost every princess on this list does the same. It's not always easy, but you can listen to what your heart tells you, do the right thing and find your happiness.
  12. Learn from EVE (in the movie WALL-E). She is loyal, strong, courageous, caring, and beautiful. She never chose to surrender. She obeyed orders, but still chose to do it with conscience. When she met WALL-E, she was kind and didn't want him in danger. To be like EVE, the right thing to do is to be courageous, strong, and kind, not give up and always do the right thing.
  13. Learn from Anna and Elsa. Anna has realized that we shouldn't rush in love. You should also know that you can only love and trust someone after a while. Elsa learned to be confident with her powers, not afraid to show off her talent and use her powers to do good. Both sisters realize that family is very important. You must learn to be persistent in love, confident, to love your family with all your heart. If you have an unusual talent, accept it as Elsa did and don't be afraid. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Learn from real-life princesses

  1. Be active in life. Take control of your destiny. You should step into the outside world and do things that enrich your life instead of waiting for the prince.
    • Follow princess Binh Duong Chieu. This is a princess with no royal background. She tried her best to become a princess! She lived in the Chinese dynasty thousands of years ago and when her father wanted to revolt, she did not sit still and waited but chose to lead the army to help her father. She owns her own destiny, and you should do the same.

    Happiness comes when you are determined to follow, not when you wait for it to come.

  2. Fight for freedom. Even without the title of princess, you can still protect others. Wherever we live, we are all equal, but many people are still treated unfairly and abused. Fight for their freedom because that's what a real princess would do!
    • Follow Rani Lakshmibai. Indian princess Lakshmibai became queen after marrying the king who fought for the freedom of the nation against British colonial rule. She witnessed her people being persecuted, mistreated, and her son, who should have become king, was deprived of power and the future. Instead of seeing fighting as a man's duty, she stood up for the people and their freedom. You should also do the same thing.
  3. Assert yourself your way. Don't let anyone influence your decision. Do things that make you yourself and make yourself happy. Many people often distinguish the things that women or men should do, or they will say that something is only for a certain nationality; these things are not important. Don't listen to what other people say. You just need to be yourself.
    • Follow the princess Sirivannavari Nariratana of Thailand. The princess studies fashion and is a girl ... who loves sports! She doesn't let "femininity" stop herself from doing things that are usually only male-only.
  4. Try to go further in life. Reach out to the stars no matter what other people say. Set more goals in your life and follow those dreams. Don't just do the same job as your parents because that's what they want you to do. Don't just do work that others think is right for women. What you need to do is follow your dream to find your own happiness.
    • Follow Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini of the African country of Swaziland. The princess did not let social norms limit herself. She resists old principles and pursues dreams and things that she wants. This is what you should do.
  5. Contribute to a better world. Find and fight the problems you care about. You can volunteer or raise money. Alternatively, you can help by donating toys or clothes that you don't need or often use. Let your parents know you want to help others; They will also help you find ways to contribute to your life.
    • Learn from Princess Diana - the mother of Prince William and Harry. Although she passed away at a young age, she dedicated her life to bringing good to life. She spends her time fighting problems such as the AIDS epidemic and also helping others whom others deem not worth helping, such as drug addicts and homeless people.
  6. Infuse the fire of hope. At times, you and other people may have problems in life. Things became difficult and made many people feel sad. When this happens, you should try to instill hope with hope, even if you feel hopeless. Always be optimistic and work hard for the best results, even during the most difficult times.
    • Follow Queen Elizabeth. Currently, she is the queen of Great Britain, but during World War II, she used to be a princess. At that time, the fear of war invaded the minds of children all over the UK. Queen Elizabeth gave hope to the younger generation by speaking on the radio and trying to end the war.
  7. Fight for equality. As humans, we deserve equal rights and opportunities. If you know someone who has been treated unfairly, speak up for them, regardless of whether they are a relative or someone on the other side of the world. When more people speak up, real change can happen, and many lives for the better too.
    • Learn from Princess Ameera Al-Taweel of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ameera is a symbol of equal rights for women in her country and throughout the Middle East. She uses her power to improve the well-being of women who don't get the same opportunities as herself.
  8. Show intelligence! Don't be afraid to show your understanding. If you feel that guys don't like your understanding, they're just bad guys, not prince white. Always learn because learning is so fun! You will have a chance to do great things; The smarter you are, the easier it will be to change your life. Just study hard at school and don't be afraid to use your wits!
    • Follow the princess Lalla Salma of Morocco. She graduated with an engineering degree and worked in the computer industry before receiving royal titles! You should also show your brilliance like this clever princess!


  • Always be gracious and kind to others.
  • Try to learn to respect and cultivate a beautiful soul.
  • Always happy! You are still young and you need to meet new people. Enjoy life and the best thing you can do is try to get to know yourself.
  • Being a princess means that you are always kind and kind, not always wearing dress and makeup.
  • Being a princess doesn't mean you can do anything, but on the contrary, you need to make sure everyone has a good and happy life.
  • Don't be too exaggerated! Others will assume that you care only for yourself.
  • The princess also made mistakes. Not everyone can do everything well the first time. Get up, correct your mistakes and start over.
  • Always be humble, helpful, kind and decent.
  • Always be honest, thoughtful, and kind to those around you, even those who disrespect you.
  • Don't let others interfere with your way of dressing; be yourself.
  • Don't change yourself to be a completely different person and don't let others change you.
  • Don't always try to be perfect; you just need to be yourself.


  • Becoming a princess doesn't mean you will be better than others. Always be friendly and humble.
  • Avoid becoming grumpy. A true princess will always be kind and won't make others feel inferior.